player of the season .

Can anyone tell me how we vote for the player of the season ??? , although Rob Hopley is a friend of mine, & had a great season , I would give everyone a special tankard ,maybe , with young Tol & Ryan Hickman as joint clubmen of the season . Any thoughts anyone ???.

The voting slips were spread around the Social Club before the last few home games and we had over 150 handed in, the trophys are now engraved ready for the presentation tomorrow from 5 30 onwards.
As well as the Supporters player of the year there are presentations for players player and young player of the year, goal of the season and a few more humorous awards.

It would have nice to have some on the turnstyles for the last 2 home games not everyone goes into the club, but im sure whoever wins it will deserve it - in fact as said they all deserve something. UTA

It has been a great season, many thanks to everyone involved, from the Board to the groundstaff, from the players to the canteen staff, you all deserve a medal.

I haven’t voted cuz I haven’t seen any nomination forms in the ground. I will go for Rob Hopley as player of the season and Brad Bauress as young player of the season. Manager player of the season Matty Devine

cant believe people are now moaning about not having voted.the forms have been out for almost a month and if you all bothered to go in the social club you’d have seen them.if we win 5-0 today somebody will moan it should’ve been 6.

It’s not a question of people moaning. It’s about reaching all of the fan base.
A lot of fans including myself don’t go into the social club. Doesn’t for one moment suggest we don’t care about the club.
As stated earlier in the discussion why not hand forms out at the turnstiles or place forms in the match day programme and surely in this day and age we could set up some form of online voting system.
I’m not moaning just suggesting ways of helping our club.
You only have to see on Monday nights or the volunteers Tuesday and Thursdays to see what this club means to us

Yes seriously wasnt a moan more a suggestion for next year, Really hard to pick a top 3 and a winner even harder ! certainly Hopley Bauress and Devine have been outstanding but so have Prince, Roberts, Gards, Wilson, and Brown UTA

Guys, as the event was approaching did nobody think to enquire about the voting if you had not seen the slips? For those who don’t go into the club would it have been difficult to ask about it before the eve of the awards night? Most people are online and it would have taken no time to ask the question or would that have been too much effort? Be proactive. There is enough work at the club that needs to be done without people having to spoon feed. Okay so there were no slips on the gate or the programme but I am sure anyone on the ground would have been able to tell you where they were or would have gone into the club and got you a slip! The guys have worked hard to put this together as it is. Nobody else could be bothered to do it so if you cant be proactive in asking before the actual date then please don’t moan. I am unlikely to be attending due to personal circumstances but would like to whole heartedly thank Matt and Trevor for organising this night of entertainment especially as it is free of charge too to all supporters. A lot of work has gone into it and it is appreciated. Thanks chaps. Take some personal ownership people!

I don’t expect to be spoon fed and have no point suggested any of us do.
As for hardwork there’s a lot of us who volunteer because we want to, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have an opinion
A genuine concern has been raised regarding this and suggestions have been made to improve it.
At no point has any criticism been aimed at anyone. I certainly would never criticise anyone who strives to make our club money.
If we don’t aim to improve what’s the point.

Thank you Jo, I’d just like to add that in hindsight it could of been done differently but it’s all done voluntary and as the box for the slips was on the stage in the club everyone would of still needed to come inside to vote anyway.
Trevor has put an awful lot of time into tonight including buying all the trophys and medals, getting them engraved plus buying the props for the award show (all will be revealed later!)
He is also paying for the band out of his own pocket so supporter’s can attend for free and as he doesn’t want any thanks he will kill me for putting this on here but just wanted to say it’s easy for others to say how it should be done but please don’t knock this year’s event before its even happened.
Hopefully see lots of Wittoners there after the game and don’t forget it’s going on all night so please stay if you can or even go home after the awards to get changed and come back to party the night away with the incredible Penguin Incident

It certainly isn’t a criticism of the hard working volunteers

It was meant as feedback for as how things could be done differently for next year

The forms could have easily been handed out at the turnstile, or with programmes or at the tea Hut so that a wider fanbase could be reached. Or perhaps we could email them?

Hope the awards evening goes well. The whole team have been outstanding

If I did have the opportunity to vote my vote would have gone to either Hopley or Roberts. Both outstanding players

Matty Devine for me, absolutely outstanding.
Certainly missed him when he wasn’t playing.
Still fuming with the decision that got him sent off at Chester

I thought McKenna filled in well while he was out. Hopley for me.

And the winner is…

Come on spill the beans


1st Brad Bauress
2nd Rob Hopley
Equal 3rd Danny Roberts Anthony Gardener

Players Player of the Year
Brad Bauress

Top Scorer
Brad Bauress

Those were the significant awards . The were also awarded the NPL runners up trophy and medals .
VJ or Alan Charlesworth would have some decent photos.

Good choices

Where will I find the photos?

Could do with some for the book!