Witton 1-2 woodley AET

Witton Wanderer another sad dreamer who does not face upto facts. <br><br>We are are crap side, going no where under the present managerial team.<br><br>I support Witton and have done for many years, seen some very good teams, this team is one of the worst.<br><br>Get into the real world.

Can we concentrate on the football. Any chance of a report on the game itself. Who played well MOM’s etc, lets forget the hooligans. Life goes on Prescot saturday, any views on team selection, will Pritch be suspended.

I have put as good a report as I can on the 1st page of this thread, as much as I can remember anyway.<br>I hope we keep the same starting 11.<br>Don’t think Pritch’s suspension will have come through yet, unless Chad can correct me otherwise.

Adger - Everyone here respects the fact that you have your own opinion and you have every rite to say what you feel. <br>BUT<br>Now is not the time to be spouting such garbage - just get behind the team in what is one of the club’s most difficult times in the last couple of years.<br>CALM DOWN, KEEP QUIET AND SUPPORT THE TEAM AT THIS DIFFICULT TIME.

First time i’ve posted on the forum, i know everybody was dissapointed none more so than the players, i thought we were on top throughout the game especially in the second half even with ten men, we had enough chances to win the game despite the sending off!<br><br>I thought the support for us was absolutely first class and the lads definetely responded to that, probably lifted the team when we went down to ten, hope we can have more of that for the remaining games this season!<br><br><br><br><br><br>

Thanks for that Sargy, I’m sure the team/management are as gutted as we are.<br>The support was excellent - when directed towards the team, hopefully it will continue in a positive manor.<br>

Interesting report on Wednesday night’s incident on the Non-League paper website which appears sympathise toward Witton’s plight in the matter.<br>After viewing it again on the television last night, my view has’nt changed and it would appear that Pritch merely tripped the bloke up as he got straight back up again and ran off.

[smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]merely tripped the bloke what beer glasses are you wearing are you wearing, i went up for the header with pritch the steaker went past us and pritch chased him and dont say that was a trip because it wasnt he booted him, i do feel sorry for pritch because i have played with him but the words out of his mouth to me was, i went into copper mode,<br>fuck me i wouldnt like him on my estate kicking people,<br>and if i am correct your fans were all cheering, go on and get promoted to the next leval<br>live the dream we are the woodley supreme!!!<br><br> [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

[quote] and pritch chased him and dont say that was a trip because it wasnt he booted him, [/quote]<br><br>you need your eyes testing love!! the WHOLE NATION can see he tripped him! to kick ( as being a footballer you will know - maybe??) that for it be a kick there will have been some back swing of the leg - nothing of the sort - he stuck his leg out.<br><br>a trip that wouldn’t even have been noticed in the playground.<br><br>now toddle off and enjoy your victory without telling fibs on here, that everyone can see aren’t true.

Well we’re all over the national papers this morning, even a fetching full page 3 spread in the Metro freebie and page 2 in the Times, not to mention all the tv coverage. And very clear pictures of that trip, because that’s all it was…in fact I’ve got a real difficulty in Pritch’s actions being described as "violent conduct"… :stuck_out_tongue:

If that is booting someone then, we have some seriously violent footballers about, and would be ending matches at 5 a side if lucky!<br>In that what exactly constitutes a trip in your book then.<br>Debbie’s right though that happen to me playing football in the play ground and no one bats an eye lid. (unless your playing on concrete!)

Hi, Pete Riley’s son here. In case anyone is interested, as well as the page 3 metro spread we’re on page 31 of the mirror, page 6 of the sun and front page of the times. Picture in the Mirror proves BEYOND QUESTION that the idiot was not booted. He’s brought him down yeah, but having been to a few games this season i’ve seen penalties been given for much less, and not given for much more!<br><br>Glad to see we’re appealing though - we’d be mad not to given the video evidence available and the fact that, quoting Phil Chadwick in the mirror, <br><br>"…Brian has been wrongfully dismissed. The rules only take into account spectators in the case of spitting and that’s not what happened here"<br><br>One other thing - i’m surely not the only person who remembers Ian Walker literally manhandling a pitch invader against Aston Villa in the Premier League last month. Pritch has gone for something nowhere near as aggressive. Am i correct in thinking, therefore, that the only way a player can be dismissed for interfering with a pitch invader is if the person in question is stark b*llock naked?! Madness!

And nobody has mentioned the fact he was running away from goal. come on ref he would never have scored!! and looking at his tackle I think most women would be very dissapointed if he did!

"Beer glasses?" not me Mickey never touched a drop.However I think it is you who needs to see an optician. You and the Woodley fan who rang TalkSport yesterday claiming Pritch kicked the bloke where it hurts with the score 1-0 to Woodley the goal being the fault of Pritch.<br>It is clear video evidence has exonerated Pritch and also clearly shows you and your colleagues went over to confront Pritch rather than, as you put in an earlier post, that you went over to protect him from the streaker.<br>Your team did play well and at the end of the day you did receive the Cup but your victory will be tainted by this unfortunate incident.

Regarding the incident on wednesday night i think enough has been said and we should move on. We have a big game tomorrow and hopefully we will ready for it. Its true that we have’nt played well for a few weeks but on wednesday we played some exellent football. What goes on this web site should be possitive and constructive and it is all about opinions. I would like to see us play 3 at the back. As a unit we’ve probably got the best 3 centre backs in the league. I.e Barlow Pritchard and Furnival we’ve got pace strength and height. We then can play 5 in midfield which will give us width which we have’nt had and a better balance my selections would be Evans on the right Foy who for me was our mom on wednesday Stannard who is a very good player but has yet to start a game and Dicken. I would then play Micheal yates just behind the front 2 who would be Sargeson and Molesley. I think we need to try something different we only need 2 more wins out of the last 7 games to be certain of moving up next season. When you look at the back 3 Barlow is only 20 Furnival is only 22 and Pritchard is 29 they could be together for the next 3 or 4 years. I think its time to experiment and have a go. All the best for tomorrow guys.

If pritch’s was a kick then what was Cleggy’s ‘stamp’ at Spennymoor last year?

Cleggy’s stamp must have been manslaughter at least?<br><br>C’mon lets make this topic longer than that Northwich latest??? one.

Paul Robinson incident in Azerbaijan proved to be very similar and not a dicky bird about it.

Indeed - what would the FA have done if Robinson had been sent off?<br>Would he have missed 3 crucial qualifying matches because of "violent conduct"?

AND Mr Robinson wasn’t a policeman!<br><br>There will be a "scrapbook" as such of all of the press clippings from that incident in the club shop as from the next home game for fans to view.