Official Club Statement

This is a really sorry state of affairs.<br><br>I’m very sorry to see Gary and Lee go as they had, from what I’d seen, put a good team together. However, and I suppose as the management team they’re accountable for this, the sort of stuff alleged to have gone on at halftime is just not acceptable, especially when we’ve already been hauled up in front of the FA for the Bishop Auckland incident.<br><br>I couldn’t credit that the ref missed the incident before half time but that doesn’t excuse any "afters". As for Bradford refusing to come back out, doesn’t that mean that they lose the game by default? Or do they dictate what the referee does? The whole business would have been an affront to Sunday League football and Alex (who was cold and bored) and I left not long after the start of the second half. To be blunt we had better things to do than be messed about. Being kept waiting with no information for that length of time wouldn’t be tolerated in most other areas of the "entertainment" industry. <br><br>Rant nearly over :-[ positively embarassed by Saturday’s events yet oddly Witton were a subject of some discussion at work today and will no doubt finally squeeze their way back into the local sports pages as a consequence of what happened-first time since the Woodley streaker incident.<br><br>

Nice to hear you are in disarray. After all the fun and games we have had and on a day we hear that Paul Brayson won the player of the 2nd round in the FA Cup and Steve Burr wins manager of the month. Me thinks a big fine is on its way as this is not the first time you have had trouble in the players tunnel. Wonder if the FA will make you play a game behind closed doors(with your attendance who will notice), deduct points or infact both.<br><br> 8)

Without knowing the exact goings on. (Lets be fair folks very few of us probably do) We must thanks Lee and especially Gary for their efforts and move on.<br><br>We have been here before with Benny/Cleggy and as Debbie says elsewhere we’ll be here a long time after the players. (Probably pritch excluded.) At least Gary and Lee had the decency it seems not to wait 3 months like the former.<br><br>surely its as important as ever that we stick behind the board and the players who choose to stay - christ its not like we’ve lost our ground or anything is it!<br>did anyone else get the feeling this season was going a little too well thus far?

[quote]Mr Black (or whatever colour):

Your paragraph 1: "releasing" - incorrect. Each player HAS been contacted and only 1 has asked a Board member to be released. The League have been contacted to process this request.

Your paragraph 2: "wage budget…". This is discussed under item 4 of each Board meeting agenda anyway so tour comment is incorrect.

Your paragraph 3: "reserves". They play at Knutsford FC on Saturday. No change there then.

I hope this helps to clear any confusion you may be portraying. It’s always better to deal with facts.


[/quote]<br><br>Let me see then, what have you told us.<br><br>releasing: with the exception of Lally, the other player you refer to asked to leave did he? Who was that, Byrne?<br><br>Wage budget: one would expect you to have this item on the agenda! I didn;t say you didn’t. Do the minutes refelect the Clubs decision to reduce the budget and an action point to the effect that the manager be told to make it so?<br><br>Reserves: the team selection over the coming weeks will settle this difference of opinion one way or another.<br><br>All I ask is you tell us the reasons GF and his assistant left. I do not believe it to be about Saturdays events. It is more likely to be about the manager being asked to make use of the reserves who are as good as if not better than those he has on the bench and cost nothing by way of comparison.<br><br>If Byrne has gone with Lally, their wages together with the management team will achieve the saving I referred to. With King, Peers, Stannard, Foy and Connors, the 1st team squad is now 14. Three wages sitting on a bench. Can we expect more players to ask to leave to further reduce the wages? <br><br>If we are needing to make cuts would it not be better to tell us as Lancaster told their fans. Is it fair to the new management team to have us believe he has the same financial resources as GF. <br><br>I hope I’ve made myself clear. Please answer the questions raised and allow us all to move on. <br>

to answer a few of neils questions. yes danny byrne was asked to leave the club by the chairmans decision, because as i believe jim vince wanted him as he knows what the lads capable of (as a striker an not a defending midfielder). all the best to him.<br><br>also thanks debbie for removing my comments, probably because i discused your comments, im sure if i discused anyone else that they would not have been removed. but hey this sight is a free site for the fans opinions which your obviously not letting me have mine.<br><br>once again i point the fact that you are all pointing out the incident on saturdays game, but really not us, not the management, not the stewards,not the chairman, not the directors,not des, not the officials, not debbie, and not even pritch know exactly what happened, for all we know anton could of been assaulted first or provoked in one way or another.

