Re:To the Board - Sack Gary Finley if he won't resign

Yes Ched why were’nt u at Stamford ?

Firstly, we’ll struggle to field Moseley next season unless his leg heals quicker than expected! If he plays i doubt it will be before Christmas.

Secondly, if people choose to not attend games as their way of showing dissatisfaction with the current regime, then i personally believe that they have every right to do that.

Finally, a team of Pritchard would not walk this league. To be honest, he can barely walk at all at the moment!!

eligorton wrote:

I was umpiring down at the cricket club…

Was looking after a friend who had some bad news, was gutted to miss it to be honest.

This is a very negative thread. Unless someone is willing to

a pay off the manager themselves
b take over the club and invest some money
c put up some money and join the board

there isnt a great deal that can be done except support the current regime. Witton sacked Deeley and what happened? Managers dont win matches, players do. Of course the manager picks the team and signs the players but without loads of cash is anyone else going to do better? I am not so sure. All our managers go somewhere else if they are succesful and so do our players.

Let u off then Ched !

Tea Hut - a negative post on a negative thread - must be a word for that ?

Pritch on crutches would put in enough effort to win us this league!! We are “down” at the moment, I never felt the urge to support Witton when things were going well under Mr. Vince but now the club needs all the support it can get so I will put my love of Rugby on the back burner, buy a season ticket and try to ensure Witton Albion Football Club is still a going concern when my grandson is my age. I am not a big football fan, but I love Witton and its supporters so I will be there next season, will you?

The Albion Tea Hut wrote:

we had one the better budgets of the leagues
so yh obviosly people can do better as they have proven this season

It’s true money isn’t everything but it is 90% why clubs are successful not whether they have good managers or coaches. A good coach or manager can make a team who are about to finish second finish first, but if you are about to come 8th without cash you will be lucky to come 6th never mind champions. The Premier League shows this every year, it is why United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal are out of the European Cup, their managers buy success, they don’t “coach” it. They had no cash this year, result, failure.

Hopefully the situation will be resolved after the final whistle on Saturday. I would hope that the Board either back him or sack him. If he stays then we have to get behind him for the new season.

WHS wrote:

[quote]It’s true money isn’t everything but it is 90% why clubs are successful not whether they have good managers or coaches. A good coach or manager can make a team who are about to finish second finish first, but if you are about to come 8th without cash you will be lucky to come 6th never mind champions. The Premier League shows this every year, it is why United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal are out of the European Cup, their managers buy success, they don’t “coach” it. They had no cash this year, result, failure.

Have absolutely no idea what this has got to do with Witton? Let alone what it’s got to do with this thread?

There is an ‘Other Teams’ section if you want to waffle.

Not waffling Robbo, merely pointing out that ANY manager of ANY club has no chance if the finance is not there. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear. If Mr. Finley is given the money then I am sure he can do a good job, but so could anyone, the trick is to do a good job with limited finances and that ain’t easy, hence my comment about the Premier League teams, all have been strapped for cash this season, result? failure in Europe. WE can help Mr. Finley and our club by putting money in it, either by donation or merely paying to watch the club every week. My money is ready to buy a season ticket even if I cannot make every game, we all have to do what we can.

we should have a decent budget for this league, as we have the most expensive entrance fees in this league.

I would be dissappointed but not calling for a change in manager if what I witnessed on the bench and on the pitch on a Saturday gave me confidence that we can move in the right direction next season.

The players have responsibility but what is the managers job?

I think the following are key measures of performance for a manager so mark My Finley out of ten for each

Recruitment of right players
Team Organisation and drill
Results league Position

If I thought Mr Finley was scoring 8 out of ten for most of these I could accept the league position and feel confident we are moving in the right directrion for next season.

If I saw a new team improving and becoming consistent as the season developed then I would feel confident that we are moving in the right direction for next season.

Do I feel confident for nexgt season? NO

Add some secondary measures for a onus and score out of ten
Public Relations

We do not have the luxury of choosing any manager we want because of money but you would have thought that given the facilities and Witton ALbion name and the level we are playing at one would hope that there are plenty of managers at this level who would jump at the chance of leading Witton Albion

Mr Finley is on the payroll so maybe we keep him on as Football Manager and appoint another Head Of Football Manager role? Maybe Mr Finley would not stomach this and walk but either way we have nothing to lose, we either continue paying him and use his skills with an inspirational leader at the helm ir he walks and we no longer pay him.


