4th lowest gate yesterday in the Unibond premier against the 2nd placed team. 244 - is simply not good enough and nowhre near enough to even think about Conference North football!

[quote]4th lowest gate yesterday in the Unibond premier against the 2nd placed team. 244 - is simply not good enough and nowhre near enough to even think about Conference North football![/quote]<br><br>… says the Vics fan

Maybe, but it is very serious

Farsley Celtic’s average at home is around 160 and they are very much in the running to go up and brought the square root of no fans.

I know the situation is serious.<br><br>A couple of thoughts though - <br><br>there was no mention of us in the Guardian at all this week - there was an interview with Gary F in the Chronicle in which he urged fans to get behind the team and be positive, but nothing of the sort in the Guardian and even our box in the Guardian was replaced by a Winsford one. There was no mention that we had a home game yesterday in the paper. Unfortunately the huge majority of Northwich people buy the Guardian; it covers the Northwich area more so than the Chronicle which covers Middlewich and Winsford more (a look at the property section confirms this.) Many people may therefore have not realised we were at home this week if they only buy the Guardian. (We know also that only 1 in 3 people through the gates buy a programme so many will rely on the papers to inform them of the home games.)<br><br>There is also rarely a column like there was in the Chronicle this week in any of the papers - quite often our news is tagged at the end of any NVFC news. This is no criticism of any official or worker at the club, but sometimes getting word out there helps to drum up interest.<br><br>Take the Lee Mulvaney situation for example. It is common knowledge for those who read the internet that we put in an offer for him (it is all over the Southport and Runcorn message boards and has been reported in the Southport local papers). And yet there has been no news from our side that we have done this. I appreciate that we don’t always want all the news out there in case it jeopardises any positions but for some fans, reading in the papers that we’re being ambitious and attempting to sign a well-known and proven striker at a higher level might also drum up some interest.<br><br>I know the low gate wasn’t only due to this; possibly the Prescot result also put people off returning, but at least reminding the people of Northwich that we exist by getting news into the local papers will give us a better chance of bringing the fans in.<br><br>(I also understand that Glynn at the Guardian is not the most reliable reporter and will not be surprised if material was sent to him and he chose not to include it!)

Poor result? have a word with yourself, your points are as good as your name sake played. Second in the league and a very good side. I would say a point is far from a poor result the manager is building a very good young side from what I have seen so far maybe if we get behind the team and help push this side forward we might be able to have the new car park you so desperately crave

PS with reguard to attendance had a mate over from the states for a couple of weeks and took him to a couple of Witton Games (and to my shame) a Northwich game as he is a very keen sports fan his reaction was amazement at the lack of support for both teams. What compounded this was when we went out for drinks around the area and he quized people about who they supported and nearly all claimed to have an allegance to either Witton or Northwich, being a Yank he had very strong views about this and believe me caused me a bit of stir when he called them a few names for their ‘non support’ on this note he said he was writing a letter to the local press pretty much having a go at the people of Northwich as a whole for the, as he put it ‘the arrogance’ for expecting to sit at home and read the results in the paper every week without and thought of actually attending games. Not sure the papers will print it but I will put a copy on here as he promised to send me a copy should make an interesting read

[quote]4th lowest gate yesterday in the Unibond premier against the 2nd placed team. 244 - is simply not good enough and nowhre near enough to even think about Conference North football![/quote]<br>As regular as clockwork this fool of a Northwich fan posts the same message after each Witton match. I cannot see the IP addresses but I guess he’s on an AOL address, which means it’s difficult to ban him because he’s using the same AOL proxy address as other AOL users with legitimate points of view. If he isn’t on AOL then show him no mercy whatsoever - block the address.<br><br>[Pal, I’m not suggesting that you are banned as a result of being a Northwich fan (nothing particularly wrong with that - support the club you want to), but as a result of deliberately provoking users of the board - ‘trolling’ in other words. Apply what brainpower you have to "thinking about Conference North football" as it applies to Northwich Victoria. Don’t observe or be an onlooker for a club you don’t support, okay?]<br><br>Admin people - you can run the ‘nslookup’ command on his IP address to work out if he’s on AOL. Just type ‘nslookup’ in a command prompt, then when you get the prompt, type their IP address. You’ll get given the name of the machine with that IP. For AOL users it’ll probably be one of their proxy servers.<br>

The IP is AOL. Unfortunately most of the idiotic postings have been from this server.

The situation with the Guardian will be resolved and it should not happen again. It is upto the Club to ensure that material is provided and we as a club failed last week.<br><br>Regarding our offer for the player from Southport, it’s true we have made a substantial offer, we have made offers for other players and not been able to complete the signing so why make it public. <br><br>But of course in the eyes of some supporters we lack ambition, clearly the Manager is continuing his efforts to strengthen the team, but we are all extremely concerned at the level of support. It makes balancing the books very hard.<br><br>Thankfully our off field activities are going along to helping.

I do see your point about the players we’ve bid for, but it does have the effect of giving the impression we have ambition and that we are trying to bring players in - sadly most fans still live in the "Conference Era" when every new signing was big news and therefore it was reported in the newspaper. If they see no new player news, they assume no new players are being brought in.<br><br>And when the club selling the player announces that we’ve bid on the player and it’s in their local press, with the internet these day, anyone can read that and so I see no harm in announcing it to our fans. So what if we don’t end up getting the signature; at least there’s something to read in the papers other than a match report each week.<br><br>Anyone else have any views on increasing attendances?

I do think that the family stand going could have been a mistake, my lad plays for the under 8s and loves witton as do I but when I tried to arrange a team outing to a game (ok it might no sound much but two teams plus parents = 50 + more bums on seats) a lot were put off by the cost, considering that most go to the odd coca cola side or premiership game trying to big up witton can be tough!, could we not carry out a free ticket collect in the local paper, if people would come to just one game and realise that we have decent facilities then they may return! corny phrase but children are the future ::slight_smile:

If you want to organise a team outing, please get in touch with me at the Club and I will organise a special deal for the party.

[quote]I do think that the family stand going could have been a mistake, my lad plays for the under 8s and loves witton as do I but when I tried to arrange a team outing to a game (ok it might no sound much but two teams plus parents = 50 + more bums on seats) a lot were put off by the cost, considering that most go to the odd coca cola side or premiership game trying to big up witton can be tough!, could we not carry out a free ticket collect in the local paper, if people would come to just one game and realise that we have decent facilities then they may return! corny phrase but children are the future ::)[/quote]<br><br>Children are the future but unfortunatley for Witton most of the local kids are more likely to watch Vics than Witton and we struggle to attract them- what chance you! Hopefully our new facility when opened will help us enormously though.