Witton Albion 2-3 Blyth Spartans

Played with a lot more fight and heart but were unlucky at times and sloppy at times espicially defending in the first half.<br><br>Goals from: Burton (MOM IMO for his effort and commitment) and Moseley

Don’t have time to post an awful lot, but I just want to say well done to all the players and the management.<br><br>Thought it was a fantastic performance, just what we’ve been missing for the last few months, and it just goes to show that we can actually attack!!<br><br>On any other day we’d have beaten them easily; we totally outplayed them and I lost count of the number of chances we had. ?<br><br>Well done lads - I know it was a defeat, but the performance was great! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Not too downhearted saw a real football match today for the first time in ages.<br> A couple of slack moments at the back albeit nicely dispatched by Blyth (yes Ok the first was offside and some say the third was as well). It wasnt a matter of Blyth taking the foot off the gas allowing Albion back they were allways at the races and we probably made more chances today than in the last dozen games.<br>It just wasnt going to go in it was not our day, when the first eventually did go in followed by a second I had visions of a trip to Blyth on Tuesday :o<br>It wasnt to be Good luck to Blyth in the next round but I think they used it all up today.<br>Well played to ALL the WAFC team today. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br>And as for the referee [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=ranting.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br>

A better performance, but why did we not start our strongest side? Whilst we created chances in the first half we conceded. It wasn’t until the changes were made that we really took the game to Blyth, Lets hope next week we get the team selection right from the off!<br><br>Well done lads, lets get the win on Sat!!!

I arrived at the ground with having found some optimism from deep within, was this the dawn of a new era?<br><br>Well after 20minutes I could not believe what I was seeing, Blythe hit a purple patch, helped by some ropey defending. <br><br>However after they had sealed their win, Witton sparked into life, and became a new, inspired and for the first time in a while…Hungry team.<br><br>We played some excellent football, and should have had a one if not two penalties.<br>Had we got a goal back before half time, then most definitely game on, as it was our efforts came too late. <br><br>But I did leave Wincham Park with renewed optimism and I look forward to the next match.<br><br>Come on the Alb’ !! [smiley=banane.gif]

Not a bad game overall, we had a few chances early on could have had a penalty if the ref had, had his eyes open. But same old story we put pressure on them they break and score. <br><br>Good to see that the fight is returning with Pritch and Hughesy in charge. <br><br>Things will improve, I can see it coming. <br><br>Heard a rumour today at game that Vics had played their last game at Witton. No new contract has been signed yet. I wonder does that mean that they have no where to play. Hope it wont affect their new found form.

Heard the same rumour about the contract but also understand that the rent they are paying is now around ?1400. Cannot afford to lose this money even if it means losing out on their last few games if they do move before the end of the season, no point in playing silly devils and trying to make em cough up for all the matches even if they leave wp before season ends. We know someone will bail them out, it might as well be us as they have some decent matches in terms of away support coming up - York,Halifax etc. and we can well do with the extra money right now!!<br>As for today’s game!! better but we still have been knocked out to a team near the bottom of our league.The cups have now gone and I fear very soon are season will be over!!

[color=Green]We outplayed you’s from the start and we were worthy winners, the win was far more comfortable than the scoreline suggested. You’s attacked more in the last 20 minutes but even when you’s scored your 2nd the result was never in doubt.[/color]

Can’t argue with that. We’re getting worse and I can’t see a way out of the problems we have at the moment!!Season over, gates just scraping 200,no manager,budget likely to be cut. It can’t get any worse can it?!!! It’s time we stopped kidding ourselves about the next step up, we’re years away and it’s time the chairman realised that!!

How’s that for a contradiction, Senior Wittoner?? <br><br>[quote]As for today’s game!! better [/quote]<br><br>[quote]We’re getting worse [/quote]<br><br>We were fantastic yesterday and no-one can argue with that. If you’ve seen any of the games this season you will know that - we could have scored loads of goals.<br><br>And Scott - you must go to the same optician as the referee.

