player of the season .

“Mountain out of a mole hill”, come on lads, we are facing two of the biggest games in years, no need to get to het up over this. Because the team have been superb this year whoever won would have been an acceptable choice!

Who is posting crap Jo ???

Too many to name over the last 18 months on this forum mate, but hey free speech and all that. I’m not posting on this any more. more important things to worry about in life. UTA. Do and say whatever makes you happy. See you all tomorrow.

Really amazes me that after a great season like this and with the two most important games to come (we hope), that we are still arguing amongst ourselves over trivial issues. We make it look like our club is divided to the outside world when really the one thing should be that we are united and vociferous behind what is the best team we’ve had in years.
I’ll repeat the words I said to Prince Heywood and Mr Martindale. " As far as I’m concerned you are all players of the year with a special mention to those who sat on the bench more than they played. Footie is a squad game now and all the lads played a part in the success".
For gods sake people stop arguing on here get behind the club and enjoy what are really good times to the outside world we look ridiculous when really the club is so good at the moment. We really need to vocally step it up tonight like we did at Shaw Lane to see these lads through. Onward and Upward UTA!!!

Hope it is a better result than at Shaw Lane!! But you are dead right, we need to look at the positives and by God, they have been plenty this year not least sending the tenants into the “Oblivion League”!! See you tonight, I will be the “Bag of Nerves” in the stand!