The new consortium has failed and the Vics are going into liquidation early next week. <br><br>The banks wouldn’t support the takeover, not enough equity left, congratulations to Stone and Nuttall, will the Conference allow them to take their place or will they have to start again as AFC Northwich.<br><br>No work done on the ground for weeks

what’s that noise!!! whoops your alarm clock’s going off!!!

Jolly Green Giant - cuckoo land comes to mind, the banks have said no, the players in the consortium have not sufficient money - the future is bleak.<br><br>Why no work done on the ground?<br>Why no completition of the much talked about consortium?<br><br>They do not have the backing, do not have the money, you are finished within days.<br><br>Wait and see

you wait and see Hippo!!! Takeovers arn’t done in one night at a local pub, they might be with a club your size, but were talking about one of the biggest clubs in non league football here, many details have to be finalised before NVFC is reborn into a prosperous future. THE FUTURE IS GREEN !!!<br><br>P.S. Nice to see you lot squirming whilst your waiting for the biggest news in Northwich Football history.

Jolly Green Giant, you are finished, the end is neigh, Witton to buy the ground off the liquidators.<br><br>Face the facts, no news, no comments, no consortium.<br><br>No team, no manager next week, what a state.<br><br>WAFC will be laughing all the way

In your wildest dreams Hippo. R u prik that posted a similar message on our board – Rhino?

The vics are now under extreme pressure, they have no money, no ground, no support (from the Bank) and no chance poor old miserable Green Giant-- wait and see

  1. You couldn’t afford to buy the stadium<br>2. Whats the point when you can’t fill the puny shithole you already have<br>3. Stop reading Hans Christian Anderson’s books, its affecting your reality too much!!<br><br>Get real arseholes!!!<br>

WAFC could comfortably afford to buy it even at the knock down price it will be available.<br><br>Prime building land at Wincham Park, lots of money available, then you green men could once again be tenants!<br><br>You are in cukoo land if you think all is rosy in the camp, no team, no ground, no future.<br><br>Is anyone from Vics denying that they have serious problems<br><br>Why has the consortium not come clean, banks refused support? Should have been two or three weeks ago<br><br>Why is nothing happening at the new ground<br><br>Because you have no money left, Stone and Nuttall have seen to that

lets all laugh at northwich<br>lets all laugh at northwich<br>na na na na ooh!!!

Prime Building land!!! now you are avin a laugh, planning permission is years away and even then it will be mixture of residential and light industrial use. You own 6 acres, value around 2.5m tops. By the time the vultures have had their share you’ll be down to 1.5m. Best of luck in building your new ground for that much with little grant (compred with us), you’ll get something half the size of WP. <br>The VS when completed will be worth around 4m, built at half the cost, you’ll have an option to groundshare or part own the ground maybe but doubt if you could put more than 30% of the value in.<br>As for your doubts about the lack of money to complete VS, no news is good news as far as we’re concerned, negotiations take some time especially when NVFC is going through the biggest boardroom change in history. The VS is 5 weeks away from completion, we have more than 4 mnths to complete the work. The future is GREEN the future is VICTORIA STADIUM.

The planning permission comes up in 2006, hardly years away, we have a percentage sell on clause from the land that has been sold in the past and we have already been offered a lot more than 2.5 million for the land we still solely own.

Get Back on that tin of sweetcorn JGG. U know u like being full of salty liquid!!!<br>P.s. Get yerr Facttssss Rittteee!

Yawn!!! No ambition,no support,sh*t level of football = insignificant,didlysquawk witton. When VRBC become south ches BC, planning permission wont happen just like it did’nt for us for 12 mnths except your’s will be many more years.

Christ what have we missed being away on holiday!<br><br>Such sad rumours have really ruined my night!

What a load of shit, i know, you know and everybody in Northwich knows that Vics will not go into liquidation! The council are not gonna let a football side with the status Vics have to go under! ok they finished bottom last year but they are still in the conference and have a new ground on the way, there is noway that the council would of give them planning permission if they thought that Vics would go into liquidation!<br><br>Don’t get me wrong i would love to see Northwich in trouble :slight_smile: but just think what would we without Northwich to beat in the Cheshire Senior Cup every year :wink:

It would have nothing to do with the Council, it will be the banks and other creditors who will send Vics into liquidation and it is only a matter of time, unless this consortium who cannot get the backing, bail them out.<br><br>The Council could not justifiably spend taxpayers money on helping a football club - everyone know’s that but of course jonny u r different

I’d love to think your’e right Hippo, but have you read the back page of the Chronicle!! From what I understand there is going to be an announcement next week after a press conference. The consortium are in place and are about to inject a massive sum into the club and the the new satdium including the leisure side aswell. Think our hopes are fading fast!

We’re in the sh1te??<br>Latest i heard you lot are going behind the slow and easy at Lostock!!<br>Well sunday league football isn’t far away for you is it!!<br>As for buying our stadium!, get real. <br>Lets see what type of ground you have once the vultures have had their share.<br>Is this another "we’ll be made once we sell the ground" pie in the sky.<br>Haven’t we heard that one before???<br>Ive been told your executive tickets have gone from ?110 to ?250 pounds in 3 years, don’t need our money hey!!!<br>

Green Crusader another one in cuckoo land, WAFC are not in debt, do not owe anyone any money, so who are the vultures?<br><br>Can you Club say the same, do you owe the bank? the builders? How many creditors do you have?<br><br>Remember when we sold the piece of land, we were guranteed a large sum of money when planning permision was granted, and guess what thats only 14 months away.<br><br>So like all your other crowing mates, face facts you are broke and have no future, WAFC are sitting and watching and ready to pounce!