The Neighbours

I agree the Board, Mark, Shareholders and god knows who else will make the decision on any ground move or staying put. The only thing I would say is now that the hard work has been put into the football management structure possibly the next priority should be this. All arguments particularly from Rabbitt and Robbo are valid but the fact is Vics ground is there and could be got at a fraction of the cost of a new build. Yes we can continue to jog along where we are and possibly be reasonably solvent should we get the Roberts money.
I think the bigger picture though is local soccer as a whole. No way Vics will ever do anything financially unless they get a miracle millionaire who is not a rip off merchant.We have the assets that would give us the chance to buy their ground and therefore become the top club in the area nurturing local talent. We’d be getting regular income without touching any capital we might gain from selling our ground. This opportunity will not be there for ever though. All I would ask here is for this to be considered sooner rather than later and thoroughly investigated and debated. Yes its up to the board but its every fans right to express an opinion.
My personal view is that I’m with Rabbit and Thatch Tavern as an exsisting ground for say £1m makes sense, but Robbo has come up with some very good points worthy of consideration and investigation which might be a show stopper if delved into more thoroughly.
I will watch Witton wherever we play but to compete with even clubs like Nantwich andCurzon Ashton we simply need to generate some capital so we can secure the club for years to come. We’ve tried the Warrender millionaire route and failed abysmally Vics have done the same! Here’s a possible chance to get some real captial behind us so its got to be worth thoroughly looking into NOW!!

I have to say against all that I believe in, I think we should buy the ex Vics ground, but please note, the ex Vics ground, and I am not even sure it was EVER their ground.It seems the only solution to our problem apart from staying put. Can we move on now or change the title of this discussion as it is nothing to do with “The Neighbours”

Ah yes but this is CWAC and not Vale Royal. Cheshire FA want NRUFC 1st team pitch for themselves, NRUFC need enclosed pitch and club house…changes ahead!!

and very soon NRUFC go belly up because they are not up to the level that they aspire to and rely on a personal fortune to keep them there but thats another story.

NRUFC same level as last year - equivolent of BSN, over spent last season- true, lesson learnt, still very solvent, charity status - junior, 4 senior mens teams, 1 ladies team, junior teams U.7s - 19’s …I’m only throwing alternatives in, Cheshire FA’s own pitch??, town centre etc.

We need to think wider :ohmy:

I agree we need to think wider but not on this thread!! Please start another one with a relevant title.

Coming from someone who often posts exactly the same message on several threads i find that quite funny!!

Yes Robbo, but not for weeks on end!!

[quote]So by your logic would you advise Bury to purchase Old Trafford if it became available?

If Bury could pick Old Trafford up for half what they could sell Gig Lane for then an absolute no brainer

They might have to extend the South Stand though ! :wink:

I guess maths and economics aren’t your strong point then WWWitton.

A company who are never going to employ more than 50 members of staff would never purchase office space to accomodate 1000.

We could pick up Joe Cole for free, but how long until his wages crippled us? Stop looking at the initial outlay and consider the long term costs.

Ha! Good old FA :slight_smile:

At long last some form of justice, though I believe they should have gone down to the North West Counties, afte all this is the second time they have ripped off their creditors.

its not v#cs fault, its those bl##dy creditors wanting
their money back thats caused this. the gready barstewards

They wuz robbed !!!
Suddenly, the day got better .

So what happens now? Rushe has already said there is no point paying what they owe if they are going to be relegated anyway! So does he do one now?

Surely they still need to come out of administration?!?

Can they go into the Northern premier if they are in admin? :unsure:

Will be interesting to see what happens next… They will enjoy it at Frickely anyway!!! :laugh:

As Vi8 says the day has just got better :laugh: