youth team future

Heard in town while shopping yesterday.Youth teams not playing next season?? One parent I spoke to is considering move across the canal for her boy.<br> Rather worrying.Would someone comment/clarify please? After all these kids are [I hope] future of the Albs.

What youth team(s) are we talking about here?<br><br>ie the actual Witton Albion Youth Team or the Witton Juniors multi-age teams?<br><br>

From the rumours/info ive heard, the juniors have fell out with the club and may be splitting from the club and possibly changing names - I think this if its true is terrible news, surely the club and the juniors committee should be able to sort this out for the sake of the kids and not mess about in internal politics. From what I hear the club still think a reserves, a youth team under 20 ish and maybe an under 18 team is a good idea but it does not look like the future for witton includes a junior set up - hope im wrong and that it can be sorted out. >:( :cry:

Should be the lifeblood of the team. Potential players for reserve/1st teams. Also, potential source of support from junior players, parents, friends, schools etc.<br><br>Surely, if there is a rift, it can be sorted.<br><br>I hope this is just a malicious Internet rumour.

So do I and hope there will be some sort of explanation soon.It is worrying.

Well I have heard a few things mentioned about this and I am really gutted ???<br>I have had nothing to do with any talks between the juniors and the club and I am just a concerned parent, however if it does come to the juniors not playing in red and white next year I for one will be gutted<br><br>My lad has played for the juniors since he was 5 his team have been managed and run very professionally and they have won a great many trophies including the Albert Steele trophy last year, during this time my lad has become a huge Witton fan his room is painted in the famous Red and White he has been a mascot and goes to most home games, last year his team went on the pitch with the seniors and had a great day, now if the rumor mill is to be belived he may not be playing for them anymore :(.<br><br>I have no Idea what the rift (if any) is over but once it is all out in open I shall be asking why it could not be resolved between both parties >:(<br><br>Now the question would be would my lad play in green and white :frowning:

In the end it probably comes down to money, or lack of it.<br>WHS.

But WAFC dont give any money to the juniors (I think) they are self funding with all kits and expenses payed by the parents and sponsors<br><br>If we do not have a junior team where are the new fans going to come from? from what I have heard the ex lodgers are keen to encourage the local youngsters ( as I know witton have via the free entry)

does anyone from the club want to comment? ???

Yes. Tomorrow. Or tonight if you want to ask me.<br><br>Nothing cloak and dagger. Have only just read this and am on my way home.<br><br>GE<br>

Thanks for that better from the horses mouth rather than rumors<br><br>Si

The Witton Albion Junior club have ALWAYS been a separate body to Witton Albion FC.<br>If they don’t choose to come under the umbrella of WAFC and wish to change their identity they have the option to do so.<br><br>Witton Albion FC have attempted, on several occasions, to meet with the Junior set-up to discuss a mutual arrangement regarding a unity of both. They, to date, have not shown interest in meeting.<br><br>Witton Albion FC intend to run Junior teams with effect from next season and would like the current Agre Groups to be part of this. At the moment they appear reluctant. The Board are awaiting a reply from the Junior Committee.<br><br>GE<br>

I thought there had been a meeting between WAFC and the Junior trustees ???

WAFC have TRIED to organise meetings with the Trustees - without success.<br><br>Jim Vince has met with some representatives of the Junior Committee which have not been fruitful.<br><br>GE<br>

I think this situation needs to be sorted ASAP, there seems to be a lack of full facts coming from both sides.<br>I don’t understand why the juniors are reluctant to lose a small amount of independance, or why all of a sudden, when the main club have a manager who is an advocate of youth development decide they are to have a say in the junior policy. <br>What happens when this manager is no longer around?<br><br>The juniors currently recieve a poor amount, if any support from the club.<br>I just don’t see the point in both parties failing to negotiate, with the junior section moving away and the main club restarting or bringing in another junior set up.<br>The way forward may be the main club speaking to individual age groups to seek thier opinion rather than dealing with the three "Amigo’s" namely the Junior trustees.<br><br>I hope all parties can be professional and adult about this and put an end to rumour an speculation by issuing a formal statement on this matter.<br>This is grassroots entry level football and should be for the children to enjoy and develop their football and social skills, not to become pawns in a selfish, egotistical, capitalist argument between a group of very short sighted people.<br><br>The grass is never greener on the other side of the fence

