
According to the Southport website Aike is suggesting that the witton albion fan is a vics fan in disguise. Id go along with that as his posts are reasonably intelligent ones.

[quote]We’d come to an understanding that this matter was closed, pal, yet you couldn’t stick with what you said, could you? You had to post again. Okay, here we go; you obviously can’t resist taking the punishment…

"youve been told by Southport fans"

Let’s disregard this as an irrelevance, shall we? If Alfreton fans tell us the same do we believe them as well? Why on earth did you type that? It was a waste of finger effort. Not a good start from you, was it? Let’s hope it gets better as we read on.

"I have catagorically stated that your NOT a big non - league club"

Dear oh dear, the hope was futile. Learn to spell, pal. The word is "categorically". And the other word is "you’re". Now if you can’t even get something as simple as that right, how are we to take your pronouncements on the state of non-league football? You are not very well educated are you? That’s nothing to be ashamed of in some circumstances, but when you’re (a) arguing about semantics [look it up] of the word "big"; and (b) pretty low in the popularity stakes (as you are on this board); then you ought to make more of an effort. Is it going to get any better, we ask ourselves…

"dream of that little flirtation you had in the conference"

And it doesn’t! Have you been reading anything that I’ve been writing? You’re quite right, it was a "little flirtation", but that two or three year period when we had some success did not make us a "big" club. It’s the 30 or 40 years (and more) before that that give us the right to say we are a well known and respected club in North West non-league football. I couldn’t give a toss about the few years of success we had in the early 90s. It was good to witness those years, but they are only a small contribution to our history. Read the postings you fool.

"You really are oblivious and ignorant to the football world"

The whole thing peters out into a bit of a meaningless rant from this point onwards, with a slight - and pleasant - surprise for the reader at the appearance of the word "oblivious" - shall we go for a 10 letter one next time? The least said about this last fragment the better, though, so as not to embarrass you too much. I think even you’d say it’s not one of your best patches of prose.

You have no authority to tell us anything about non-league football, never mind Witton Albion. You’re a faceless, nameless nobody, so why should anyone take what you say with anything other than a pinch of salt? I’m anonymous as well, but I’m not the one making stupid comments here, so it’s not me who’s under discussion. I can be as anonymous as I like.

If it was up to me I’d delete every post you made from now onwards because your postings contribute nothing of relevance to any discussion we’re having or likely to have. You clearly have a grudge against Witton. Maybe we beat your team a lot in the past to bring on your bad feeling. You don’t tell us whom you support and I don’t particularly care. Support your team, carry on supporting them, post on their forum and don’t come here again after this business is over. Kindly stop observing. I don’t go onto Winsford United’s bulletin board telling them what a small club they are. What kind of moron does that? Why be negative about a club that you don’t support (unless you have a good reason, and that’s where we come back to the "grudge" theory)?

Now come on. You can do better than the last message, in both spelling and content. What textual delights have you got in store for us next?

I’ll be watching, "Observer". Any slip from you from this point onwards and I’ll come down on you like a ton of bricks. You’ve been warned.
[/quote]<br><br><br><br>[smiley=cheezy.gif] CLASS [smiley=cheezy.gif] <br><br><br> [smiley=banane.gif] Keep up the good ‘Observer’ shooting Witton Albion Fan [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>

The goal posts have moved yet again wittonfan. You’re now nearer the mark though – a big club in North West non-league you quoted! I would’nt disagree with that, it looks like we’ve finally reached sense. As for the spelling errors, don’t get too excited, we hav’nt all got time to be so scrupulous but it does’nt make you a better person!! rather like a pedantic school master!

"a big club in North West non-league you quoted! I would’nt disagree with that"<br><br>You have no idea how much I laughed when I read that.<br><br>Vics Fan wrote:<br><br>"According to the Southport website Aike is suggesting that the witton albion fan is a vics fan in disguise"<br><br>Thanks for the (partial) compliment, Vics Fan, but no, I can assure you that I’m certainly not a Northwich fan. I’ve been a die-hard Witton fan all my football-supporting days, and will continue to be so. In my darker moments I sometimes hope that Northwich’s luck would finally run out and they would disappear as a club, but if that really happened I’m sure I would feel some sense of loss and nostalgia for old rivalries, so maybe it’s not for the best.<br><br>I respect all football fans, and long may we all continue to support the club we decided to support from a young age. But I’m also on "idiot-watch" patrol around here, and it wasn’t Observer’s lucky day, I’m afraid.<br>

So supporting witton does’nt class you as an idiot!! That is a matter of opinion and I 'm certain many fans would disagree with you!

Well, our intellectual giant of a visitor has pronounced again! This time we learn that ‘many fans’ are of the opinion that supporting a particular club makes one an idiot.<br>It would be laughable in some circumstances, but I do find it rather sad that this, from what can be gleaned from a swift psychological analysis of his / her postings, inadequate and possibly rancorous individual, persists in laying bare their lack of ability to form a coherent and cogent argument to support their propositions.<br>I shall not waste my time with further postings on this matter.

You’re opinions won’t be missed-- get back to reading them psychology books!! You may make some sense one day!

At last…<br><br>Now Observer can sod off (in the nicest possible way of course) and discuss his ‘BIG CLUB’ theories with some one who actually gives a sh*t…<br><br>[url][/url]

[quote]Historically, the North West has been a great area for non-league football, and Witton have played a big-enough part in that.

Southport didn’t exactly set the world alight when they were in the football league did they? Let’s have a look at their record shall we…

I’m sorry, I’ve never regarded Southport as one of the major non-league (or league, as if you need to ask) clubs around here. I do remember them throughout most of the 70s and 80s - a team you were not worried about and thought you could beat quite easily. You’ll be saying Morecambe are a large club as well, next. A very "90s and after" view. I regard a club like Altrincham as one of the major non-league clubs round here, not Southport. I’m not the slightest bit interested in the playing record of these clubs over the past two or three seasons - it has no impact at all on my assessment.

