Grantham Town vs Witton Albion

Witton team<br><br>Worsnop, Hockenhull, Brownhill, Pritchard, Barras, Whalley, Alex Brown, Spearritt, Moseley, Sanasay, Gaghan.<br><br>Subs: Peers, Alistair Brown, Mark Jones.

Latest Score: GRANTHAM TOWN 0 WITTON ALBION 2.<br><br>Kevin Sanasay signed from Farsley Celtic, tapped in following a 20yard Mike Moseley shot.<br>30 seconds later, Shaun Whalley put Witton two up after the keeper spilled his shot over the line.

Latest Score: GRANTHAM TOWN 1 WITTON ALBION 2.<br><br>The Gingerbreads pulled one back after an apparent defensive mix up between Pritch and keeper Jon Worsnop.

Latest Score: GRANTHAM TOWN 2 WITTON ALBION 2.<br><br>Equaliser following a mistake from keeper Jon Worsnop, rushing out of goal the ball was lobbed over his head from 20 yards.


Latest Score: GRANTHAM TOWN 2 WITTON ALBION 3.<br><br>Mike Moseley’s header from Shaun Whalley’s free kick.


well done everyone, great to be back to winning ways

Would prefer a little less drama next time though!! 3 points, so job done. However, while obviously not wanting to put a downer on an away win, we got away with it today a little bit against a VERY poor team. Although there is alot to be said for winning when we are not playing well, it is unlikely to happen very often (eg; England during the world cup). Against better sides, we will get punished. Hopefully the win will give us the confidence to push on now for a few more positive results. A good point away at Matlock, and a win today with the odds against us - a decent week’s work.<br><br>Can we sort the corners out though?? Short ones are not working!! Get the ball into the box early - we did this once from Peers’ freekick, and MM got the winner. Getting the ball into the penalty area from dead-ball kicks - it’s the future!!

Man of the Match for me was Shaun Whalley by a mile,<br>his pace and an avenue for the defenders to get shut was excellent, I must admit I thought the first half we were disjointed, second half albeit with the wind we looked more composed and Grantham didnt really trouble us for a home side. We will play better but loose Hey but thats football <br><br><br>As for the two goalkeeping displays in the first half :-[ :-X

2nd half we could of scored 5 or 6. If the chances start ending up in the onion bag we’ll be fine.<br>At the other end - can we have Tom S back in the centre of defense where he was outstanding last season please Mr Vincio??<br><br>Anyway, how about those Vics hey…

For me easily the worst performance this season, the first half particularly, however we did dig in and with the wind 2nd half (maybe it had more of an effect that we thought) got the 3 points which put us 3 points off top and erm 3 points off 14th? (what a incredibly tight league!)<br><br>If we can perform on Tuesday we’ll be properly in the thick of it and with players coming back ready to mount a challenge.<br><br>Just for the record, Warlow out with Tonsilitus back Tuesday, Connors back soon, MM starts his ban on tuesday for 3 games and Frost played for the reserves today and Alex Brown I think sprained his ankle and was subbed. If we can keep injuries and suspensions in single figures we’re in with a chance!<br><br>

Neil did you have a beer today?? :o

Four calamitous goalkeeping errors in the first half led to two goals a piece at half time.<br>We didn’t play well in the first half and Grantham definately looked the better side. Alex Brown going off after 30 mins didn’t help, especially with Tom Spearitt playing out of position alongside him.<br>Darren Hockenhull definately looks better at right back than left back, and Liam Brownhill is better at left back than Hockenhull.<br>Shaun Whalley played well on the wing and was probably my man of the match and Mark Peers played well when he came on. Chris Gaghan didn’t play as well as we have seen him play.<br>Kevin Sanasay looked like a good player, but did get isolated when Mike Mosely went looking for the ball in midfield.<br>Brian Pritchard and Tony Barras had good games over all, and it was only misunderstandings between them and Jon Worsnop that led to the Grantham goals.<br>Worsnop had a shakey first half but certainly improved in the second, as did the whole team.<br>I totally agree with Robbo though, in that short corners do not work for us. Get the ball into the box from the set piece and it can cause havoc in the area at any level of the game, (just look at England).<br>Not the best of games, but three points in the bag and you can’t really argue with that.

I don’t understand Worsnop at all. Sometimes he looks really solid, and will go long stretches where he takes every ball that comes into the box with no fuss. Then at other times he goes all david james on us.<br><br>Tactical analysis bit;<br>Both Pritch and Barras lack the same attribute. Pace. That’s not a criticism, it’s fact. Due to this, our back 4 sit very deep, so as to not get exposed in behind (or so alan hansen tells me). This means that our midfield comes very deep aswell, so that we have 9 out of our 11 players within our own half for much of the match. This then leaves our forwards isolated further up the pitch (and is why MM is coming back into midfield to look for the ball). <br>Worsnop sends the ball up to our forwards - neither of which is blessed with the arial ability of john toshack for example, meaning the opposition centre-halves will invariably win the ball. They head the ball forwards, and it is picked up by their midfield around the half-way line. Our defense and midfield are sat so deep that before we know it the opposition are encamped on the edge of our penalty area. Sooner or later this pressure is going to result in a goal - or 12 in the last 6 matches. An average of 2 per game stats fans. Now if we are conceding 2 goals per game, then even a northwich vics fan would be able to work out that we need to score at least 3 to win matches. There’s goals in our team (especially if we start converting set-pieces - which we seem to get plenty of), but we can’t rely on outscoring our opponents every week. It doesn’t work for Real Madrid, it didn’t work for Brazil in the world cup, and it no longer works for arsenal. Something has to change.<br>Tom S back in the centre of defense. Get more crosses into the box. Title won by easter.<br><br>Right, i’m off to come up with a solution for all known illnesses and an end to all wars… 8)


Could well be right.<br><br>The season’s less than a month old, but already it seems to have been going on for ages! So much has happened already. So many ups and downs.<br>It’s been an eventful start to say the least!! It’s enough to turn Neil to the bottle!

niel doesnt need an excuse to turn to the bottle !!!<br>

Have I got it right? Played four at home and lost the lot and not scored a goal? Who in heaven’s name am I talking about? not that brilliant outfit across the canal surely?<br>WHS

I think Robbos got it just right, we do play too deep and it was obvious at Matlock where in the first half we played our best football between our eighteen yard box and the halfway line. The midfield always seem to move towards the defence to receive the ball and with the latter being too deep the play is condensed into our half. if the defence then decide to play the long ball, the midfield are too deep to support<br>The defence needs to be confident enough to hold a higher line, knowing they have the ability to win anything that goes over their heads.<br>