Witton vs Shepshed

Half Time - Witton 2 - 0 Shepshed

Pritchard and Foster with the goals.

Looking good so far!

Full Time 2 nil

Good result, really pleased to see another 3pts for us :slight_smile:

I was going to come along today but I got side tracked at the protest at the Regal Cinema. Sadly only 50 or so people turned up, I presume there were more at the match? By the time I had finished talking to the people there and the local press and then done the shopping we needed it was too late to make the game. Great result, I am still confident our well run club will win this league.

A much improved performance was called for after Sheffield and we got it.

The side seemed better balanced and most importantly every player to a man worked their socks off - Superb Effort.

Goals - free header from Pritch and a really well worked goal, good passage of player, awesome cross from Mose and an excellent finish from Foster.

First 15 mins we were on the backfoot, and then we clicked into gear, over the nexy 75 mins we could have scored a bucketful, but settle for a clean sheet and 3 points.

Att 210 - 15ish from Shepshed who gave fantastic vocal support to their team!

WHS wrote:

[quote]I was going to come along today but I got side tracked at the protest at the Regal Cinema. Sadly only 50 or so people turned up, I presume there were more at the match? By the time I had finished talking to the people there and the local press and then done the shopping we needed it was too late to make the game. Great result, I am still confident our well run club will win this league.

You seem to have a different excuse every week :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Can’t fault todays performance. The midfield looked stronger and more aggressiove.
Nice to see Boothy back - we will need him when fully fit against the better and quicker teams.

Could have been 3-0 if Roger had’nt headed one off the line in the 2nd half.

Strong performance from all the lads today particularly in the first half. Two good goals and could’ve had more but 3 points is 3 points we’ll take that!

Defensively, we were very strong and Joe Clegg appears to be growing in confidence with every game.

Paul Henry appeared comfortable on the ball and the midfield seemed to have a better balance to it than in previous games.

Both forwards worked tirelessly for the team and Steve Foster was rewarded with his goal.
Mike was unlucky on a couple of occasions I thought but I’m sure it will come for him.

My man of the match: Lee Neville followed closely by Jamie Tandy.

Agree with all the posts and analysis of others. For the first 15 minutes we looked out of sorts and Shepshed had a couple of half chances to take the lead. Once we settled we bossed the remainder of the first half. A trademark Pritch header (about time) and a very well worked second gave us a deserved lead.

The visitors gave a few reminders at the start of the second half and had they of scored it would have tested our resolve. They seemed to run out of ideas though and in the end we controlled the final 20 minutes, unlucky perhaps not to have scored a third.

The effort was excellent, in particular Mose who is showed his qualities yesterday, there were a few balls, flicks and a superb cross that helped change the game. Mike is playing deeper with Foster alongside him and whilst this may not mean the same goal return the contribution yesterday was a big factor in the win. Neville and Adams both did well yesterday too, good width and tracking forward and back.

I would have voted Rudd as man of the match, just ahead of Neville, I thought he was commanding at the back alongside Bri. He was rarely beaten in the air and got some vital tackles in. Its very useful to have a player who can drop into central defence as cover and play as well as he did.

It was better yesterday, consistency has to be the main objective, we need back to back performances and results.

The league seems to be settling down - and whilst we have played more games than some we are 4th.

Given Leek are top and looked very ordinary when they came to us, I think if we can get some consistency we can still do well this season.

Gates at circa 200 are a worry and unless some folks return to Wincham park That could derail us. Hopefully that too will sort itself out if the team perform consistently.

Yesterday I thought we played well for most of the game, but at times Shepshed played some decent stuff so fair play to them.

Yes I do Redarmy, it is called “Having a life” not just following a football team. If your only interest is Witton, great, but don’t have a go at people who have other interests outside football. Financially I will always support the club as much as I can but it is not my only priority.

Well stop going on like you know it all after every game like your the number 1 fan when you don’t even go you fool!


Didn’t see this on our website? Bit of dodgy camera work but hey…

Fantastic result! Keep it going, lads - we should be there or thereabouts at the end of the season if we can play like this.

redarmy [quote]Well stop going on like you know it all after every game like your the number 1 fan when you don’t even go you fool! [/quote]

Why dont you zip it - its each persons choice to prioritise how often they can or want to watch Witton and it is people like you that put people off coming back

eddiec wrote:


Didn’t see this on our website? Bit of dodgy camera work but hey…[/quote]

Where did you come accross this? wonder if theres anymore for the other games?

Drew, I believe the ‘sd’ in ‘sdtv’ stands for Shepshed Dynamo. They’ve probably do have a lot more videos but none of them with us in them!


Don’t worry WWWiton, nothing and no one will stop me going to Witton when I can nor will it put me off making donations when I can.

Oh by the way Red Army, there are millions of football fans who attend few games but who still have opinions on the results, I am just one of them. I base my belief we will win this league on faith, faith in the players, faith in the manager, faith in the directors and faith in those fans like you who pay to watch every week and shout the team on.

WHS wrote:

[quote]Oh by the way Red Army, there are millions of football fans who attend few games but who still have opinions on the results, I am just one of them. I base my belief we will win this league on faith, faith in the players, faith in the manager, faith in the directors and faith in those fans like you who pay to watch every week and shout the team on.

Yes but they support league teams who they can see on the TV. Whats the point if you cant even watch highlights of Witton games. Come on get a grip of yourself!