player of the season .

100s of photos shared on social media Failing that . I’m sure VJ and Alan will be accommodating if you request from them directly.
Thanks to everyone who attended helped and supported the evening
Ethel Stelfox trophy went to Pauline Chesters

We don’t all drink, but we ALL go on the ground !!!, certain people think they are special because they drink, how clever ! No-one is more important , in supporting this club, than anyone else !! .I remember this as once a ‘‘family’’ club, but alas some people are getting above themselves !

I take it your going to run next year’s event them swampy and show us how it should be done?
Looking forward to it already B)

Social media a ls in???

I’ve looked on WA fb and twitter and can’t see them on there

[quote=“Matt Cat” post=70668]I take it your going to run next year’s event them swampy and show us how it should be done?
Looking forward to it already B)[/quote]

No need for that

You don’t have to drink to go in the club . Hundreds of forms were printed and I provided a facility for people to do this . I financed an event for EVERYONE .
. If people think they can do a better job I’ll pass you the receipts and invoices for your guidance for next season .
Photos were on various people’s FB pages last night . However seeing it’s only less than 24 hours I doubt whoever is responsible for official media has had the chance to update those as yet .
So may I suggest if people wanted or have the urgency for first hand information and experience they attend these functions or become friends on fb with the people that help with them . And stop bickering and nit picking on a forum .

Thoroughly enjoyable evening. Well done to all who picked up awards and thank you to Trevor, Matt and everyone else for organising a top night. UTA

Easy to stand on the sidelines and tell people how it should be done, I do it at all the Bowls matches I go to!! Doing something for the club should not draw criticism but praise for giving the time and effort. Had the forms been inside the programmes some would complain that they don’t buy a programme!!

See you all on Tuesday night. Yes, it will be a nervy night but our lads are better than Rushden, we are at home so the odds are in our favour.

I am not critising your effort or organisational skills , I am just saying the voting choice could have been more open ! I am sure I asked on here , about voting a few weeks ago . As for next year, you will probably not see me , so good luck !!


Blimey there’s no need for that reactiion. Don’t you agree that forms could have easily been distributed in the ground?

I only use fb for my personal friends and family. Oh well I guess the photos will appear sooner rather than later

You could have asked anyone in the ground during the course of the last few weeks and they would have been able to tell you or get you a form. It is not that difficult. As I said in my earlier comment on this subject take some personal accountability and common sense. Also I do not drink and I go into the club regularly for a diet coke and to see the fans, players, management, directors etc and to ask questions face to face rather than post crap on here.


JT If you go on Albion official web site and scroll down to Facebook you can watch the whole Presentation as someone filmed it, some very funny bits may i add. :slight_smile:

[quote=“joheffey” post=70682]You could have asked anyone in the ground during the course of the last few weeks and they would have been able to tell you or get you a form. It is not that difficult. As I said in my earlier comment on this subject take some personal accountability and common sense. Also I do not drink and I go into the club regularly for a diet coke and to see the fans, players, management, directors etc and to ask questions face to face rather than post crap on here.[/quote] Witton have a lot of elderly supporters who never go in the club. I don’t think it too onerous to ask that slips be available as you enter the ground or even inside the programmes. There could even be a box sited on the table where the programmes are sold or even on the tea hut counter for people to post their votes. It really isn’t a big ask IMO. Either way it isn’t worthy of an argument UTA

Excellent post Johno couldn’t have put it better myself

Happy to do the ground vote next year, ie distribute forms and collect to return to the organiser if that helps close this one. UTA

I’ve managed to grab hold of a few photos that will be used in the programme tomorrow night. None of my Facebook friends had any useable ones so I had to ask somebody who was friends with somebody who had some to save them from that persons page, then email them to me, so it wasn’t easy and took me quite a bit of time. With very short deadlines I haven’t been able to ask that person for permission, but I have credited them in the programme, so hopefully its ok!

Hi Mookie, And could we add a POTY tear of voting slip in next years 2-3 programmes before the voting deadline if the organisers are happy to do that ?

I wont be doing it next year but makes sense.