Workington 1 Witton 1

Even by my standards that was a good result today, I do wish we could be convincing at home

An excellent result indeed.<br><br>Team:<br>Gibbo, Evans, Furnival, Barlow, Tickle, Foy, Nolan, Dicko, Yates, Moseley, Madin.<br><br>Subs used:<br>Pritch for Nolan, Bird for Madin.<br>Unused Stannard<br><br>Albion started brightly with Dicko and a couple of others going close and forcing the keeper to make saves. Albion certainkly gave as good as they got in the first half. The only scare came when the ref gave a penalty only for the liner to keep his raised flag for an offside prior to him being bought down. (Home fans not impressed)<br><br>The 2nd half probably saw Workington push a little more but Albion weren’t over run. Their goal came from a driven cross/shot which hit Andy Barlow (great eyes you have Tony!) to put them 1-0 up. The equaliser came a few minutes later when Madin was tugged back when going for a through ball. Linesman gave the penalty much to the annoyance of the home fans & players. Several minutes of protest ensued with some home players having a go at visitings fans/officials. The end result was a dismissal for foul and abusive and a top corner penalty from MM. <br><br>Albion did push again and came close to hitting Workington fully on the break but a couple of poor final balls let us down. workington did also apply some late pressure with a couple of courners and Gibbo saving a couple of long rangers.<br><br>All in all an excellent result and performance IMO. If we play like that at home people won’t mind so much! Especially if its against top of the league.<br>I thought we’d play well if Kevan was dropped, seems to be the case, long may it continue.

A decent game which saw a tight first half with only a few half chances either way. The ref awarded them a penalty only for it to be overturned as the player fouled was offside before hand. <br><br> Second half saw a deflected goal come off Barlow. Then Lee Madin was pulled back chasing a ball in the box and the penalty was awarded by the linesman. Workington fans and players went ballistic. Swearing and abusing officials and witton supporters with terrible language. <br><br> They had a player sent off for dissent during this incident and Mike calmy put the ball top corner to equalise. An open finish saw half chances for both teams to win it but nobody could.<br><br> Apparently were are cheats because of the decisions made by officials.<br><br>Thanks for a memorable day for the wrong reasons Workington.<br><br>Team: Gibson, Evans, Tickle, Barlow, Furnival, Nolan, Foy, Yates, Dicken, Madin, Moseley.<br><br>subs: Stannard, Bird, Pritchard.<br><br>Pritch replaced Nolan who had a head injury then Bird replaced Madin.<br><br>Good result all in all

Well done lads on another excellent result and weve become the first side to score at Workington.<br><br>If only we can bring perfoncances and results together more consistently at home, we should be in for very interesting and exciting times ahead.<br><br>All together now<br>Michael Moseley scored a goal Hallelujah,<br>Michael Moseley’s on a roll Hallelujah

Dont worry Neil, your spelling will never be as bad as mine.<br><br>Perfoncances what’s that all about I wonder

Excellent point.<br><br>Have to admit, I thought we’d get tonked just as Workington hadn’t conceded a goal at home and we’d be outnumbered so much.<br><br>However, their fans weren’t so vocal in the encouragement department (something we seem to be familiar with at home!) so that wasn’t really an issue.<br><br>Thought everyone played well; Yates and Foy seemed to have much more of the game than in other matches - does this have something to do with the change in personnel I wonder?? :wink: ;)<br><br>Could see Mike ballooning the penalty over from the delay in taking it, especially as the ref placed it on the spot, but he took it brilliantly.<br><br>Good to see referees assistants standing their ground in giving decisions, despite much goading from home players and fans.<br><br>Appeared that Workington were out to prove that they weren’t in fact the league’s fairest players - the tackle on Andy Barlow late in the second half was reckless and I was surprised the culprit stayed on the pitch.<br><br>Come on lads; let’s show the home fans what you can do. Or do we need a good trip around the hills AKA Matlock to get the goods??? :wink:

Yes, very solid performance. Andy Barlow very unlucky with the o.g.<br>This website gives referees a torrid time on occasions, but I must say that the 3 officials on Saturday were very strong under difficult pressure from Workington. Their teamwork was very good particularly over the two penalty incidents and the sending off was spot on.<br><br>A good point earned.<br><br>MOM - probably Darrel Dicken.<br><br>GE<br>

Their message board wants Workington to ban him refereeing their because they feel that he is always biased against them.

Doesn’t surprise me from past experience of Workington fans.Every decision that went against them, even the most obvious foul, was received with a torrent of moans directed toward the Referee and his Assistants. The abuse they got off the Workington substitutes after the award of the Witton penalty was an absolute disgrace<br>and they were fortunate not to have had more red cards.<br>The attitude of the fans was summed up when one walked up to the Witton faithful and exclaimed, in a snide way, that the "Officials must have come up in the <br>Witton Team Coach."Needless to say he was sent packing.<br>Remember, Workington, you don’t have a devine right to win all you’re home games 5-0

I have to say that Saturday got my quite frustrated with the team though. Great result in becoming the first team to score and get a point up there this season. We worked very hard and earned the point.<br> The reason I am frustrated is that we aren’t doing the same at home. If we played like that against Ossett last saturday we would have hammered them I reckon.<br><br>Lets beat Winsford and get some home form going and the home fans something to cheer about an drink about.<br><br> [smiley=icon_cust_beer.gif] [smiley=icon_cust_beer.gif] [smiley=icon_cust_beer.gif] [smiley=icon_cust_beer.gif] [smiley=the_finger.gif] [smiley=the_finger.gif]<br><br>

