The Neighbours

Thatch, I agree with every word.

Come on, how many of you are getting really worried about me agreeing with everything?

“The chairman says that if he decides to put more money into the club, he would do it as an equity, not as a loan, so that the club does not owe the money”

Pity our former Chairmen and directors didn’t do that, we wouldn’t be saddled with paying back the £***,*** !

wonder if the vat increase will affect the v#cs. :silly:

They don’t pay their bills so VAT does not affect them!

It has gone very quiet over the canal, I wonder why?

The ex chairman and owner of the club over the way will soon be opening a trendy tapas bar in Lymm.At least this location is more appropiate.I cannot help thinking that cement dust in your San Miguel must damage your health,long term.

Typical - the very same week that we should be gettng the headlines for doing something good and they get a mention in the National Newspaper - its a conspiracy

That £300 a week was “Stolen” from gullible people and never paid back. How on earth did they think they could pay that kind of wage and stay solvent? Their wage bill must have been in excess of £5000 per week!

This week’s Guardian has front and back page coverage of the neighbours (with Albion’s recent 2 wins confined to a short article inside about the game on Saturday and a footnote about the Wakefield game).

What I don’t understand is why the Guardian think any development of the site over the canal will benefit anyone other than the owners of the site (the bank) and the investors who are out to make a profit. In reality the situation could put the neighbours in more peril as any investors are not likely to want a football gound in the midst of any new development and especially one that only raises a match fee on use.

Don’t know why some of u let The Neighbours get under your skin ! They have always been the leading team in the the town as far as the local press have been concerned. If and when we get in the same league as them then normal service rivalry will be resumed.

See they are off on another cup run then ( come on Sheffield FC ) something we can’t do which is not helping our press coverage !

Yes it came as quite a shock today to pick up what i could only presume was V*cs’ version of our excellent ‘The Wittoner’, only to discover that it was in actual fact the local paper - The Northwicher Guardian anyone?!

Vics get front page for something that is no further advanced in dicussion than if i were to give Mark Harris a call and say i quite fancy building a shopping mall on Wincham Park. They get the back page aswell, with cricket and bowls. Then Lostock get a bit. Then Vics get some more room. Then we pop up, almost as an after-thought

If we let Andrew Simpson in in future then i hope he is asked to pay. And he can sit in the cheap seats too, rather than keeping warm inside.

It’s no accident, and it’s no policy. This has become a genuine attempt to rub Witton up the wrong way.

All the work our volunteers do to try and raise the profile of our club, and all Rushe has to do is whistle and lap-dog Simpson comes running. It’s a disgrace.

Simpson is thick skinned - even my abuse at the turnstile did’nt ruffle him !

If he comes running is that what you call a Rushe job?

SIMPLE! don’t buy the guardian

How can Rushe be talking to developers about a ground he does not own ? so im the us investors and the ground is up for sale for £1.2 million from the recievers, i know hat i will do ill let jim rushe buy it then pay him loads more to develop on his land ? does not stack up does it - ive not heard of kind investors have you ? however knowing the luck of the slimy greens they will escape from trouble again

JR quote “it seems like a pipe dream” enough said

This won’t happen for three reasons

  1. The American investment company is ex Chester City Chairman Stephen Vaughan (the one who bankrupted them)

  2. A company with any stature would simply buy the ground outright from the administrators and negotiate a rent with Rushe and Vics at a latter date.

  3. What major US firm will want to spend millions of pounds on an industrial estate in the middle of a small town when the likes of Warrington, Manchester or Liverpool are only 30 mins away.

I think that these kind of stories constantly being reported in the Guardian makes the paper look gullible and totally devalues the other news items in it.

Typical rubbush from lazy, local, green supporting paper. I would say its a disgrace the coverage that they get compared to us but we must be used to it by now.

Total and utter ridiculous nonsense!! Marina, hotel, Connett, Rushe, mugs, HMRC, recievers, bank-THEY MUST THINK EVERYONE IS STUPID…hang on Ilkeston have been liquidated for the sake of £50.000 and them over there are allowed to reach a CVA AGAIN and pay back 40p in the pound of £500.000…maybe everyone is stupid!!