Northwich latest part 2

Gutted.<br><br>Can someone please pre-warn me when material such as this is posted on here because it really is starting to upset me.<br><br>

[smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br>The safety certificate for the ground was issued today.<br>The final hurdle is now the Conference inspection on Tuesday.<br><br>Fingers crossed

Let’s hope you pay your bill’s then

i do feel sorry for Steve Burr,the players and th e gullible followers of NVFC 2004. All their hard work has amounted to nothing because of their head honcho Mr. Connett.either Mr.C has a cunning plan like Baldrick or he is cerebrally challanged like Baldrick!!!<br>I think Mr. Con is taking NVFC to cleaners.

"with a bagful of cash,<br>he got his son in the side,<br>NOW Connetts taken Northwich for a ride."<br><br>How can you feel sorry for them as i have said many times before THEY ARE SO GULLIBLE!!!<br><br>As for JGG,Mellor,Evergreen et al they must be so embarrassed.<br><br>Just when they thought it was safe to come out of the water!<br><br>Reality Bites!

northwich vics ha ha ha, northwich vics ha ha ha, were all laughing at northwich vics hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

I stll feel sorry for them.Have you seen today’s Guardian? Acollectors’ item!!!<br> Perhaps NVFC 2004 would have their motto<br> [shamelessly borrowed from Ovid’s Metamorphoses1!]<br><br> "video meliora proboque,deteriora sequor"<br>means :- even though I know better, I keep on doing the wrong thing!!! ;D

My sources tell me that the hearing for the appeal is saturday,fingers crossed they wont get away with it this time.

I think it’s the Conf AGM tomorrow, not the appeal.

[quote]My sources tell me that the hearing ?for the appeal is saturday,fingers crossed they wont get away with it this time.[/quote]<br>If they do there’ll be a veritable explosion of gloating on this thread. We’ll never have seen so many evergreens, conifers, green giants and mellors in one day. But we’ll be ready for them.<br>

My source is a good friend of the connett household. He will be shot if the head if the info is incorrect.

NVFC relegated to Conference North.<br><br>Just a little lucky (again).<br><br>GE<br>

???Any truth in the rumour that NVFC/Conman Owe us money from last season???<br><br>If it is the case that they havent paid a football debt can they be demoted further!

Notice maybe coincidentally that on Robs earlier posting he said "Lets hope you pay your bills then"

Well its time for us all to eat humble pie I’m afraid. I looked with some intrepidation because last night the first competitive game was played at The Victoria Stadium.<br><br>I thought that with the loyal Vics support, and the thousand stay away supporters rallying to the cause , the stadium would be packed to the rafters proving that they don’t need away followings to boost there averages.<br><br>ATTENDANCE 639<br><br>NUFF SAID

[smiley=banane.gif] Biggest attendance at the Victoria Stadium this season will be on 31st August when it won’t be the Vics who are playing!

So that would be 2 games played and about ?15,000 payed out in wages, about ?5,000 taken in (no sponsors last night) a loss of around ?10,000 in the first 4 days of the season interest being paid up and above 15% on the loans being taken to pay the payers and staff (allegedly)… Oh well at least the car park is flat.