WHS wrote:

[quote]Not waffling Robbo, merely pointing out that ANY manager of ANY club has no chance if the finance is not there. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear. If Mr. Finley is given the money then I am sure he can do a good job, but so could anyone, the trick is to do a good job with limited finances and that ain’t easy, hence my comment about the Premier League teams, all have been strapped for cash this season, result? failure in Europe. WE can help Mr. Finley and our club by putting money in it, either by donation or merely paying to watch the club every week. My money is ready to buy a season ticket even if I cannot make every game, we all have to do what we can.

Still not sure what this has got to do with anything?

Our budget was competitive for this level, we were not.

The playing squad was more than sufficient for this level, our performances were not.

Mickleover’s budget was less than ours, but they won the league.

Take a look at the Championship. Blackpool’s budget is much smaller than Ipswich, QPR, Middlesborough, etc etc, but Blackpool are knocking ont he door of the play offs.

This sort of thing should be in the ‘Other Teams’ section, it has nothing to do with the initial post.

Good posts from Clover and Robbo.
Taking Clovers Scorecard a little further I’ve awarded my scores for GF but must stress
this is my view only. Though if I was Chairman it might be a good way of measuring achievement this season in an Annual Appraisal situation. The manager remember is not a volunteer and does get paid for his services so I think its reasonable to give constructive critisism.
Recruitment of right players 6
Team Organisation and drill 2
Discipline 0
Motivation 2
Results league Position. 5
Charisma 2
Public Relations 2

Gives a total of 19 out of 70!! Not exactly pulling up trees here!!
Before everyone has a go at me for being harsh here remember that in your own careers people have measured your performance so I see no reason not to measure our football managers because as stated he’s getting paid for what he does!
I was probably being generous on the Discipline one too!!
On your post Robbo I like the way you have used Mickleover and Blackpool as examples of clubs doing well on a small budget. Anyone who was present at our away game with Mickleover could see their manager Dick Pratley coaching, encouraging and personally talking to his players before, during and after the match. They were the best side we played by a mile and yet at times we managed to compete with them and even beat them once. This kind of illustrates the point about us as the players were probably motivated themselves for these games but since the Mickleover win our results and form have been relegation stuff!!
It just shows that if you get the right kind of bloke at the helm he can do a lot without pots of money. I guess in top football the manager at Blackpool is a good example and I’ve been impressed by the guy who took over at Reading this season.
I’m sure there must be one or two in non league who can punch above thir weight. The problem is finding them!!
I know this topic is controversial but I really do think its crucial to get this sorted sooner rather than later. If Gary is to stay the club needs to think of ways to help him do the job better e.g. appointing a good number 2 who is good at motivating and man management.Have to be cheap though!!

19 /70 That’s a bit harsh MONA !

I agree with a great deal of what is being posted BUT the massive thing to me is that noone has suggested an alternative!

Great, sack the manager - totally understand peoples frustrations and reasons but who do we replace him with?

Who is out there, who do you want (realistically) and has impressed enough to be given/want the job - NAMES please.

I think we need to be careful about wishing for a new number 2, after all Steve Brodie has barely been given a chance to show what he can do. Steve might make a very good number 2, but we seem to be disgarding him on the basis that because the manager isn’t doing his own job very well then we should bring in a different assistant.

It’s Gary who’s job should be on the line, not Steve’s.

Cuddys Stepovers wrote:

[quote]I agree with a great deal of what is being posted BUT the massive thing to me is that noone has suggested an alternative!

Great, sack the manager - totally understand peoples frustrations and reasons but who do we replace him with?

Who is out there, who do you want (realistically) and has impressed enough to be given/want the job - NAMES please.[/quote]

Hang on a minute…but how manay jobs are given out before an application process has been completed?

You don’t know who the strongest candidate is until you have advertised for the role.

PLease can I be manager, I am used to you lot moaning at me so I start with an advantage! Time to leave this alone, this is certainly my last post on the subject, let’s move on to more positive things. I am back from Spain at the beginning of June and will help out where I can, but DIY is not my strong suit!!