Northwich Latest????

Re: Northwich Latest???<br>? Reply #30 on: 10:35am on 15th Sep ? Quote Modify Remove <br><br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>BREAKING NEWS… <br> <br>Witton board is to meet the Administrators, at there request, to consider the purchase of the site as WP is being earmarked for building. <br> <br>Another potential new ground, purchased for half a million, and tenants to go along as well. <br> <br>What a good deal that would be for the Albion. <br> <br>Have never heard of a Club "happy" to be in administration, obviously Mr C is so knowledgeable about football he sees a wonderful future. <br> <br>So why are the Administrators talking to Witton? <br><br><br>Is WP earmarked for building? Still think it makes sense to have the one jointly owned ground.

One stadium, owned by a holding company, 50% ownership of both clubs, both teams sharing it now that should be the way forward, but Vics old board didn’t want that

The way forward would be us to buy the VS and rent it to them. :smiley: ;D :stuck_out_tongue:

But like your forwards you were too slow off the mark. :wink:

Time will tell, JGG, time will tell, but I think a betting man would decide that the gods (and the odds) are on our side on this one. A lesson you’ll learn sometime in your life, though, is that saying and writing "The future will be rosy" a thousand times does not automatically make it so. You’ve got that "start of season optimism" again. Go on, I bet at the start of this season you were wildly optimistic weren’t you? Zero points, the same as everyone else - everyone equal. Top half of the table at the end of the season? A bit higher? Top five perhaps? By god, we’ll suprprise a few teams this year, you thought, didn’t you? Everything was possible before the first ball was kicked this season wasn’t it?<br><br>Let’s see what happens when the Connett honeymoon is over.<br>

Well JGG, football league here we come, bet Mr (Northwich Vics) Connett was really impressed with today’s result. Turned the corner have we?

But Northwich’s poor result does us no good whatsoever, we had another poor result of our own.

Isn’t it coincidental that Mr Stich is involved with this consortium!!!<br><br>I wonder if he lost all his money that he was owed in loans and shares???<br><br>It would certainly help any BUSINESSMAN if one of an orgainsations biggest creditors was on his side!!!<br><br>