We have 2000 tickets to sell during the next couple weeks, so we need as many people as possible to pick up a few books at Tomorrows game against Buxton, and get selling them to their friends, work mates family etc.

Following Wednesday’s meeting, we currently have 760 tickets in circulation, and have actually sold 280 of them already.

Let’s make this draw a big success to allow us to keep this great team of ours going forward, and get the other 1240 ticket out there being sold.

Some great prizes such as a Laptop, 2 night break for 2, Xmas Hamper, and loads more prizes being donated daily

How much is a ticket? I will try to get rid of some at work.

Tickets are £1 each, and a book contains 5 tickets.

Barbara Harrison (Ben’s mum) is distributing the tickets

Is the draw for this still today?

I believe it’s being moved to the Nantwich game, in the club post match.