
Just wanted to say thanks for the hospitality; the welcome we got in the clubhouse was very friendly and I have to say, I think you have a great lttle set-up there. Shame the bar was closed at half time, there were a number of Dimaonds fans that would have paid good money over the bar, seemed like a strange decision not to open it, still, perhaps they expected more people to turn up and pay the extra ?2 to sit, but a strange one nonetheless.

The match was dreadful and whilst I was delighted with the result (obviously) I thought the game was pretty dire to be honest. I know the conditions didn’t help, but our lads really didn’t look up for it. I would have thought you were gutted to have lost that, I thought your lads had done enough to get a draw, or even win, in the last 10 minutes, you finished very strongly. You should be proud of them, they did okay I thought, especially your keeper who pulled off a few really good stops. Overall I thought you deserved a draw at the very least and the chance to visit Nene Park - but it wasn’t to be

As supporters we were very quiet yesterday, I think many of us were talking amongst ourselves about the off field troubles we have rather than focusing on the game (bit like our players really), which in truth did little to draw our attention.

We can play much better than that, but we as a club are in turmoil at the moment and yesterday’s team had a few new faces in it and many players playing out of their normal positions - the performance looked like it, very disjointed !! Still, job done as far as we are concerned and on to the next round and hopefully a home draw, but I would have sacrificed yesterday’s win for 3 points next Saturday against Stafford in the Conference !!

All the very best for the season, I left with a very good view of Witton Albion and its fans.

Very good of you to say so Mr Pigman.

Can I be the first Wittoner to say good luck for the remainder of the season, on and off the pitch.


We obviously would have been happier with a different scoreline but as the cliche states "you can’t win 'em all". Likewise I think the Witton view of the R&D fans was very positive, always good to chat before or after the match with opposing fans - we may not always see the game the same way but that’s part of the banter. Also good to see you had a lot of ‘families’ travelling away, saw quite a few wives and kids on the terraces.

The game was not a thriller but still a pretty good atmosphere and an enjoyable day - if we had have started the same way we finished then it would perhaps have been a different game. Appreciate your comments regards our lads, you should see us play on a good day! Your keeper played a blinder in the last 10 minutes, kept your lead in place and your centre halves had a very strong game.

Cheers for coming up to the game, hopefully we will get a game at Nene Park in the future. Been to Higham Ferrers once or twice and had a pint in the Griffin (used to have a supplier near there)!

Good luck for the rest of the season and in the Trophy.


Me and 5 other Rushden fans were in the bar at half time, we were the only ones in there mind (oh, and Daniel Grainger), but it was open. ;D

Good luck for the rest of the season Witton