Do you want Witton Albion to progress??

[b]How passionate are you about our Football Club ??[/b]<br>If you are a passionate supporter of Witton Albion Football Club, and you want them playing in a higher league, your help is needed to enable this to happen!<br>At this moment we and a lot of people believe that the management team we have in place at this time, is the best we have had for a long time, and we feel that with the right budget being made available Jim Vince can produce a team that can compete with the best in the league.<br>The problem being that the board can only budget a certain amount as we all know, that we are not getting people through the gates.<br>So this is where all you passionate supporters come in.<br>If you want success it comes at a price, and we all need to assist Jim to enable him to obtain this standard of football that we all need.<br>We are open to opinions, but we need to act now, so as to let Jim know what budget he will have to work with next season.<br>Any monies pledged will go directly to Jim Vince?s budget<br>An idea that comes to mind is if supporters can pledge a set amount of money each week for a full season, we can give this to Jim each week to enable him to get the players he needs for us the win the league. We need this to enable us to keep the present management team, who we all hope will sign a contract to stay with us, because we know that he wants to stay and he wants success for Witton Albion Football Club. Please help us to enable this to happen, as all of our supporters deserve success<br>We also need people to come forward and organise events, <br>Please contact any one of the people below if you are genuinely interested in us moving forward.<br> <br>Yours, Jim Powell, Andy Lomas & Len Holman<br>

Silence is golden?? [smiley=nono.gif]

to be fair Len i think on here you are preaching to the converted…

Jim Vince has signed a 2 year contract, which means he really wants to us to progress to a higher league, as all of us supporters want [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

Lets hope the fans back this decision.<br><br>Season tickets will be available very shortly for anyone who is interested in renewing or buying one.<br><br>Details to follow very soon…<br><br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Would like to pledge.I need to know the number of weeks that need to be commited.It’s summer time and I feel too lazy to calculate!!! ;D

I think a total of 39 was mentioned although I thought it used to be 36?<br>Maybe Len can confirm?

Thirty Nine Neil

Count me in, but I’ll have to wait until I get back to the UK and all finances are sorted before I can confirm details.

Count me in please.Will sort the amount later.

I have got to raise this appeal again as Jim has now signed what looks like being a team that can bring us what we all deserve which is a team that can be capable of being amonst the top teams in the league.<br>But he needs the extra money to obtain this, so it is up you the supporters to help and pledge a regular payment to the fund that Jim is running and get behind the lads<br>Please contact Me, Jim Powell, Andy Lomas or Andy Chadwick ASAP please [smiley=banane.gif]

I will see you at one of the friendlies Len/andy.

As Delia would say :-<br><br>'COME ON THEN LETS BE ‘AVIN YA’<br><br>Put up or shut up!<br><br>Contribute whatever you can afford, up front or weekly we don’t mind but lets have a bit of positivity around OUR Football Club for a change.

Andy or Len, I’ll see you as and when but yes I’ll contribute as best as I can.

Cheers Derek - Thats the spirit!

Thanks Derek, we need a lot more WITTONERS like you to make this a memorable season.<br>I went to Hartford Campus last night to have a look at the squad training and there were 28 there, with <br>M M & C G away on holiday<br>They all seemed to be enjoying it<br>Roll on the new season

Am I the only one worried that money appears to be the only criteria for building a good team? What about loyalty? The fans are loyal because they love the club, most of the players it seems are only loyal if the money is right.<br>WHS

WHS, congratulations on being the first negative supporter of the season. Lets hope there arent to many supports like yourself this seaon. I know for a fact four members of the squad this season, three who have signed contract and one that has not, have all been offered better salaries from clubs in both higher league and unibond premier, yet they have all stayed because of the both how well they have been treated whilst being at the club and most importantly how they have been supported through the season by the loyal fans!!!

WHS,<br>If we are to apply your approach we will end up like Runcorn, as soon as the wage bill gets pulled look what happens. We have to be realistic. By all acounts we have an average budget for the league, but look at our team and the way we play. MM could have gone a few years ago for a lot more money but he has stayed loyal. Some come on lets be aving ya, stop being negative, lets get behind the team support them finacially and lets live the dream.

The ball is now rolling and I would like to thank Wheels for the first donation, to the players fund, lets hope its the start of many [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]