Buxton v Witton

Yes, my cheerio to Foster after the play off final was deemed worthy of a mention on BBC Shropshire so i can’t wait for the reunion ;D

I don’t think that 15 year old lad at Buxton would agree with you…!!!

Good debate about the midfield strength here lads. We have class midfielders at the moment who create and pass beautifully. Alex and Steve Brodie in particular are a delight to watch and I’m sure Lloydie will be there too as he is class. Unfortunately sometimes we are going to come across teams that don’t want to play football but use strength and the long ball to to try and win. We know physically that Fleetwood, Gateshead, Frickley, and Ossett are well blessed in this department. I’ve been thinking for some time that Ian Kearney is a key player for us. I think he can do a good job in midfield for us when we require that little bit of extra strength and we know already he’s an accomplished defender. This is what he did the other night against Buxton and they found it more difficult to barge through physically than they had before. Ian also adds much needed height to the midfield. I’m not saying this would work in every match but it will in the more physical ensounters. I also think he can play up front too because Ian does possess skill, can pass a ball and he’s really strong. As you say its a squad game and we look to have a much stronger squad this time round. Fingers crossed if we can hang on to these lads we will be there or thereabouts at the end of the season. Lets just keep working and supporting them they are doing fantastic at the moment and so are our fans lets keep the momentum going. I think Tuesday night will be a real toughie against Matlock and if we can get a result we will be well on are way!

Well put MONA, no arguements here! ;D

Good points MONA (Greg ) .If Lloyd is not fit for the Ossett game would u play Kearney then BUT if Lloyd is fit what would be your midfield then ?

Staring midfield with Lloyd almost picks itself…

Peers Brown Lloyd Brodie

Without Lloyd then it is between Dillon and Kearney.

But there again, how about playing Kearney at right-back, Tom and left-back and pushing Brownhill up into left mid! LOL

I can see the next debate coming already, I am glad this is Jim’s job.

In all honesty you stick with a winning team and wholesale changes are not a good idea. All this points to the fact that we have a talented squad this season and that can only be a good thing.


Are there 2 Gregs that post on the message board??? Or have I missed something?!

Do not worry Greg 7 MONA is also known to me as Greg

The midfeild picks itself if Lloydie is fit he plays even at Ossett. The point is as long as Ian is on the bench he can be brought on if we start to lose the physical battle. Lloydie is stronger than John Dillon anyway. I’m not having a go at John as he’s a nice passer of the ball and will be an excellent player but he does lack that little bit of extra strength when we play the bigger teams. John comes into his own when the battle is not quie so physical and our football is allowed to flow by the other team. As I say I think we have better options this season and we seem better equipped all round to cope. No disrespect but so far we’ve not missed Connors in the midfield and in fact we’ve looked better in this area.
Jim and Nige are doing a great job. I actually tought we would n’t be as good this season but the fact is we are better I think because we are more balanced and stronger. If I have a niggle its with the forward line but Rod Thornley is a step in the right direction here and I’m sure Adam Warlow will start scoring soon he’s working hard. If Dean Crowe can stay fit then he will be a big assett and Proffitt is working hard withn lots of unselfish running if he can work on his finishing and shooting and improve this he’d be awesome. All in all its looking good but all of us players, fans, board, and Football management have got to keep working as a team and not get complacent then I’m sure we’ll do it this season!! Onward and upward 3 points hopefully at Ossett!!

Cracking debate we’ve got going here…

I reckon we put Kennedy and Pritch up front with Kearney playing just behind the front two…

Who will play in goals i hear you cry…? thats easy…Mark Peers haha :wink:

The answer to all our problems could be Jim putting DIllon on a diet of steak, steak, and more steak!! Let’s get him bulked up, and he’ll be running the midfield in no time at all!!!

come on robbo, only serious talk on this topic please :wink:

Jim could send Dillon on loan to the Supporters Team for a month, I’m sure after a few weekends with us he will put some timber on!!! ;D

Well halving your current weight would be a good start… :o