Official Club Statement

In light of events in the past 12 hours is one not due?

In the last few minutes it is disappointing to announce the resignation of Gary Finley & Lee Coathup from their positions at Witton Albion FC.<br>It has been accepted with regret and the Club wish to thank both gentlemen for their work at the Football Club.<br><br>GE<br>

Well, if they can’t accept that Anton was possibly in the wrong, they’ve made the right decision.<br><br>I certainly can’t condone that sort of alledged behaviour.

A very sad day for WAFC, a manager who was committed and who would have taken the club further. <br><br>Surely disciplinary action against Lally could and should have been dealt with after next Saturday’s FA Cup match, a massive game, once the referee’s report had been submitted. <br><br>How many of the players will leave plenty no doubt. <br><br>The Chairman picking the team again?<br><br>

So scenes like Saturday are acceptable are they?<br><br>The chairman is the guy who has to find the cash to pay the fines these players get us; I think it’s only fair that he dictates when enough is enough and suspends the main culprit.<br><br>

A very sad weekend for Witton Albion, with worse to come I’m afraid.<br><br>The resignation of Gary Finlay will not allow Witton to escape the wrath of the FA. and actions implemented by BPA.<br><br>The club MUST issue a statement!!!

Graham thank you.<br><br>With all due respect to the comments posted already on here i think there are several other reasons for the resignation of the management team and not just the aftermath of saturdays events.<br><br>I wish Gary and Lee the best of luck for whatever they do in the future and thank them both for the time and effort they have put into this team

I echo the sentiments of most of the comments made on here already.<br><br>Gary and Lee had started this current campaign well, but I guess what happened on Saturday was the straw that broke the camels back.<br><br>As I mentioned previously, its no good getting prize money for progressing further in the Cup competitions if it is going to be spent on FA fines.<br><br>Lally deserved the boot, and I wish both Gary and Lee well, but looking forward, Witton should be able to attract big enough names to steer the club to its achievements.


The inistence that the suspension of Lally for 3 months is not something the management team would resign over. Agree to disagree and move on.<br><br>A cut in the players wage budget of ?300 a week and the suggestion that the reserve team has better players than those in the first team is! <br><br>The replacement is obvious. A new reserve team manager is what is required as he will no doubt accept the first team post. <br><br>Regardless of the incident saturday, internal politics has brought about the current state of play. <br><br>

Sense at last from Mike Black, politics, reduce the budget in the week before a big match, put a reserve team manager in charge who has no knowledge or experience of the Unibond League, only Abbey Hey and he took them down. What the Chairman should have done before cutting the first team budget was to do away with the reserve team.<br><br>I applaud Gary and Lee for there loyalty to there players, can anyone tell me if you got an elbow in the face, not once but twice during the match would you not seek retribution of course you would. An experienced player like Lally gets his own back when the referee is not there. Sadly stewards, Witton supporters, supposedly put the boot in, well done, would not turning a blind eye be better? <br><br>How can the FA charge the club? On what grounds? No official saw anything.<br><br><br><br>A load of nonsense really and it is sad to see Gary and Lee go, great team who will be missed.

Phone calls are being made as we type releasing most of the 1st team. Only MM and JK are contracted to the club. Expect a reserve team to take the field against Ashton, Pritch as captain. Might explain why he featured with them earlier in the season. <br><br>Saturday’s events were obviously too good an opportunity to miss in the desire to cut the wage budget to the size more appropriate to the NWCL.<br><br>No disrespect to the reserves but I fear it will be relegation not promotion, that will be the topic of discussion as the season progresses. <br><br>


As ever the witton rumour mill and sad people jump on the band wagon, I understand only 2 players might leave anton and 1 other.<br>Why do we have to turn this on the reserves ? and the mgr ? they have done nothing but support the 1st team and cost next to nothing to run my view is that 2 or 3 reserve players could be useful to the 1st team squad.<br>Have you seen the reserves play, watched the excellent training that they do - arguably in my opinion better than the 1st team i have seen both, Jim Vince has played at league level when young and later altrincham, witton and winsford, he took styal from mid cheshire div 2 to top 3 in div 1 and won trophies there, when he moved to abbey hey they had the lowest wage bill in the league and jim had to use youngsters to survive and DID NOT get relegated, most of the lads are still there in the 1st team and doing well, he resigned because of other issues at the end of that season and went to coach in the USA , picking up the reigns at witton reserves last season with 1/2 a team and in a shambles following tony ennions reign ! He still got the reserves promoted, and he is highly thought of by the lads, and I believe he has full eufa level 3 badge and is hoping to take the A licence.<br>I f you remember history , one of the most succesful and well liked mgrs of our history was brian booth - and he came from managing witton reserves !!, I agree Jim doesnt have great unibond prem experience but with the right assistant he could well be the best choice - we cant throw money at the job or well go bust ? big mgrs dont work on tight budgets !<br>Non of us wanted to see Gary go, but lets get behind the club and whoever gets the job and stop spreading nasty rumours and unfounded gossip

Better training than the 1st team, running through ladders for hours on end and jumping up and down like rabbits doesnt count as ‘actual’ training does it? I think people should get there facts straight, and as for well respected we will have to wait and see wont we!


[/quote]<br><br>Tell it as it is then, don’t leave us in the dark.

Found this on the unibond site<br><br><br>A brief statement has been received from Witton Albion announcing that Manager Gary Finley and his Assistant Lee Coathup have left by mutual consent. The statement continues to say that the Club wishes to thank both gentlemen for their hard work and commitment in their time with the Club. <br><br><br><br>Finlay was appointed in November 2004 having served League of Wales side Aberystwyth Town in a similar capacity and taking them into the Inter-Toto Cup after joining them in 99/00. <br><br><br><br>The Witton Albion Reserve Team Manager Jim Vince will take the reigns for Tuesday’s home game against Ashton United and the F A Cup tie at Harrogate Town on Saturday. <br><br><br>

Mr Black (or whatever colour):<br><br>Your paragraph 1: "releasing" - incorrect. Each player HAS been contacted and only 1 has asked a Board member to be released. The League have been contacted to process this request.<br><br>Your paragraph 2: "wage budget…". This is discussed under item 4 of each Board meeting agenda anyway so tour comment is incorrect.<br><br>Your paragraph 3: "reserves". They play at Knutsford FC on Saturday. No change there then.<br><br>I hope this helps to clear any confusion you may be portraying. It’s always better to deal with facts.<br><br>TTFN<br><br>GE<br>

Why do we always semm to shot ourselves in the foot. We had a management team capable of taking us to new heights. We now need more than ever stability within the club that is why the appointment of Jimmy vince is a good one. Remember one thing the squad gf gave is capable of getting us promotion with the inclusion lee spike and adam foy(if they want to come back that is). EVERYONE AT THE CLUB NEEDS TO PULL TOGETHER because we can still salvage something from this mess, we have to.

at least nigel deeley wont linked with us this time!