Northwich Latest????

Where is my old mate JGG, the man who said I was talking out of my backside, who was proved right in the end.<br><br>All contracts are now the property of the administrator, who can decide who stays and who goes.<br><br>Of course new people are running the Club, but a deal has to be struck with the Administrators as to what money is available to pay off the creditors. Remember we had to sell the land to Roberts to pay off the debt. What have they got to sell.<br><br>The Grant was awarded to the old Board and is unlikely to be transferred under the current circumstances<br><br>Oh and yes there will be a points deduction, Exeter only got it back on appeal as they had gone into administration before the rule had come into force.<br><br>Burr will be gone within 2 weeks, I wonder why the proposed takeover has taken so long, obviously Mr C has the club at heart to let them go under and come in and buy it at rock bottom.<br><br>Mr Stich loan is up the swanney!!<br><br>JGG where are you???

This could be a bad day for Witton when you look back in 3-4 years time.<br>There is every opportunity to gloat and take the p**s now but as WP is obviously going to be sold for housing in the medium term Northwich have shown how expensive it is to build a new ground so perhaps common sense will prevail and both clubs will end up on the new site.<br>Sensible plan for Mr Worthington and his board. Sensible plan for Mr Connett and his new board. <br>Bad news for the fans of at least one club and probably both.<br>There’s been a lot of talking between the 2 clubs and I suspect the early negotiations are complete.

Neutral, How the **** do you know so much about Witton, We own OUR GROUND, so why would we need to share with somebody that owns nothing<br>Let Mr Connett get on with buying out the VS stadium<br>Why has he waited until they are in Administation, before buying???Very interesting isn’t it<br><br>Please leave Witton to do their own thing [smiley=ranting.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

Anyone who was at our last information meeting would be in no doubt as to what Witton Albions intentions are.<br><br>We heard it first hand from the board members, think they call it communication. No doubt there will be a some rather upset supporters/shareholders when they find out in the papers tomorrow! ;D

Mr Connett obviously sees his money as being much more important. Otherwise he would have paid off some of the debts and saved them from administration and a 10 point deduction that is looming.

[quote]There is every opportunity to gloat and take the p**s now [/quote]<br><br>Oh yes. Just like they did when we were in trouble. When Telford went bust.<br><br>What goes around comes around. They may all get their wish yet, Stitch, Stone, Nuttall etc - ONE TEAM IN TOWN.<br><br>Unlucky that’s it’s not the one they meant.<br><br>

Incredibly short memories you lot have, putting trust in someone you know nothing about!!! So how much did you lot know about MW?? Administration has done you and many other clubs no harm, NVFC will come out of this alot stronger and better and for the first time in years run by professional business people. This is the best news NVFC has had in 30 years,we can now move on to the VS with renewed optimism. Shares maybe worthless but supporters dont by shares in their soccer club for investment, as for input, well the supporters trust has been set up and the growing membership(150 or so) will hopefully have a seat on the new board to raise it’s views etc.<br> As for the points deduction, log onto the conf guide and you’ll see that the deduction is nowhere means certain according to the chief exec of the Conference, as Exeter proved last season these deductions are very rare and considering no other league has this kind of penalty I think Vics have nothing at this stage to worry about. Indeed the period of administration is crucial and my guess is that it will be shorter than the normal and this will influence the decision made by the league.<br> Good night Hippo, you may be smiling at the moment but that smile will soon be wiped off your face when the takeover is complete. Sleeptight.

[quote]<br><br>Oh yes. ?Just like they did when we were in trouble. ?When Telford went bust.<br><br>What goes around comes around. ?They may all get their wish yet, Stitch, Stone, Nuttall etc - ONE TEAM IN TOWN.<br><br>Unlucky that’s it’s not the one they meant.<br><br><br>Oh Debbie, you’ve such alot to learn, this is the best move in along time for NVFC. New ara starts now and as neutral states above, you are likely to join us in less than 8 yrs at the VS when you sell up and realize that you won’t have the funds to be able to build a ground even as good as WP, let alone anything bigger. Amalgamation may be decades away but groundshre at VS is now looking almost certain. That way both boards will be happy and will have money in the bank!!

Although the 10pts doesn’t seem certain just yet. The difference is this, The rule saying a club will be deducted 10pts came in force from the beginning of this season not last year. Thats why Exeter skipped around it.

BREAKING NEWS…<br><br>Witton board is to meet the Administrators, at there request, to consider the purchase of the site as WP is being earmarked for building.<br><br>Another potential new ground, purchased for half a million, and tenants to go along as well.<br><br>What a good deal that would be for the Albion.<br><br>Have never heard of a Club "happy" to be in administration, obviously Mr C is so knowledgeable about football he sees a wonderful future.<br><br>So why are the Administrators talking to Witton?

