Official Club Statement

Mike Black is an a@*e hole [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

andy jones did not write the message i asked him personally last night at training i suggest that jim vince probably wrote it that convinces me even more that he is not the right guy to manage the club .Abbey Hey gave Vince over ?400 pounds per week which is by no means a low budget for nwcfl. abbey did not get relegated because due to league changes nobody was relegated.during the season over 75 players were used most of which left the club. Alife long fan has not been seen due to vince,Witton is agreat club you will lose most games by the odd goal and believe it will get better it wont it will go worst

On what do you base your wild accusations, "Jim probably wrote it" i guess you are a bitter man who sees this as the oppertunity to have a pop at Witton , i suggest you concentrate on your own club and try to fix the problems there, Witton will survive and thrive as long as there are passionate people within the set up, i somehow doubt that is the case at your club.

Bails, I don’t think you are Chris Bailey because you have more sense than to slag off an ex-manager, maybe it is Your father who is a very bitter man because Jim had the job you wanted but weren’t good enough<br>Not even good enough to clean Jims boots<br>Try and get your bitter and twisted mind to some use at Abbey Hey [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=ranting.gif]

the tunnel incident occurred due to the number 11 <br>elbowing anton twice whilst the ref was watching and leaving his foot in just before half time.He was a wind up<br>merchant slagging scousers(yawn) off and he caused the fracas at half time by offering to sort it out in the tunnel,what happened after that is all a blur>>>>