Northwich Latest????

It has now been confirmed that Vics will have a 10 point deduction for going into administration.<br><br>I think the identity of the hoaxster back in August who posted a statement from DS has now been been sorted out. WELL DONE MR CONNETT. You have succeeded in making sure sufficient rumours flew about and no further web chatter could go onto the NVFC site. Therefore no company would even think of doing business with NV and Creditors put pressure on for their cash. Now in administration he will purchase the club for ?1 assetts and all and debt free. <br><br>Witton Albion need to scrap all plans to co-operate with NVFC, and refuse to let them play any further home games at Wincham Park. As NV are in Administration Witton do not have to honour any contracts signed to let them play at WP.<br><br>I urge every Wittoner to put pressure on Mike Worthington to do this as if Mr Connett succeeds iN purchasing NV they will Become a dominent force in the town with no debt and a new stadium. They will not get religated eithER this years as no fewer than four other conferennce clubs will fold this year.<br><br>Kicking Vics out of Wincham park will mean them being kicked out of the league and ultimatly into the history books. Witton Albion has shown over the last few years it is a football club run by passionate football fans who care about the community. Witton should not be scared to go alone as we can exploit all commercial oppertunities being the only club in Northwich and go from strength to strength.<br><br>MR WORTHINGTON TAKE IMMEDIATE ADVICE AND DO THE RIGHT THING FOR WITTON ALBION FOOTBALL CLUB

Think you’ll find Vics are appealing the 10 point deduction and my guess is that it will be more than likely reduced to a token amount. I also agree that they probably won’t be relegated - as for kicking them out!! I think both clubs should think about thier futures seriously, one stadium makes total sense, both clubs could then retain their identity at the new ground and have money in the bank. Kneejerk re-actions are infantile, look at the big picture, the new vics stadium can easily be altered to accomodate both clubs.

It would be a decade before you altered it to accomodate both teams. You have taken 2.5 years and not even accomodated one team yet.

wat a shame, witton albion’s fallin down, fallin down… comin to our new home??? not a chance.[hr][tt][/tt] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

Please specify which part is falling down? If it isn’t upto your high standards then play somewhere else for the rest of the season.

dont wana screw with your happiness golden boy but im now the newest member of the Danny Salt fan club! i cant see y more people havent signed up? ???

Nevermind Simmo - exclusive clubs are usually the best!! We’ll just keep it cosy if no-one else wants to join!!!

Some good news at last<br><br>Vics to come out of administration <br>A consortium led by Mike Connett has today confirmed that it has entered into a contract with administrators Begbies Traynor to buy Northwich Victoria. <br><br>"We’re confident that everything will be rubber stamped very quickly," said Mike Connett. <br><br>"The new consortium has exciting plans for the future of Northwich Vics. "We have assembled a new board, which includes Rod Stitch, who is well known in the Northwich area. The new board will provide financial stability for the club. <br><br>"We are also confident that the new Victoria Stadium at Wincham will be completed this season," he added. <br><br>

Congratulations, but watch your backs!

The CVA, and transfer of the club to Mike Connett, have both been agreed today. These are vital steps in the rescue of Northwich Victoria, who went into administration in September.<br><br>The following report is c/o Peter Grimes’ Northwich Victoria Distant Vics News Service:<br><br>Today’s meetings at The Thistle Hotel gave almost unanimous approval to the CVA and the transfer of the company to Mike Connett. <br><br>The voting of creditors was 89% in favour and 11% against - the 11% being the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise. Creditors will receive just over 30p in the pound which increases to about 47p in the pound for businesses who can claim VAT relief on bad debts. <br><br>The actual selling price of the ground and business is ?250,000. However, when all figures are taken into account such as the commitment to finish the ground and lease back the stadium to the club, the amount is approximately ?1m. <br><br>Mike Connett is now in touch with the Football Foundation over grants to help complete the work. <br><br>The CVA, in Vics case, is for a year although it is anticipated that all money will be collected in and redistributed to creditors much quicker than that. <br><br>The shareholders approved the deal unanimously. <br><br>There is now a 28 day period for any creditors who feel they have been unfairly treated to appeal at which point Mike Connett can safely proceed with building work. However, as the chances of any creditor having grounds to appeal were described by the administrator as "remote to nil" it is Mike Connett’s intention to take the risk and start work before that date.

