Witton 1-2 woodley AET

Well played to the team, outstanding performance, especially with 10 men. <br>I’ll leave it at that for now I think.

Well played to Witton Albion. A controversial refereeing decision spoilt the contest from your point of view.<br><br>However our boys played their socks off and I would like to thank all at Witton in contributing to our greatest achievement in our Club’s short history.<br><br>Good luck to you all for the rest of the season and I hope our paths cross again in the near future<br><br>Tony Whiteside<br>Club Secretary<br>Woodley Sports FC

Haven’t got time to say everything I need to say or else I’ll be late for work.<br><br>Most important thing first:-<br><br>[center][size=4][color=Red]WELL PLAYED BOYS - YOU DID US ALL PROUD[/color][/size][/center]<br><br>Fantastic performance.<br><br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Incident involving Pritch has just been shown on Sky Sports News. I imagine they will rerun it during the day.<br>It could also appear in a Spot the Steward competition.

Woodley 2<br>Witton 1<br>Officials -100<br><br>Enough Said

Remarkable show of restraint on here. ::)<br>Why is it that our only two meetings with Woodley have been marred by (being diplomatic here) extraordinary refereeing performances?<br>Proud of the team in the circumstances-they did well to play on after that "incident" when there were plenty watching who initially felt like walking out in protest at the absurdity of the situation. <br>If we are appealing, I was talking to a couple of people who might make quite good independent witnesses…

Last nights incident was mentioned on Kinghorn and <br>Cascarino’s programme on talkSport radio this morning with listeners invited to ring in who were there.<br>A Woodley Sports fan rang in and said Pritch kicked the bloke where it hurts with Woodley already 1-0 up, goal fault of Pritch.I’m sure it was still 0-0 at the time and I think every one will agree the tackle was at worst shin high.<br>Anyway the incident, I’m sure, will get further coverage on Hawksby and Jacobs programme starting at 1-00pm until 4-00pm. I urge every Wittoner who listens to ring up or E-Mail the show at Talksport.net and put the record straight.<br>

is that talk sport?<br>I read on the woodley site it is on there again 1-4 this afternoon? What FM? is it (I’m not good with radios)<br>I’m also 99% positive it was 0-0 at the time, and he certainly didn’t kick him that high - I thought he stretched/slid and got his shins. He was unhurt enough to get straight back up and run to his mate to get his bag of clothes anyway.

Exactly Neil, Yes it is TalkSport 1053 or 1089 MW Hawksby and Jacobs afternoon show between 1-00 and 4-00. Telephone the show 08704202020 or e-mail www.talksport.net.

I can’t believe what I am reading. My wife went into labour early and I missed the game. We had a boy weight 9 lb 13oz, Contrary to rumour I’m not calling him Brian. :wink: We have no names yet unfortunately but Mum is recovering well. I’ll see everyone against Prescot on Saturday. In the meantime, I’m told the performance was good in the circumstances but that we still lost the game. Woodley rode their luck and won the Cup Congratulations to them. Its a great achievement. I’m disappointed it wasn’t us but thats football.<br>Please Please Please can someone post an honest match report that concentrates on the football, no matter how painful that is to do. :-/<br> <br>

Congratulations Simon!!! Good luck for the future and hope to see you down WP very soon. May be sooner than you think if pritch is suspended. <br><br>First half was reasonably even with a few chances either way. DD had a good shot tipped way and Sargy hit the bar from a tight angle. Second half came and the infamous incident with pritch. Woodley went and scored about 3 mins later but missed the goal due to fraca in the terraces.<br> Witton pushed forward with DD lobbing the keeper and it came off the bar only to fall to John Stannard who couldn’t control it. Then i think DD crossed the ball in and MM and Foy jumped with 2 defenders and the keeper with unbelivably FOY winning the header to score with just injury time left.<br> A pretty dull extra-time which saw Albion look slightly the better side and saw yates hit the post. Woodley then snook a late goal to steal the Cup with 2mins of normal time left!<br><br>Not completely accurate but that was the general idea.

you were better in extra time dont think so mate, maybe edge it in normal time but thats football<br>

Thats the beauty of football, not pritchs tackle, but the difference in views. I am sure everyone would have differing opinions.

