Town football clubs meet.

You are DEAD right Baggie, when we were in trouble all we heard from Vics was laughter, now we can laugh at them. They may have a 25 year lease, but for how long can they pay it? Not long in my opinion. I still say they will go to the wall before Christmas.

Does not make any difference if they have a one year lease or a thousand year lease. The lease is useless if the ground falls below the required standards.

I could rent my back garden out with a 25 year lease stating that vics can play there and any subsequent owner must let vics play there and that my garden can not be used for anything else but the North West Counties Unibond and Blue Square Premier would not let them host games in my back garden.

It sounds like the owners of the ground are not maintaining/finishing building Marston Arena or paying any bills so unless vics are prepared and can afford to do the maintenance and pay the bills themselves it will soon be shut.

If they buy it at least they wont have to pay to maintain someone elses property but I have doubts that they can really afford it long term and this is a last resort/gamble - if they really thought they could afford it they would noy have gone through the humiliation of coming to witton cap in hand.

Now as a last resort they are asking their fans to loan them the money.

If the banks do not think they are good for credit then i can only hope the fans who lend money do not expect to get it back.

LONG LIVE THE MIGHTY WITTON ALBION :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

i got this off vics forum

I am sorry for going over extremely old ground, but the survival of football in Northwich needs someone with courage and conviction to drive this through!! Long gone are the days when both clubs were playing in the same league and the rivalry was at its best.

Many people will view this on the furom and will laugh and scorn, letting sentiment and football bigotry get in the way of clarity and vision. Come on Northwich wake up to the obvious before it’s too late.’Change or Die’ before the two football teams in Northwich become extinct!

The reality is if football is to exist at a half decent level in Northwich then Northwich Vics and Witton Albion need to become one club and then re locate back to the town centre.

ha ha i think we should let them rot :woohoo: :woohoo:

I feel for the vics fans really. There is a recession that will hit a lot of people in next 12-24 months, people need to hang on to their money and there is vics asking for loans from the fans - some of who will no doubt lend it in good faith to their own personal detriment and to the detriment of their famailies.

If vics can not afford the ground on their own and the banks do not think they are good for credit then what makes the fans think they are good for credit - unfortunately many of them may feel compelled to rescue their beloved club but when they eventually do go t*ts up (which they probably will - they are struggling to pay rent on the ground now so what is suddenly going to make them afford to pay interest on loans and ground maintenance) there will probably not be enough money to pay the creditors and the fans will just become another unpaid creditor.

Jim Rushe was on the Football Phone-in last night and didn’t mention tonight’s meeting once, so maybe he’s already found someone to buy the ground.

Kulbert - not a Jim Rushe post was it?!

Amalgamate or Die? Try cutting your cloth accordingly to survive - end of.

It can’t be Jim Rushe, he knows nothing about the history of Witton and Northwich and if he did he wouldn’t dare think about amalgamation.

no i dont think so,it was from a vics fan…narrows it down a lot ther lol

The chance to amalgamate or ground share disappeared when Vics chose to build the ground they now rent instead of agreeing to join Witton at Wincham Park. Vics will be “gone” by Christmas, mark my words. I lost a fair amount on the sock market in the last few months, Vics owners must have lost a packet and in this depressed age no one in his right mind will give them a loan or a gift. We need to survive in this league for if we do, next season we will be the only Football Club in the town.

Don’t you think only investing in socks is a limited portfolio?:laugh:
Remember, socks can go up as well as down.

WHS wrote:

[quote] I lost a fair amount on the sock market in the last few months

The sock market is dangerous, full of holes…

If the Vics owners lose all their socks, then perhaps they’ll get cold feet and pull out?

Take no notice SHW,
Just sock it to those who make fun of your spelling !!! :cheer: :cheer:
Long live malaprops,spooners and misspellers.

That was a socking thing ti say Vi8

When will you lot stop having a go at me just because my typing is crap?

WHS wrote:

[quote]When will you lot stop having a go at me just because my typing is crap?

We lvoe yuor tppiing@, ujts lkei ew lvoe ENIGMA.

Both sides in Northwich can survive and progress provided they use the money wisely and don’t overspend. As far as I can see Witton are only spending what they can afford and are not getting the breaks, while the Vics have been overspending and have been getting the breaks.
If the Vics are pleading poverty again then how can afford to sign 2 players on loan from Charlton. I remember this time last year the Vics fans thought their club was going to the wall. Then somehow the club managed to find a money tree and somehow managed to stay up by signing a load of players. So I’m expecting the same thing to happen again.

Wise comments Cestrian.

I beg to differ and a letter to that effect has gone to both local papers today from me. Vics have nothing to offer either us or anyone else and there is a big difference this year to last year, it’s called the “Credit Crunch”. I still maintain that Vics will go “Belly-up” before Christmas. Why would the owner of the so-called senior club want to talk to Witton? One answer, he is dead in the water and he knows it.