Northwich Latest????

Anybody heard the latest from NVFC, as there is no website available to tell people, about Peter Wragg etc!!!

Neil mentioned it to me last night. Wonder why? Will Steve Burr be following?

Heard it was Burr that got rid of Wragg, thought they were mates<br><br>Also have heard that a deal has been struck for them to play at WP for the rest of the season, few comments from either camp though.

Steve Burr has pulled out of the supporters meeting @ the Friendly Floatel on Thursday Night, due to a imminent announcement. <br><br>I WONDER WHAT THAT COULD BE<br><br>BUY BUY !!!

Oh no he hasn’t - he HAS requested he be on at 8.0pm this time as training finishes earlier rather than 9.0pm like last time.<br>He is also bringing 1 or 2 players with him.<br><br>Come along you might learn something and we need your ?2’s !!

Think you might find that Vics are going full time and Peter Wragg could’nt commit himself to full-time training.SB was involved in a massive meeting yesterday at the VS with ??? All will be revealed tomorrow evening but Vics are on the uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!

JGG always a pleasure to read your nonsense, my sides are splitting!<br><br>You are having a laugh - full time - in your dreams even the guy who is supposed to be buying you out hasn’t got that sort of money - another Telford?<br><br>Anyway, who takes notice of you.<br><br>1. You said that you woulddn’t be playing at all at the WP this season - you are<br><br>2. You said the new ground would be finished in time for November - It wont<br><br>3.

Come and talk to us Jolly green giant, Ho Ho Ho just heard who is now running your ‘full time’ club, hope we’re not owed any money it’s a bugger trying to get anything out of those guys…

Isn’t it the same gang that were at our helm for a short while, after Doug Lloyd?.. [smiley=banane.gif]

[smiley=applause_smiley.gif]D.Stone for all your financial planning!!! Who needs Len Cooke!!!

Well I think it can be said without any worries of it being wrong now as it is on other websites that they have rung Northwich to find out if its true and have had it confirmed, Northwich Victoria have been placed into administration and the old board have resigned (both of them) there are already many rumours about a conspiracy to avoid paying off debts for the new owner etc… but having a ten point deduction and then losing all assets as a club can’t be a good move in my book, might be a few players going cheap JD! Oh and I should add this is not an official statement from anyone as Northwich have not actually got around to telling their supporters yet so keep it under your hats ok.

Much as i hate to admit it we are having to follow the same administrative path as you, however, it should work just as well as it did for you and at least we can now get on with building again and concentrate on clawing back any points deduction.<br>We should be out from under your feet pretty soon now so rest easy. :wink:

I am truly not shocked that the club has been placed into voluntary administration, but with regard to a points deduction, I feel that the Conference set themselves a president by not deducting Exeter City last season, not only for going into administration but for attempting to take the conference league to court.<br><br>I think it may well be frond upon, but as well laid legally obliged plans are afoot, then I can’t see that there will be many worries.<br><br>I also don’t think that any major debtors should worry, as they have already been contacted & are aware of the Vics situation & their own financial recompense has been fully explained to them.<br><br>Don’t get too excited my Witton fellows!<br><br>A<br>

Dont get to excited chaps, the voluntary administration move has been made to benefit Vics and no-one else. The new board will soon be in place, they attended saturday’s game and are now practically incharge although at the moment working with the accountant involved in the administration. The new comes as no suprise as the club has been technically in administration for 3 mnths. At least this now gives us more time to negotiate with our creditors and like most other clubs that go into liquidation (inc whitton) we will come out bigger,better and stronger. The VS will be ready for next season and as regards the point deduction, the previous post sums it up nicely-- Exeter who were in administration for most of last season were not given any points penalty and therefore a precident was set, in any event the Conf will do everything they can to support us particularly with the Telford and Margate fiasco last season. the future is still very much GREEN!!!