From<br><br>Vics on the brink Sep 15 2004<br><br><br><br>NORTHWICH Victoria have gone into administration and the club is expected to be sold within a month.<br><br>Chairman Dave Stone and director Derek Nuttall have resigned and the club is now being run by a corporate recovery firm from Preston.<br><br>A winding up order was taken out this week against Northwich by the building company Tarmac, which is owed ?17,000.<br><br>But while it is the end of Vics in its current form, it is by no means the end of the club.<br><br>A consortium, believed to be led by High Legh-based businessman Mike Connett, is expected to conclude a deal with administrators Begbies Traynor within a fortnight, although there is nothing to prevent rival offers being put in.<br><br>Administrator David Appleby said: 'We want to be involved for as short a time as possible.<br><br>'We are involved in exclusive negotiations with a consortium which we hope to conclude within a fortnight.<br><br>‘The creditors would then meet and come to a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) with the club. We should have completed the whole thing within four to six weeks.’<br><br>Northwich Vics is being sold as a going concern. The club would remain members of the Nationwide Conference and it is understood a prospective purchaser would be expected to complete the new Victoria Stadium at Wincham and develop the business.<br><br>Other than approving the CVA, shareholders will be disenfranchised by the move, their investment - seen more as a contribution to their team - wiped out.<br><br>One, who did not want to be named, stormed: ‘It stinks. I think shareholders should demand a police enquiry into the affairs of the club.’<br><br>Another, Barbara Spencer, said: 'Northwich has gone deeper into debt for the sake of fewer and fewer people.<br><br>‘If they could not be a success in the town centre, how do they expect to be in Wincham? A lot of people will feel betrayed.’<br><br>But another, who had put a few hundred pounds in via a subscription, said: 'I didn’t make my investment with a view to getting any money back from it, I just wanted what is best for the club.<br><br>‘It is a very sad situation to be in, but if this is what is best for Northwich Vics then it is what I want. The club is going nowhere; a new owner with ideas and investment is just what we need.’<br><br>He said the club’s communication with the fans over the last few months had been ‘absolutely scandalous’. He added: ‘Without the supporters the club has nothing. They deserve better.’<br><br>Vics sold the Drill Field - with the overwhelming backing from shareholders - for an estimated ?2.3m in 2002.<br><br>Prominent and controversial supporter Clive Penny led a handful of dissenters in a vociferous campaign against the sale. The money, they said, was not enough to build a new stadium and pay off debts.<br><br>Mr Penny was unavailable for comment, but a friend said: ‘This vindicates Clive completely.’<br><br>Work on Northwich’s new ground at the Wincham Business Park came to a halt in April when the money ran out.<br><br>Little has been done since and North-wich is into its third season as tenants of neighbours Witton Albion. In each of the past two seasons the club has lost about ?250,000 and debts are thought to be considerable.<br><br>The proposed takeover by Mr Connett has been an open secret among fans since April, although his involvement has never been officially admitted.<br><br>Begbies has instructed officials at the club not to speak to the Press. Mr Nuttall joined the board in 1966 and is also club president and secretary. Mr Stone was in his second spell as chairman, having taken over from Rod Stitch, whose family are thought to be the club’s largest creditors. He was unavailable for comment on Tuesday.

In response to the "trust in someone you dont know anything about" We hopefully have learnt our lesson via Warrender. <br>With regard to Chairman Mao sorry Mike! Worthington -he was PROMINENTLY locally b4 he came into Witton, and more importantly his Father in law(Notionally) is a Wittoner of over 70 years standing. Quite good credentials me thinks.<br>With reference to Mr Connett I know of noone involved with local football who knows anything about him, businessmen DO NOT come into football from obscurity for anything other than GREED and EGOTRIPS.<br>Beware Lizards, Beware!


Witton board is to meet the Administrators, at there request, to consider the purchase of the site as WP is being earmarked for building.

Another potential new ground, purchased for half a million, and tenants to go along as well.

What a good deal that would be for the Albion.

Have never heard of a Club "happy" to be in administration, obviously Mr C is so knowledgeable about football he sees a wonderful future.

So why are the Administrators talking to Witton?[/quote]<br><br>YAWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!

I take it thats what your reduced to Vics Fan in the absence of a sensible argument.<br><br>Where are all the loudmouths MR Duncan et al.<br><br>‘Oh its all gone quiet over there’<br><br>Could the person that put the rumour about Vics going into Administration on the Website please give me tonights winning lottery numbers- Preferably in Ascending Order!!!<br><br>How smug you must feel!!!

Have heard vics have gone into administration,if this is true,and they are unable to make there obligatins to Witton Albion i.e rent, will they be asked to terminate there tennancy at Wincham Park??with any monies that are owed by vics paid to Witton.??

[quote]I take it thats what your reduced to Vics Fan in the absence of a sensible argument.

Where are all the loudmouths MR Duncan et al.[/quote]<br><br>Nice to see Mr Pritchard is alive and still out there!!<br><br>Off the pitch anyway…<br><br>Perhaps he should spend the time in the gym getting fit instead of on your message board?<br><br>"Off the bar!!"<br><br> [smiley=3dbiggrin3.gif]<br>

Construstive as usual young Wayne!

Construstive is the new word for constructive! Honest

Apparently Duncan is an alias Pritch.<br> <br>His real surname is Kerr!!!