Telford game

Our biggest game of the season and nobody on here talking about it,they’ve been talking about it on Telfords forum for over a week! I reckon we’ll win this 3-1,whats everyone else reckon?
Thats if its on!

I believe we will win but as always I will settle for 1-0.It should be one hell of a game with a crowd to match I hope. Game should be on surely, our pitch is better than most in handling adverse weather.

i reckon we are gonna batter em

Think it shows a quiet confidence that we don’t have to raving about the Telford game. " just take each game as it comes" so they say and don’t go over the top. If they have to go on about the game then they are obviously more concerned than we are. We have the team to win this match and they are aware of this, but we don’t have to hype it up. Cometh the hour…!

Its not hyping it up,its just talking about the game and predicting the result,thats what the forum is for!!

I have faith in the lads that they will deliver wen it matters and claw the gap to telford back to 4 points! Gutted i cannot be there as im sure the atmosphere will be awesomely electric! I shall be watchin for updates on this forum and hopefully be over the moon goin to karaoke in the knowledge that normal service has been resumed! I think 2-0 would be a decent scoreline but if we can trash em 4 or 5-1 and with the run of results theyve had of late it will only help to bury their confidence even more! Come on Witton!

Yes we will win, i’m going for a 2-1. I think the most important factor on tuesday will be the crowd. The team responds really well to us being behind them. Stay positive, no slagging the team off, sing your guts out and we have no problem, Yes they will bring a few but they haven’g got songs of our quality. Come on Albion !!!

Ssssshhhhhhhh!!! We’ll do our talking tomorrow night when it matters…

Listening to the phone in on Radio Shropshire on Saturday following the game against Kendal, Telford fans were estimating a following of between 600-700.

The car is stuffed full of petrol and I’m ready to battle my way up the M6 for the big one. Bringing the second Birmingham Supporters Club member with me, he had a good day at the game against Rushden which we came up for so he is well up for this top of the table clash. Anyway, he still owes me for the time I went to Northern Ireland with him to watch Glenavon get stuffed by Portadown. No such result tonight - the Mighty Albion to win comfortably. All over with 15 minutes left would suit me best so that I can get a quick get away - it’s a long way back to Brum.

See you all tonight!

Chris Lowe
Birmingham Supporters Club

P.S Not as far as Dundee I know but I’m sure you’ll understand if I save my journey’s for the big games!

Most importantly - Will we have a game tonight. The rain last night was quite torrential.

Can anyone give any indication about pitch inspections and what time decisions are likely to be made. I am quite sure the Telford supporters would appreciate an early indication of whether the game is on.

Cheers Guys

Can I wish the club and the players and the fans all the luck they need to win tonight. If it was a competition for attractive football I’m sure the league would have been won already.
The way I see it , anyone who puts a decent run together between now and the end of season could win it. Its not to dissimilar to the Championship. Are Witton Sunderland in disguise. They play in the same kit?

If Telford say 6-700 then half it! They love to exaggerate!

Still a great following but I think it will be more like 3-400!

The good thing is that they can only have 11 on the pitch!!!


Going back to the post by Stu - has anyone from the Club got any news on the state of the pitch?

The news on the club phone still refers to the game against Whitby - really isn’t very good!

[br][size=1]Posted on: March 06, 2007, 11:47:24 AM[/size][hr]Managed to get through to the club - I think everyone who can is working on the pitch trying to get it ready for a 2pm inspection.

Fingers crossed!!

Most worrying thing is the forecast for this evening, lots more rain. I’m sure the last thing Telford want is another abandoned game! Fingers crossed the pitch passes the inspection and the rain holds off until after the game.

Just spoke to Greg live from Wincham Park tonight’s game is OFF confirmed by the match referee following pitch inspection.

Gutted… how about the powers that be make this game our last game? what a crowd that might pull then!.

Surely 6 hours before is too early to call the game off - It can’t be that bad surely???

I agree AC, how can you call off a game at 1.30pm when the kick off isnt until 7.45 and the sun is shining??? I appreciate telford fans have an hour to travel but surely a 4pm pitch inspection would have made more sense?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Apparently the pitch isn’t too good at the moment according to Greg and Pete Riley. Telford demanded an early inspection - Tail wagging the dog perhaps.

So another two weeks without a bloody league game!