Re: youth team future<br>? Reply #14 on: 12:03pm Today ? Quote Modify <br><br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>I think this situation needs to be sorted ASAP, there seems to be a lack of full facts coming from both sides. <br>I don’t understand why the juniors are reluctant to lose a small amount of independance, or why all of a sudden, when the main club have a manager who is an advocate of youth development decide they are to have a say in the junior policy. <br>What happens when this manager is no longer around? <br> <br>The juniors currently recieve a poor amount, if any support from the club. <br>I just don’t see the point in both parties failing to negotiate, with the junior section moving away and the main club restarting or bringing in another junior set up. <br>The way forward may be the main club speaking to individual age groups to seek thier opinion rather than dealing with the three "Amigo’s" namely the Junior trustees. <br> <br>I hope all parties can be professional and adult about this and put an end to rumour an speculation by issuing a formal statement on this matter. <br>This is grassroots entry level football and should be for the children to enjoy and develop their football and social skills, not to become pawns in a selfish, egotistical, capitalist argument between a group of very short sighted people. <br> <br>The grass is never greener on the other side of the fence <br><br>Well said to the above there are a lot of Junior players (I think 200+) the club as far as I am aware have not really encouraged them or or supported them in a huge way (not getting into financial matters as I have no Idea about that side of things) however most of the Junior players would be hard pushed to name more than a couple of 1st team members, there just doesnt seem to be the right communication between the juniors and the club, If the present Juniors do move away to "another" name ::slight_smile: it will be 200 potential future Witton fans lost (and we are not exactly bursting at the seams) I also hope that this can be sorted out in a responsible way for both sides after all 200+ young footballers do not grow on trees and it would take years of rebuilding to arrive where we are now.

Rather than getting into a slanging match about who should be doing what or not the full story etc - I refer you to my initial posting on this subject and will be very pleased to discuss this with you or anyone else at the game tomorrow - and you will also witness for yourself tomorrow that a group of Juniors can make things happen if they so wish.<br>I have in my posting been honest in my view - as I always try to be.<br><br>GE<br>

I’m not trying to start a slanging match with anyone and do not intend to offend anyone personally. I have one son already involved in the junior section and another one due to start if he so wishes.<br>My concerns are as a parent and a Witton supporter, rumours and speculation cause nothing but damage to all concerned. My lad is Witton crazy, he spent over an hour looking for Witton Albion on a computer game and couldn’t understand why they weren’t on it.<br>At the end of the day there are many Witton crazy juniors in the current set up, but after this has been thrashed out, its the parents who have to explain to the children they won’t be playing in red and white and its also the parents who end up buying another replica kit to match the one they play in.<br>I am intrigued as to the junior thing for tommorow and will endeveour to get down and also speak in person. ;D

As a Trustee of the Witton Albion Junior Football Club Charity, can I just point out that it is incorrect to state that we have not shown any interest in meeting with the Club - indeed we did meet with Jim Vince and were expecting others from the Senior Club to attend but they did not. However, as Graham suggests, I don’t think it is appropriate to discuss the arrangements further on an open forum.<br><br>The meeting with Jim did throw up some very interesting possibilities, and we have fed back to the managers the results of that meeting. The Club has made a proposal to the Juniors, and we are considering it very carefully, as would be expected. We are also considering other options open to us, and all these will be reviewed on their own merits. It is not appropriate to comment on any of these options while negotiations continue. It is also important to note that no decision regarding any of these options has been made yet, and it is unlikely that one will be in the immediate future while discussions and negotiations are ongoing.<br><br>The bottom line is that we are an independent charitable organisation and as such we have to ensure that anything we do has the best interests of the Charity at heart and does not put its future at risk.<br><br>I am not sure who is being referred to when talking about ?a group of very short sighted people?, but being a Charity Trustee is a very serious and demanding role, one which is certainly not taken lightly.<br><br>Talking to individual age groups would be a very dangerous and unprofessional path to take, and I am sure the Senior Club would not want to steal teams in this manner.<br>

Laurie:<br><br>Thanks for the posting - very concise.<br><br>Yes, WAFC is awaiting a reply to their offer and will not be stealing any teams!<br><br>Obviously the longer the delay in the Trust replying can only fuel rumours that abound with those innocent parties connected with each age group.<br><br>GE<br>