This should explain the points deduction Northwich will suffer…<br><br>[color=Blue] Last season the Conference introduced rules which applied a 12-point penalty to clubs entering Administration, CVA or certain other insolvency proceedings.<br><br>Exeter City were subsequently docked 12 points when they entered a CVA, only for the penalty to be suspended while appeals were launched, with cases reaching the courts before the Conference stood down and postponed implementation of the new rules.<br><br>The 12-point tariff was reduced to 10 during the last season, but there are further amendments in the new season’s rulebook. The key change is the addition of an appeals procedure.<br><br>"Sporting Sanctions" apply to:<br>Any club going into administration (voluntarily or by order) <br>Any club subject to a winding-up order, or wound-up voluntarily <br>Any club entering into any agreement with creditors, such as a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) [Insolvency Act of 1986, Scheme of Arrangement Act 1985] <br>Any club subject to a County or High Court judgement which remains unsatisfied for 28 days. <br>The sanction specified in the rules is a fixed 10 points, to be applied immediately if the club goes into admin/CVA etc during the season. If it happens during the summer, the points deduction applies from the following campaign.<br>The sanction will be just the 10 points even if a club meets more than one of the above criteria.<br><br>On being notified of a sanction being applied, a club can appeal on the grounds that the insolvency proceedings arose solely as the result of a Force Majeure event (i.e. an event that was unforseeable and unavoidable). An appeal must be lodged within 7 days, along with a deposit of ?5k against the costs of the appeal. <br><br>Appeals will be heard by a Sporting Sanctions Appeal Panel (SSAP). The three members of the SSAP will be appointed by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. The chairman shall be a solicitor or barrister.<br><br>A firm of independent accountants shall produce a report into the insolvency, with costs to be met by the club. The club and the Conference may make presentations to the SSAP, which shall hear an appeal within 21 days.<br><br>The SSAP’s decision will be to uphold the 10 point sanction, or to set a lower tarrif (including the option of no sanction at all). Its decision is final and binding.<br><br>Note that the rules do not (in contrast to 2003/4) add any extra sanction if the club reaches the play-offs. So if, for example, a club finishes fourth even after deduction of 10 points, it seems that they are now permitted in the play-offs. Last season they would have been deducted further points to drop them to sixth. <br><br>Note that this seems to apply to all clubs, including those in the North and South divisions.[/color]<br><br>Taken from…[url][/url]&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;The question is can they finish the season with less points than they started with?? What an achievement that would be!!

Does anybody want any Tarmacing done ???

Exactly, This year the deduction is MANDATORY not an option.

We’ll be fine, the conferencehave utmost respect for us and in any event I understand the period of administration is likely to be minimal. The point deduction was condemmed by the football league recently and the Conference will want to look after their only ever present club, moving goalposts etc!!! In any event we should finish 10 points above, Leigh and Farnboro (who are also on the brink of administration) Conference season no 27 here we come – ALOT BIGGER STRONGER BETTER AND LESS DEBT AT THE VS.

I shouldn’t worry folks its all part of the plan, even if the VS (building site) subsides it’ll give the new owners time to get their insurance claim in! I’m afraid I fail to see the real benefits from this.<br><br>Lest we forget its rather an expensive business this admin lark, and who takes charge of the club if you come out? If this new owner is waiting, erm wouldnt it be better for him to have saved you going into administration? Maybe he is after something on the cheap…<br><br>As for the 10 points, you could have given every other team in the conference a 10 pt deduction last season and still have been relagated with games to spare.<br><br>Whats next in the big plan - buying the Slow and Easy?<br>guess that’d mean the shelving of the Marina plans though, pity.

Oh how bright and enlightened all you V*cs supporters are! <br><br>You have lost control of your assets <br><br> The loyal shareholders for many years have prob. lost any say in the running of the club & to cap it all you are Happy!?! to let YOUR club be run by someone you know nothing about- Incredible!!!<br><br>Even Alastair Campbell would be proud of the positive spin you have put on this one.<br><br>