neil as for the wage budget, it got out to GF that the chairman would reduce the wage budget by ?300 (going from ?1600 to ?1300) after the harigate game. so obvioulsy he’s been waiting for an exuse to make this change an sadly his wishes couldnt have even make what happened on saturday, he’s took the easy option in getting rid of Lally without even speaking to him an making his own inquiries (being a ex-copper you think he wud have had the sense to) and then getting rid of a player with a history better then all of our players, all i can say is that i believe the chairman is happy to be in this league because he makes a good wage from the club as he doesnt put his own money into it, so yes the club has an ambition but that ambition is to stay in the unibond!

I think most of you who post messages don’t really know a lot about football, wake up this is a business and like any other business changes have to be made and for what ever reason, and in a business people get promoted and normal people would wish that person good luck, because I tell you something the poor man hasnt even been in charge of one game yet and the daggers are out. If I was Jim Vince I would would stick with the reserves bring in a n ew manager who wanted<br>enless amiunts of money and then we could all watch the club go tits up. WAKE UP PEOPLE! [smiley=ranting.gif]

Hi all,<br><br>Not been around for a while but from following the club from afar was surprised to see the current management team resign. Still keep tabs on the club and it seemed that they had installed some optimism around the club. Anyway we all know football and these things happen. But just to let you all know that I played under Jim Vince at Abbey Hey and Styal when Terry Murphy and Benny told me I wasnt good enough to remain at the club. Jim has a great deal of experience at playing, coaching and management. His training is always varied and he is one of those rare coaches that actually tries to improve you as a player rather than just putting cones out and expecting miracles to happen. He coaches with heart and commitment and expects that back in return from the players and that is the foundation to any successful side. So get behind, the players and there is no reason the side cant carry on from where the previous management left off. With regards to Abbey Hey rather than look at the negatives that they came close to relegation, well the majority of that side came straight from mid Cheshire standard after a mass walk out, I think it was credit to Jim that they managed top stay in the same league anyway guys just thought I would give you a bit more info about him. Good luck all and keep the momentum going, Cheers

jim vince has never played at a high level he only played reserve football.he managed abbey hey and finished bottom his training is boring his warm up is too much and his man management is nil i am a ex player of his

I was very saddened to hear on Sunday of the departure of the management team, but not totally surprised, I really felt that the club had the best manangement team in place since the early days of Nigel Gleghorn and that given the circumstances they could take the club further.<br><br>However, during the summer months I made comment about the lack of support, through the gates and of events. I took a blasting from a lot of supporters for those comments, which ultimately led to my resignation from the Board. I stood by my comments and still do and sadly I have been proven right.<br><br>Many of you will be surprised to know that after seven years, I class myself a supporter, and that wherever I am I wanted to know how the team had gone on. Sadly too many of you thought my only involvement with the Club was to make money, if only!!<br><br>Unless more so called supporters come back and watch the team, then the future is one of consolidation. Sadly that is a reality. <br><br>Having known the Chairman for many years prior to him joining Witton and one who spent many hours with him during those dark days of the Club’s fight for survival, I can tell you that he will not let the club drift into a serious financial plight, no chance, he has worked and still works too hard for the Club to let it fail. He needs backing, he needs the support of everyone and most of all he needs some of those supporters who stay away to come back. He needs YOU the supporters to go out there and find people willing to sponsor a match or a ball or a player, to get your next neighbour to join the Lottery.<br><br>You have the right man to run the business, support him and don’t turn against him like you do to others.<br>

Bails,<br><br>maybe an explayer of jimmys who wasnt good enough ? and now bitter and twisted, ive spoken with a fair few of the players that jimmy trains currently and they have a different view to you, of course he might have to review his methods as moves up the non league ladder,and works with experienced pros and not younger players but he is intelligent enough to evolve, maybe you did not like fitness work and thats why you didnt make it i dont know, If jimmy gets a chance at Witton first team then give him a chance, you seem overly critical from your personal experiences

[quote]to answer a few of neils questions. yes danny byrne was asked to leave the club by the chairmans decision, because as i believe jim vince wanted him as he knows what the lads capable of (as a striker an not a defending midfielder). all the best to him.

also thanks debbie for removing my comments, probably because i discused your comments, im sure if i discused anyone else that they would not have been removed. but hey this sight is a free site for the fans opinions which your obviously not letting me have mine.

