Town football clubs meet.

They won’t be going ‘beely up’ if you believe what was said at the meeting last night.

New consortium coming who will be buying the Martsons Arena and Vics will actually own their own ground!!!

Promotion to the football league!

Jim Rushe called a holt to the meetings with us because we were of no use to them!

Steve King has been courted as manager since the start of the season.

Jim Rushe put 300k of his own money into the club.

And I thought pantomine season didn’t start until December!!!

Also apparentley Jim Rushe annouced last night that we asked him for a £1 for the cup of tea he had during the meetings with Mark Harris - I really hope that is true!!!

I want to know, did he pay up ? or did he do a Connett on us !

i just cannot understand all the bad mouthing mr connett is getting, on this site and the dark sides site.

he is deffo on my christmas card list.:slight_smile:

Let us get one thing straight. Vics will NEVER own that ground unless the supporters buy it, and I don’t think they have any millionaires in their number. If a new consortium buy it, they own it, not Vics. I believe it is all “Pie in the Sky” and they will go belly-up before Christmas. I hope he didn’t pay, as it will confirm he has no money left to put into football either at Vics or at Witton.

Is it possible the “Arabs” have got an arab to bail them out? Have you ever read or seen such tosh as is being spouted by Vics at the moment. Good God they cannot even hold a meeting of the supporters at the ground, what does that tell you? The team won’t be allowed in soon, mark my words.