Very surprised at some of your comments. I thought Witton played very well and deserved a point.They are probably the best team we have played this season. Some of your fans are moaning without realising the cause of any controversy was the referee , the infamous Mr Bainbridge. The penalty incident was missed by him but given by a linesman some 40 yards away. Even your player admitted in the bar afterwards it was "six of one and half a dozen of the other" and they were lucky to get the penalty. It is not surprising our players were incensed which led to one of them being sent off.<br><br>Last season we won 2-1 at Witton which was our first win in 16 attempts and I well remember the whingeing and snide remarks from Witton fans. But that would be OK then ? In the game on Saturday your goalscorer went way over the top celebrating and deliberately goaded home fans. But that would be OK was it ? Our number 9, Cohen, was flattened off the ball which was missed by the referee but brought to his attention by the linesman. The ref did nothing. But that would be OK was it ? Was it also OK for your fans baying for blood behind the goal trying to get our player sent off ?<br><br>In the circumstances we were happy with a point and the comment one of you made about a divine right to win games 5-0 was rather silly. We are happy to win by any score - like 2-0 at Bamber Bridge last night.

Hey you from Workington, plenty to say have you about referees, well all I can say is that our players are all from our Club, not on loan from a jock side in Gretna. I hear you may well be calling yourselves McWorkington soon.<br><br>Stop whinging and enjoy your performances, whilst they last

[quote]Very surprised at some of your comments. I thought Witton played very well and deserved a point.They are probably the best team we have played this season. Some of your fans are moaning without realising the cause of any controversy was the referee , the infamous Mr Bainbridge. The penalty incident was missed by him but given by a linesman some 40 yards away. Even your player admitted in the bar afterwards it was "six of one and half a dozen of the other" and they were lucky to get the penalty. It is not surprising our players were incensed which led to one of them being sent off.

Last season we won 2-1 at Witton which was our first win in 16 attempts and I well remember the whingeing and snide remarks from Witton fans. But that would be OK then ? In the game on Saturday your goalscorer went way over the top celebrating and deliberately goaded home fans. But that would be OK was it ? Our number 9, Cohen, was flattened off the ball which was missed by the referee but brought to his attention by the linesman. The ref did nothing. But that would be OK was it ? Was it also OK for your fans baying for blood behind the goal trying to get our player sent off ?

In the circumstances we were happy with a point and the comment one of you made about a divine right to win games 5-0 was rather silly. We are happy to win by any score - like 2-0 at Bamber Bridge last night. [/quote]<br><br>Have to disagree with some of this.<br><br>The linesman who gave our penalty was 10 yards from the incident; I know this because I was directly behind him. I saw the incident as the linesman did and it was without a doubt a penalty. You cannot foul a striker in your own box without expecting to concede a penalty.<br><br>Our player celebrated his goal by coming to us - the away fans. The only Workington fans behind the goal were kids who’d been having a bit of banter at half time with our subs. Hardly goading anyone.<br><br>As for us trying to get your man sent off; he did an excellent job of that himself, believe me. The language and aggression shown towards the linesman, referee, our fans AND club officials was disgraceful. He needed help from no-one to get sent off. The subs warming up nearby were also lucky to not be sent off.<br><br>As for missed incidents, we had more than our fair share too.<br><br>I appreciate there are some very bad local referees - by god we have our own infamous ones around here - but for a team who had just won the August Fair Play award, it was a poor showing by your players, as well as some of your fans.<br><br>

Have to disagree with you Debbie. I stand by my comments.<br><br>How could the linesman be only 10 yards away from the penalty incident if he was stood on the touchline ?<br><br>Your goalscorer did come to your supporters behind the goal but he then ran up the touchline goading home supporters. Either you did not see this or you choose not to. He should have been booked.<br><br>Interesting to see that you make no comment on our player being flattened off the ball. Or the whingeing from your supporters last year. You have to accept things sometime.<br><br>In reply to Anstey yes we do have players on loan from Gretna. They are all English and supposedly not good enough for Gretna’s squad. We don’t have a single Scot in our squad. And yes we are enjoying our performances at the moment and realise it might not last. We are hoping to finish mid-table at least.<br><br>Good luck for the rest of the season.

Interesting that there is no comment from you over our centre half being kicked in the crown jewels by your player who had just been tackled. May I also ask 589 for the attendance, Where they drunk and seeing double when they counted that?

Maybe a few more than 10 yards then - but nowhere near 40. He was right up with play.<br><br>And if you mean our player ran to the dugouts to celebrate with the management, then go ahead and class this as goading - but there is nothing wrong with celebrating a goal with the assistant manager - unfortunately most dugouts are situated in front of fans.<br><br>I don’t refer to the off the ball incident as I don’t recall it, but there were also others that we were not given either.<br><br>At the end of the day, it was a good point for us; I for one was nervous at the prospect of you not having conceded at home this season, and I also expected your huge fan base to create some atmosphere which may have gone against us, so we were extremely happy to come away with a point. <br><br>I also think that was a fair scoreline too - it’s not as if you lost - you’re still unbeaten at home and top of the table, so why worry??<br><br>

still no need to throw a lighter at our players when celabrating the goal. [smiley=dunno.gif]

Getting kinda desperate up in Workington to try and prove they aren’t loud mouth yobs. From where exactly was it alledgedly thrown? Certainly not from behind the goal I can confirm that.