witton website

See what you think…<br><br>[url]http://www.northwichguardian.co.uk/sport/witton/[/url]

Well, Well impressed - Can this really be the Northwich Guardian actually acknowledging that we are about. <br><br>Thanks Andrew, you look to be a real breath of fresh air.<br><br>Just need you now to drop the nickname of "Trickies" from that other lot, as that was actually Witton’s nickname in the past and seems to have now been adopted during your predecesor’s time!<br><br>Great coverage so far and really like all the profiles etc.<br><br>The Dream Team questionairre should throw up some interesting computations.<br><br>Hope they can keep it up and that the club also plays their part in ensuring info is up to date etc<br>

Congratulations on the content.<br><br>How about the main web site? I see it still reflects our 04/05 sponsors?

My apologies on the main site-hopefully post exams I’ll be able to take some time to get it back how it was.<br>The club are however launching another site very shortly which will be linked from the old one which will hopefully be much more uupdated.

Great Site, I missed Rob Whitlow off my dream team, would put him in front of Davey.<br>WHS

I reckon you mean Mike Whitlow Alan

Why are the club launching another website??? We are always told how theres not enuff people to do jobs at the club, and yet here we are creating another one? <br>I hope its not another case of BS with ridiculous amounts of sponsorship money being foreseen!<br>

Sorry, Mike Whitlow is correct Chad, I am lousy with names, what is the name of that pile of rubbish across the canal, I forget?