The Neighbours

I thought it was april fools day when i read it.can,t see it getting past the planning stage myself?there will proberbly be objections from residents of wincham.

just been on the debtors site (aka vics), and they are yet again whinging about not getting last seasons fa cup money in full.what a joke!! they who do not pay their debts. maybe the fa should offer them 25p in the pound.

Been listening to Jim Rushe on radio Manchester Non league programme this evening.It seems they have plans for a hotel,a cinema,a marina and a drive through McDonalds !!!
WOW,very impressive indeed.:wink: :wink: :wink:
Flying pigs again !

I don’t understand, Rushe does not own the ground so why are they interviewing him? Still, if you want to buy a MacDonald’s on an industrial estate you are obviously a Vics fan!!

Dear Jim Rushe,
I just want to thank you for cheering me up on a bad day. The news on the planning permission for a Drive through Macdonalds, cinema complex, and Marina are just what that industrial area of Wincham needs. I’m sure it will be a great success after all you are aiming at a market of around 1000 people, its such a thriving area that your initiative here is bound to be a success and I’m sure the citizens of Wincham will use these facilities every day. Typically of the 1000 people at least 2 must be boat owners so they will use the marina quite often. The cinema is just what Northwich needs as the Regal shut down because not enough people were going through the doors.
The Macdonalds too is such a great idea as people are bound to run up there from the centre of Northwich for a quick burger or two!!
All in all Jim a marvellous idea and so welcome in these economically depressing times.
Oh ouch the wife has just woken me up from my dream and brought me my breakfast now where was I!!

Yours Fairy tailingly

Father Christmas (I don’t believe in him either!!)

Stuffy, Stuffy, Stuffy, Stuffy VICS tonight.

0-0 after 90 mins with 4 mins of injury time to be played.

Vics scored in the 5th minute of added on time. Referee played 7 mins of injury time.

Knock me down sideways, SEVEN minutes of added time, was “Sir” Alex there by any chance??

The lucky lucky slippery green beggers!

Massive attendance of 260!

The attendance may have been poor but they picked up four grand and a place in the next round, we need to do the same.