By all means have a look at Witton’s record…

By the way, what’s your opinion on Mossley? Ever heard of them?
[/quote]<br><br>HERE’S ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT!<br><br>The VS is taking shape nicely, bars,restaurants,marina,floodlit astroturf 5 -a side pitches,pub,private boxes,corporate suite,Vics mega -store and much much more. YES HIPPO and the rest of you sour wittoners, it is happening the GREEN TIDAL WAVE OJ JOY IS HITTING MID-CHESHIRE. FOOTBALL LEAGUE BECKONS NVFC. If Whelan can lead Wigan to the premiership then Connett can certainly lead us to the football league. I also understand you’re looking for a football league club to play their reserve team at WP to help you out with your debts- why not wait a few years - then NVFC reserves will be happy to accomadate you ! On another note I understand your dreams of selling WP and moving have gone up in smoke!! what a pity- stuck in a big rut at an infested swamp won’t do you any harm though. Very soon you will be a little red spot in a massive emerald green solar system!!


The VS is taking shape nicely, bars,restaurants,marina,floodlit astroturf 5 -a side pitches,pub,private boxes,corporate suite,Vics mega -store and much much more.[/quote]<br><br>I think you’re doing yourself rather a disservice and playing this down too much. This stadium will do untold good for Cheshire and the North West of England as a whole. Mr Blair will no doubt visit it, if not officially open it. In fact he’s already commented on it favourably in the House several times, and there are rumours round Westminster that he’s paid one or two visits to Wincham Park this season already with the rest of the Cabinet in the hope of boosting the gate and gaining more public support for the Victoria Palladium. I think this probably heralds a shift northwards in national government, and possibly an end to operations in Iraq. I’ve already heard talk of plans to have both a hospital and school situated within the stadium, along with a Las Vegas style replica of Rome’s Colosseum and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The problem of Vics getting lots of press coverage will simply go away - the stadium complex will be large enough to warrant the publication of its own national daily newspaper. In addition, this could well solve Everton’s problem of having to move away from Goodison but having nowhere to go - I understand Ken Dodd has already been talking to Dave Stone about the possibility of a ground share.<br><br>Who would have thought that piling a load of bricks on top of each other would have had such an effect?<br>

Sounds like a stadium to rival Telfords!!

And we all no what happened at Telford don’t we, the guy there had more money than Mr Conman, oh sorry Connett. Another good result today for the Vics, progress we will see.

??? ??? But the point that all these sad Lizards are missing is that NVFC dont own anything and wont receive one penny of profit!<br><br>How on earth do they think that from being in administration they are suddenly in the promised land?<br><br>FIK or WOT<br>

Burnley are the latest club to sell their ground to new owners-the lease I understand is for 99 years.Yet another club to go the same way as Chelsea,Wigan,Vics,Man City and many many more. As for our profits, who really cares when we’ve now got a barrister,Architect,bank manager,accountant,Mr C and Mr NVFC himself on the new board. NVFC will be more professional than any other time in history AND the chances of us having financial worries are nil to remote. As for you lot, still ?105,000 in debt,dwindling crowds and now not able to move thanks to VRBC, I wonder if the 2 MR W’s will finally call it a day!! Then the fun will begin. wafc RIP

I remember it wasn’t that long ago we had an accountant, a bank manager, a lawyer, an insurance company director all on the board, trouble was we also had a chairman who was looking after himself too so sounds like lightening can strike twice in the same town. You also forgot to mention Telford and Wrexham in the clubs who no longer own their own ground, mmmmmmm wonder how they are doing with the deal?..

FIK or WOT<br><br>You didnt sell your ground you buffoon it was taken off you when you went into administration!!!<br><br>So it hardly goes down as the greatest business deal in history does it?<br><br>Beware of strangers bearing gifts<br><br>The next thing you know he will be able to real of the 1940s Vics team - As Jac says we had a chairman like that once!!!<br>

What makes you think you hav’nt now - BEWARE!! In any event what do supporters follow their team for? football or off the field finances that most fans can do absolutely nothing about!! Bottom line is we’re in our 26 th season in the Conference and you are still festering 2 leagues below us and have been for the last 7 years. Even when the local authorities try their best to stop us and you devious lot try to kill us off we still come out well on top. The next few months will see the GRREN ARMY RE-UNITED, our gates will then be 6 times the sixe of your paltry efforts. Last 35 years have seen NVFC OUTGROW witton as a club 3 times over. THE FUTURE IS GREEN,THE FUTURE IS VICTORIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Telford could well be much better off for not owning their ground.<br>When Andy Shaw’s empire went bust and TUFC went with it they had no assets = liquidation.<br>However, the new club will have no debts, are playing on the same ground as it’s owned by the local council who insist it is used for football. The only potential "tenant" being the new AFCT.<br>They should come back as strong as before - have you looked at their attendances? <br>That’s the way it should be. Good luck to them.

[quote]… and you devious lot try to kill us off we still come out well on top.[/quote]<br>Some of us still remember one of the most devious, spiteful, and unforgiveable votes ever to come from the Drill Field one fateful day around 25 years ago. That is reason enough for some of the more thoughtful Witton fans to eternally hate Northwich Victoria. Nothing we do, short of hammering the final nail into your coffin, will ever compensate for what Northwich did to Witton at that time. Yes, you’re wondering what it was, aren’t you? Well ask one of your older fans who was around then, and see if he holds his head in shame. He should do.<br>

Oh, go on. Tell us your version.