I was just about do it Hughessi now I am back from lectures. (how do you concentrate at a time like this)<br><br>Albion started with the line up:<br><br>Gibson<br>Evans<br>Pritchard<br>Furnival<br>Nolan<br>Dicken<br>Foy<br>Barlow<br>Kevan<br>Sargeson<br>Moseley<br><br>Subs all used<br>Stannard<br>Salt<br>Yates<br><br>Albion began kicking to the open end, and towards an excellent Albion following. ?<br>Dicken seemed to get space down the left, Kevan looked more the player we were told he was and Sargy caused a lot of problems. ?<br>Without remembered exact details we seemed have a fair bit of pressure, and some reasonable efforts on goal.<br>The best came when Mike got to a cross and lobbed the keeper off the defenders hand and hit the underside of the bar. ?When the ball found its way to Kevan he knocked it past the defender who then took his legs, not exactly clear cut but a very good penalty shout on 2 counts there, although I wouldnt expect the 1st to be given.<br><br>Second half we were much the better side imo, especially after we went to 10 men.<br>Stannard looked excellent when he came on and Yates looked sharper. ?We worked some excellent positions, and hit the bar again, had a couple of other scrambles before actually scoring through an excellent Adam Foy header. ?I also thought we had abnother good penalty shout turned down when dicken was what appeared to be pushed in the back. ?(Put it this way - it was given against ossett and this looked worse to me)<br><br>1st period of extra time we were excellent again, and took the game to them with 10 men. ?The post was hit again, the keeper made a couple of excellent saves and we seemed to get a lot of crosses into the box without managing to quite find the killer touch.<br>The 2nd half was similar, athough not quite so many chances were created.<br><br>All in all I thought we did deserve to win the game on chances, half chances, woodwork strikes, and possible dodgy officials decisions. ?(there were a couple of awful adantages he played as well if I remember correctly)<br><br>If anyone remembers any of the incident more clearly/ ones I’ve missed please fill in accordingly.<br>Excellent performance, they can all be very pleased with themselves and have certaibly restored faith after Saturday’s result.<br><br>Mine differs slightly to yours akie! <br>Congrats btw Hughessi

thought it might. Liverpool’s new signing Sean Finnan is doing well though ey?

Can someone please confirm that Woodley Sports are a North West Counties Lge team, who have never played at Unibond level?<br><br>Can I believe that I still read the same old rubbish written by blinkered supporters who say that it was a good performance last night!<br><br>It was poor, we have a poor team, a poor manager and not a very bright future if that is the best we can do.<br><br>Strikes me that John Davison can do no wrong in peoples eyes, amazing.

Sorry to see so many of our fans being such poor losers, both last night and within this forum. We didn’t play badly, but we certainly didn’t play particularly well either.<br><br>Controversial decision to send off Pritch, but what he did was violent conduct, and the punishment for that is dismissal. Probably more experienced referees would have turned a Nelsonian blind eye, but that doesn’t make what the ref did last night wrong - it was a brave decision, and not to be condemned if it helps to eliminate needless violence on the field. That streaker need to be restrained and taken from the pitch - not kicked up in the air.<br><br>At the time, we had probably been the better side - but only marginally. The same was still true after the sending-off, we still had plenty of chances to win, so we can’t claim that one moment cost us the game.<br><br>I have to say I was disappointed by the behaviour of some of our fans - some of the chanting before the sending-off maybe contributed to the streaker’s appearance, and from then onwards it was just a stream of obscenities. Something more supportive of our team might have helped! OK, Woodley are a small club, with not too many supporters - well, good luck to them on their first appearance in the Senior Cup final. It’s hard to deny that they probably deserved to win, so let’s congratulate them, not just belittle them.<br><br>It’s not as if we’re that big a club ourselves - how do we feel when we take on a side from a higher division and beat them? Do we celebrate? Of course we do! So why shouldn’t Woodley?<br><br>Instead of bemoaning our luck, blaming the officials, trying to get the result changed etc. etc. we would be better to accept defeat gracefully, sat "well done" to the winners, learn a few lessons - and then concentrate on winning the rest of our games this season to ensure a decent league position.<br><br>I’m still proud to be a Wittoner - but I have to say that pride was dimmed last night.<br>

Ok, But shouldn’t they be down the other end closer to the goal they are shooting at instead of delibrately standing by our goal to annoy us. WHy didn’t they celebrate down their own end?

Stop talking shit Adger, yes they are a NWC side but so were Congleton and look at the teams that have come up from the counties in recent seasons. Prescot are currently 4th and beat us convincingly by all accounts at the weekend and they were NWC last season. There is not a lot of difference if any between the leagues, look at the uni prem teams we have played this season, battered wakefield and emley in the F.A. cup, should have got something from the game as we should have also done against Droylsden. We beat 2 league sides to reach last nights final, you only have to look at the teams Woodley beat to reach the final, they were a good side. We were the better team anyhow, destroyed them second half with 10 men and should have won the game with the chances we had so get off the managers back and get behind the team, god, your worse than my mother for moaning, SUPPORT is the key word and thats what the players and management need right now!

A detailed report on last nights incident. We had played about six minutes of the second half when we were awarded a corner kick. Just as dicko was taking the corner a streaker ran on the field of play the referee obviously did’nt see him but the linesman must have seen him and he should have stopped the game but did’nt.<br>Pritchard saw the streaker and went to stop him with what looked like a sliding right footed tackle that caught this clown just around his ankles the guy fell down got up imediatley and went to run off the pitch there was only one steward on the field of play and the score at this time was 0-0. Pritchard being a policeman in his profesion this was a natural instinct and i could’nt believe the referee sent him off. I am sure a lot more will be said on this matter. As far as the game went it was an exellent game of football from both sides which was spoiled by an incompetent referree.