This can’t be true!<br><br>I’ve stated on this forum that our chairman lacked ambition, but to allow Ben Jones to leave and to Harrogate who we play on saturday.<br>That means Ben Jones surely can’t be playing for us in the cup game.<br><br>This can’t be true. Not even Worthington would allow this to happen.<br>This is a real kick in the teeth for Albion fans if true.<br><br>Perhaps Debbie could comment. [smiley=ranting.gif]<br><br>

As I type at this moment - Witton have not been asked by any other player for their release - nor are we releasing anyone at our request.<br><br>GE<br>

[quote]This can’t be true!

I’ve stated on this forum that our chairman lacked ambition, but to allow Ben Jones to leave and to Harrogate who we play on saturday.
That means Ben Jones surely can’t be playing for us in the cup game.

This can’t be true. ?Not even Worthington would allow this to happen.
This is a real kick in the teeth for Albion fans if true.

Perhaps Debbie could comment. [smiley=ranting.gif]

[/quote]<br><br>What is wrong with you love? You believe an a nonymous posting instead of waiting for an official announcement? Anyone would think you want it to be true.<br><br> ???


What is wrong with you love? ?You believe an a nonymous posting instead of waiting for an official announcement? ?Anyone would think you want it to be true.

???[/quote]<br><br>Just don’t know what to believe luv. Why would we want Ben to leave?<br>Official announcements are not very forthcoming luv.<br>Anyway GE has answered it OR has he?<br>Is his an anonymous posting as well?<br><br>

I Heard it was Lincoln City coming in for BEN … :-/…(I Know only heard whispers ) any truth in that… :-/

ben jones should go to lincoln city<br>

debbie u know alot about the club i hear u know more ?<br>

[quote]debbie u know alot about the club i hear u know more ?
[/quote]<br><br>like what?

Debbie, what do you know about this saga? you said it yourself in your own words "anyone would think you want him to leave" i think its you who wants him to leave. have the board and the chairman had a fall out with Ben? why are there no photos of ben on the website? why isnt his name even mentioned? it looks like he was only in to do a quick job so that the club can profit off his release and keep the money for themselves. with the pay dispute going on i would’nt rule it out. we need answers!

well the club have to do what they can to keep Ben at the club, a player of his calibre desreves better than to be stabbed in the back. look how much he has done for us in the short while he has been here

Licoln city- what a career move. i think its upt o the clubs persuasive powers and their trust in Ben, they need to show him they are backing him, or else…<br>

What a load of rubbish. There are photos of Ben on the site, along with the new photos of the rest of the squad.<br><br>I want him to leave? Do you have any idea?<br><br>The club do not want him to leave - if he does leave it is his own choice. No-one has fallen out with him at all.<br><br>Quit making up stuff just to cause trouble.

I have today received an email from Jim Vince asking me to state that he has spoken to Ben Jones and in his words he is a "Witton Albion player".<br><br>Hopefully this will put an end to the speculation.<br><br>See you all at Harrogate!

where are the photos? i dont see any. his name isnt even mentioned. Debbie, my love with all due respect i think he is either being forced out or being shown a lack of support<br>

neil, i to know a personal associate who describes Ben jones as being extremely disappointed in the way this situation has been handled. i dont think the speculation can be ended unless the chairman issues a public statement alongside Ben jones<br>

also, i would like to add a further comment- Lincoln City seem interested in Ben, what can we as a club do to prevent this move? League 2 football is tempting aswell as being a huge career move. i come to know Ben has a family and wants to settle down, witton cant support that but the prospect of joining and playing for Licoln City can. to support your family you need to be financially stable, playing for witton…well it speaks for itself, are the club doing enough??<br><br>Debbie sweetie, what would you do? lets keep it civilised please

Hi there, Mr Brains, Exclusive<br>Team Photo and individual photos are on the OFFICIAL WAFC page<br>It is quite simple for a normal person to find them??<br>I will endevour to direct you to this page<br>1- First of all you go to the drop down button on the opening page<br>2- You then scroll down to 18th August 2005 and behold it says click here for the 1st team photo<br>3- You then click on the player(BEN JONES) for you and it brings up his picture<br>I hope this helps you?? If not read this again [smiley=nono.gif] :-[ [smiley=ranting.gif]

Len, I wouldn’t waste your time replying to a fool like "exclusive". Obviously, like a lot of other V**s fans, just on here to stir the sh1t.<br><br>Good luck for Saturday!