Witton vs Shepshed

If anyone should get a grip of oneself its you, redarmy, although by the sound of it , you do quite enough of that already :laugh:

Sorry Red Army but WHS was watching the Albion when you were a twinkle in your dad’s eye so think before you type. :angry:

Thanks Tea Hut, I really am sorry I cannot make more games. I am going to retire soon from my job as a Teaching Assistant at Weaverham High School and hopefully I will then have more free time to give the Club. My major problem is I have a son who lives in Lancaster and a son and grandson who live in Paris. At the moment I can only go to see them at weekends but once I retire that will change a bit. GE asked if I was interested in going on the committee, I said “No” I’m not fussy to Committees, but I could help in writing the programme or something like that if it is any help to the club.

WHS You should NEVER feel like you have to explain your reasons to ANYONE why you can’t make it to a Witton Game. The last time I looked it was not a compulsory passtime but entirely voluntary.

As alot of people know Chad and I have a son who sometimes goes to the Games but sometimes has commitments outside of Witton , and so because of that I sometimes can’t can’t make games either but I would never feel that I had to explain myself to anyone after supporting Witton for MANY years through good and bad as you yourself have. ( longer for you i’m sure ).

What some of the poeple who spout on here don’t know is that alot of people donate alot to Witton, both in monetary terms and services, but they don’t song and dance about it on the forum, usually only the poeple who look after the money know if they have donated. You don’t have to attend every game to be making a contribution. It’s bullying postings like some on this thread that can put poeple off coming altogether.

Dawn - Using Chad’s Username. Hardly ever post so I must be annoyed.

My contributions to Witton are minimal, many have put in far more money than I, and many have put in far more time and effort, but I do try to help when I can and I thank you for your support, I will do my best to attend games when I can and donate money when I can, these will be gifts, not loans!! and I don’t want shares or to be on a committee!!