Well Hippo, your wait is over!! As I’ve predicted over the last few months the future of NVFC is now extremely prosperous. The plans which will be no doubt revealed very soon are massive, the VS is going to be much better than originally planned,with full length stands on all 4 sides and an eventual capacity of between 10000 & 12000. The other facilities to be incorporated in the wilson connelly stand are awesome not to mention the extra facilities that are to be added onto the danebank stand. NVFC have now entered the most positive period of their history,the ambition is huge,the support form all over mid-cheshire will soon be massive and it will only be a matter of time before NVFC are one one of the leading Conf teams. Money will be no problem,the more Mr C puts in, the more he will make as crowds swell and business thrives.After 130 long years we have finally got rid of our financial worries-just like many other clubs nowadays we are led by one major businessman. The future for us now is superb, all your little thoughts should now be concentrated on your little club who very soon will be entering a very interesting period. Maybe you should be looking for new tennants, because my understanding is that currently without the money we give you wafc could’nt be classed as a going concern. I hope it works out for you hippo, but remember what goes round-comes round!! and I fear for you when WP is sold and the proceeds are considerably less than you expect!! If you can’t work that out then your more dozy than I thought!!

Two points to make here.<br><br>The posting from Evergreen, succinct, and largely factual although containing a report of opinions as well, saddens me, not because of anything at all to do with NVFC, but because the laws of the land allow a company in trouble to pay just over 30% of what it owes, and then just carry on, even though it would seem that there is plenty of additional money available! What an appalling state of affairs, how many lives are destroyed each year because legitimate, hard working businesses go to the wall when their debtors take advantage of this legal loophole?<br><br>The posting from JGG is awesome in its naivety. How can anyone glory in the fact that the club they support no longer have any assets? I know it is good to have a positive outlook, but this is taking it to a ridiculous extent.

I thought the people who got the club into debt have gone (the ex-directors) and a new person starts from scratch?<br>If the club, or any club in this situation, were to have gone into liquidation because a new buyer couldn’t afford to pay off all the old debts wouldn’t the creditors get far less? I think I saw 7p in the pound. When Exeter went into administration last year they only paid 10p in the pound to creditors and are making them wait a long time for their money as well.<br>At the end of the day football is about keeping all clubs alive for the benefit of the local community and fans have very little say in what happens. Didn’t you go into administration some years ago? I suspexct the fans didn’t know much about that until it happened so you can’t blame them.<br>We’re all dependant on a "rich benefactor" or a board of directors to keep us going and ity’s never safe beyond the next benefactor/board at best.

Totally agree and if we look at the full picture to the argument, NVFC’s old board wern’t entirely responsible for the mess they got themselves in. Niaive yes they were, but if it was’nt for the local authorities misleading them to enormous levels, the old board would have been ?500k better off and the VS almost certainly finished last year and NVFC playing there now. Personally I think everything has turned out better than we could have imagined, the old board wern’t taking us anywhere, the new board WILL and in my opinion the financial problems have proved a blessing in disguise. As regards losing our assets!! - nonsense. How many other clubs are in a similar position to VICS, Man City,Wigan,Altrincham spring to mind immediately. Football fans support their TEAM and wan’t good facilities and a successful team on the pitch. Who really gives 2 hoots about the way the club is run or who owns it providing it is on a firm footing and there are no financial worries. Ask any Wigan fan what they would prefer, struggling in league 2 at springfield park or being owned by Dave Whelan at the JJB stadium and on the brink of promotion to the premiership!! There is no argument and you wittoners are trying to re-assure yourselves that the deal is’nt good for NVFC. Having met Mr C twice, I can tell you that this is the best thing that has ever happened to NVFC in 130 years and as much as I would’nt wish any bad luck on witton I’m afraid it will prove disasterous for you. You hav’nt been able to compete with us in the last 3 decades so what chance have you now!!! THE GAP will just get bigger and bigger and bigger!!!

