Re:To the Board - Sack Gary Finley if he won't resign

I very much look forward to seeing you in June WHS.I’ll have the paint brushes and brooms ready.

THe brooms may be okay but for God’s sake don’t give me a paint brush, my wife barred me from using one many years ago!!

I wouldn’t dismiss Steve Brodie as number 2, I’d give him every chance! I didn’t realise he WAS the number 2 mind!!

Robbo - We don’t appoint (or dismiss for that matter) a manager on here, despite what some people may think - its a forum. You are correct that we don’t know who would apply.

BUT as we are all non league football supporters I was looking for peoples suggestions or ALTERNATIVES - no names so far very interestingly! (Other than Brodie and Pritch).

Please don’t miscontrue this as supportive of Gary - just trying to put the post onto a constructive footing.

[quote]The manager remember is not a volunteer and does get paid for his services so I think its reasonable to give constructive critisism.
Recruitment of right players 6
Team Organisation and drill 2
Discipline 0
Motivation 2
Results league Position. 5
Charisma 2
Public Relations 2[/quote]

19/70 = 27%

Ok by todays standards 27% would earn you an A+ but going back to the days before grade inflation grades were roughly as below
75% <= A
60% <= B
45% <= C
35% <= D
25% <= E
0-24 ungraded

IS 19/70 27% realistic? My scores were not that much different and this barely registers on the scale.

Just to discuss the previous post about other managers that are about at present what about the following suggestions.

Tony Greenwood (Bamber Bridge) - Fantastic results at Fleetwood and has done well at Bamber Bridge on very little money.

Danny Johnston (Ashton United) - Again done really well on very little money and has time and youth on his side.

Darren Tinson - (Nantwich Town) - No experience but has played and won leagues, cup’s etc at a high level and also has the added bonus of still currently playing.

Greg Clowes - (Newcastle Town)- Maybe a cheap option, has just won the league at Newcastle with a record of P40 W36 D2 L2. I know this is only North-West Counties league but success is still success.

Before anyone starts major criticism I am not stating that these people are going to replace Gary Finlay more just giving examples of who is around and doing well at present.

No brainer - Brodie and Pritch for me !

So Gary has gone? You negative people have got your wish. I say he has gone, but .I know Mark had a meeting with him at 6 o’clock tonight. I am not sure wether or not this was to say goodbye, or whether it was a last ditch attempt to talk him into not leaving. I for one hope it was the latter.

However, being a realist, the managers job is now up for grabs.

I have a lot of admiration for Pritch and Brodie. I also had the same feelings for my close friend Nige Deeley. That said, I believe sentiment should not rule the head, and I believe we must go for a prooven manager, and learn from mistakes of the heart from the past

the best news i’ve heard for a long time. yes he got the players in but his tactics and selection have been absolutely apalling.his motivation of the players was none exsitant. he was just like a dummy for 90 minutes every matchday. player dicipline been very poor under finley. i for one feel like celebrating. we can now look forward to a new manager and a new season. come on the albion.

As I have said elsewhere on the forum, if being a loyal supporter of Witton makes you a candidate for the Manager’s job, put my name down, after all I have been watching Witton for over sixty years!! Not only that but I will do it for virtually nothing, but you know what you get when you pay peanuts? We should be after either a Player/Manager who can control a game like Nigel Cleghorn or a coach who can get the best out of young players. Personally I am happy to leave the decision up to the Board, but I would point out I can neither play or coach, but I am an excellent moaner like most Wittoners!!!

I think his departure by “mutual consent” is the best possible outcome for all parties. Mr Finley leaves with his reputation intact to further his career at Blackburn and we don’t have to pay up the 7 Grand it would have cost to fire him.

For me he had the same touch and same ultimate flaw as Sven Goran Ericksson; recruitment of good players and putting out on paper a strong XI. Yet if a game ever did not appear to go to plan there never ever appeared to be a Plan B or any instructions to change formations and tactics. Ultimately that meant we did not keep our place in the Premier Div and the ultimate frustration of staying in this league.

I like the look of some of the potential candidates mentioned earlier in this thread by Nick Lyon. Hopefully someone out there with that level of talent and application can put together a team and get us up the pyramid.