once again i point the fact that you are all pointing out the incident on saturdays game, but really not us, not the management, not the stewards,not the chairman, not the directors,not des, ?not the officials, not debbie, and not even pritch know exactly what happened, for all we know anton could of been assaulted first or provoked in one way or another.[/quote]<br><br>For the record, I have deleted no posts at all.<br><br>Are you saying that Anton definitely didn’t hit the no. 11 then? And did he act in self defence? We all saw what happened to him on the pitch, but self defence doesn’t occur 10 mins later in the tunnel, does it?<br><br>

What on earth is going on, your great club seems in turmoil which is a real shame. Hope it sorts itself out and quick - important game at Harrogate to win.<br><br>What "alledgedly" happened in the tunnel on Saturday? <br><br>Sorry for being inquisitive, just concerned after the great reception and hospitality we received from WAFC last month.

I think you lot should all get behind jim and give him the support he needs to succeed.<br><br>I played for him at Styal and Abbey Hey and can garentee you have a good manager and a top bloke who will do well as long as he is given the backing and support.<br><br>At Styal when he took over they were 2nd bottom of the mid cheshire 2nd div and on the verge of going under. Two seasons later they finished 3rd in the 1st division and won 2 cups. He did this by developing younger players into better players not just bringing in new faces.<br><br>He has several of the UEFA coaching badges, so you cant question his training ideas.<br><br>Several players have played for Jim at more than one club so that must tell you that players like to play for him.<br><br>Good look for the rest of the season.

Agree with the last post Jim has done a good job with the reserves. watched them this season ahd they have a good spirit in the team.<br><br>give the guy a chance.<br><br>If funds were a problem this early on (yes MW did say at the last meet that this could happen) with a little more warning and rallying surley US the fans could of helped.<br><br>Are there any share still available? <br>I for one was thinking of investing some more of my hard earened cash to support the good work GF and co ahd done already to top up the cash earned for our cup run.<br><br>would a request for share buying from fans help to keep the budget???<br>

you lot call yourself witton fans. how can you slag the reserves off when half of you dnt even bother your arses to come and watch. The reserves have come on alot since jim took over. the training is far better quality than the first team do. half of you dnt even no football. u just talk shite. <br>Get a grip an give jim a chance. <br>tossers<br><br>Mike Black especially

this is my first year at Witton Albion as my son is playing in the reserves, let me tell you compared to other clubs you are very fortunate to have around you people who are passionate about there club. whatever the chairman or Jim Vince decides to do I am sure will be for the betterment of Witton Albion . I for one do not want to see Jim leave the reserves as he is an excellent coach, trainer and motivator. However if he does go to the first team i am sure he will continue to promote the club forward as it deserves. The reserves have players who given time and the right oppertunity would be able to represent Witton at a high level, perhaps time should be given to the management to steer the club through these awkward times as i am sure they are already planning to do.

[quote]you lot call yourself witton fans. how can you slag the reserves off when half of you dnt even bother your arses to come and watch. The reserves have come on alot since jim took over. the training is far better quality than the first team do. half of you dnt even no football. u just talk rubbish.
Get a grip an give jim a chance.

Mike Black especially[/quote]<br><br>Bring it on!<br><br><br>How good were the resereves before Jim took over. Poor, indifferent, good? Even I could improve on poor. <br><br>Feel you are missing the point. Pleasesd that reserves are on the up and we can all take heart in the earlier post. Jim I am sure will do a good job.<br><br>Watched the reserves, watched the !st team. Hmm, So what you saying; reserves better than 1st team? How blessed we are; scouts so blind we could assemble such a squad unnoticed, only Al Quaeda perhaps could have performed such a feat.<br><br>I am sure Jim will be given a chance, you I am not so sure of. Obviousley a Witton reserve fan berfore that of a Witton fan. Don’t allow your emotions to rule your head. <br><br>Oh and by the way you are also without doubt a complete fool, although if you have any friends, that can not come as complete suprise . X<br>

I know we all have our opinions folks but can we leave the bad language out please.

So…as was rumoured last season. Guess who has a meeting with the chairman, and yes the board will deny this right now, but JOE PALADINO is meeting Worthngton tomorrow!!<br><br> Give the manager a chance. Witton know who they want! JP!