I think Mr Connett has worked a miracle, its an extremely good business deal for a man who clearly knows how to make money.<br><br>But! Northwich Victoria Ltd is no longer in existence, I am sure that the ground will be excellent and that success may come along, but surely the losers are the businesses who will not get there money and the many supporters who have also lost money.<br><br>Its been a pleasure to wind up JGG, 75% of the information given by myself proved true, there is a long way to go.<br><br>Mr Connett is the only winner here, what a bargain, but he was the one who wanted the club months ago, could have been the one to have stopped the club going into administration, stopped the club losing 10 points, but why didn’t he? Because he knew by letting it go he new that he would get it for a song. Shrewd or what!

Just one thing that springs to mind. If there is now a 28 day period in which creditors can object to the decision, then technically Vics are still in administration until then. <br>As the current contract runs out on 6th November and a new one can’t be signed while they are still in administration, where will they play their next FA Cup match if they are drawn at home, assuming they beat Vauxhalls on Saturday.

Wrong NVFC are no longer in administration, that ended yesterday although creditors do have 28 days to appeal which is almost definately not going to happen. The CVA has now been ratified which means NVFC are NOT in administration. In any event the new groundshare deal (after 6.11)was struck before we were in administration with our new owner and I believe witton are very grateful for the increased rent!!! Simple answer is that the FA Cup 1st round ‘home’ game(if it happens) will be played at WP.<br>Hippo, once again you fail to comprehend the situation. NVFC fans/shareholders are not bothered about losing their investment,true football fans do not buy shares in the club they love to make a ‘killing’, they simply do it to have more involvement in the financial affairs of the club.NVFC do not have any financial worries anymore, Mr C has taken that burden away from us and we can now support the club we love without the added worry of where the next pay cheque is coming from. As for having involvement in the club’s affairs – well that’s the idea of the Vics trust that already has nearly 150 members (since aug). Mr C has already met us and is very impressed AND we WILL work together as a team to ensure NVFC go from strength to strength as we climb the football league ladder. NVFC are very much alive hippo, this is the beginning of very exciting journey that will unfortunatley mean disaster for you!!!

I think my use of the phrase ‘awesome naivety’ was a gross understatement!

JGG, me old son, come back on this board and let us know when this 10,000 (nay, 12,000) seater stadium has been filled.<br><br>Never have so many wishes and unsubstantiated guesses been made in one paragraph.<br><br>It’ll be interesting to watch your team "climbing the football league ladder". You must be the form team in the Conference at the moment, striking nothing but fear into opponents. If only we could find you to throw a custard pie at you when little or none of this materialises. Unfortunately, I doubt we’ll be able to find you.<br><br>You’re a funny, funny boy. Now, isn’t there a song that goes something like "Businessmen come, and businessmen go…"<br><br>Remind me who plays in goal for Northwich again?<br>

Bitter and twisted spring to mind. If MC does eventually decide to leave, then he finds a new buyer just as Rushden and Diamonds are doing. The fact is we will have a top class soccer stadium and NVFC will remain there for as long as any of us will be around. As for our junior Connet leaving, well I can assure you having spoken to his father that is totally irrelevant, if he does leave then that will be in the best interests of his goalkeeping career and is not in the remotest way going to affect his fathers input. You lot are really trying to convince yourselves that the deal we have done is to our disadvantage, keep trying - THE TRUTH IS THAT NVFC are in very safe hands and we have finally found someone (and I understand 5 others) that will take us forward and upwards. RS is another board member who has the greatest respect of 99% of Vics fans, local business man who has green blood and wants NVFC to succeed to the highest level possible.<br> Hippo, i think you will find that MC had no hope of avoiding the 10 point penalty as he only became actively involved with us after the rule had been ratified in the close season- but in any event what is 10 points compared with a glorious future for Mid -cheshire’s Number 1 Sporting Organisation.