[color=Green]Ha ha, we are not going to agree upon this so lets not bother trying eh. See you’s soon[/color]

[quote]Can’t argue with that. We’re getting worse and I can’t see a way out of the problems we have at the moment!!Season over, gates just scraping 200,no manager,budget likely to be cut. It can’t get any worse can it?!!! ? It’s time we stopped kidding ourselves about the next step up, we’re years away and it’s time the chairman realised that!![/quote]<br><br>So what’s your solution, seniorwittoner? Call it a day? Lock the doors, knock the ground down, and wind up the business?<br><br>Or maybe we can take the Micawberite route. Aim for mid-table in the Unibond Premier for at least the next ten years, hoping that "something turns up" and we luckily get promotion.<br><br>There is an alternative, you know. And that’s to try and come up with ideas for improvement so that we end up in a better position than we are at the moment.<br>

I agree with ME (the username not myself) that for the first time this season I felt I watched a football match in the manner that it should be played. So much better to watch for the neutral and the actual Witton fans than the week before by miles.

A breath of fresh air true we lost, but to see players like Baker, Yates, Burton, Stannard and others express themselves was a pleasure.<br><br>We made mistakes and were punished, but that will be the luckiest win Blyth will have all season.<br><br>A smile on my face, clearly some of those players, who I doubted can play and I am sure that once a management team is in place who will allow them to play we will see some entertainment.<br><br>If I have once reservation, it must be why on earth was Nolan in the starting line up.<br><br>Thats it looking forward to next Saturday.

A little belated this but:<br>Team:<br>Gibbo, Evans, Tickle, Furnival, Pritch, Nolan, Barlow, Madin, Stannard, Moseley, Burton.<br><br>Subs used:<br>Baker, Bird, Yates<br>Not used:<br>Molyneux, Bagnall<br><br>Att:250<br><br>Never probably have I been so happy in defeat.<br>Agreeing with previous posts, that was a game worth watching, and regardless of what some moaners said I’d say worth paying to watch too. (who knows we may even get a neutral thinking its worth watching us!)<br><br>We pushed and pressed but due to some off key finishing (they had nose bleeds at the sight of the oppositions penalty area I believe), some last ditch defending and and a "terrific" ?:o refereeing performance Blyth came away with a victory.<br><br>As Scott states yes they did have their chances, to get 3 goals you do need them but I didn’t feel they had half as many as us! Your keeper certainly looked shaken at the end with he timewasting etc - had we been given a proper amount of injury time who knows?<br><br>The referee and liners well, heard from several different people at different locations in the ground that their 1st and 3rd goals were offside. ?Is shirt pulling no longer a foul? Madin very unfortunate not to get a penalty, and the best being MM leg being taken when he’s 6 yards out about to pull the trigger! Even better still he gets booked for diving despite not claiming the penalty! ?Unreal. ?On another day just one of those decisions going our way no doubt would have had a bearing on the game. I think however we probably used all our luck up last week in keeping it at 1-0.<br><br>Whinge as I am at all this at least we had the opportunity to get 3 penalties, had balls scooped over the bar from half a yard (helluva clearance that one!) etc etc etc. ?I remember seeing this lad with BLACK hair crossing a ball from the left, in the opposition penalty area - it was Dave Tickle! ?when we had the ball wide we delivered, not always brilliantly but a good % of the balls in were decent, Madins crossing I thought was very good. ?And there were red shirts in the box when MM wasn’t! ?What a breath of fresh air!<br><br>As someone will now point out, yep we lost, yep we are out and I’m disappointed but I’m convinced that was so much better than we would have ootherwise been treated to.<br>Well done to all the players and the management, (without being really picky) couldn’t fault any of them yesterday. ?<br><br>And finally to sum it all up - yes I’m really looking forward to next Saturday and it doesn’t look like I’m the only one! ?[smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=3dbiggrin3.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

What a difference a change can make. Yes we lost and yes we conceded 3 goals but the lads gave a superb performance showing great spirit and willing. The only moan i would have is with the team selection. If we had started the game with the team who finished the game we would have won. Why Nolan is playing in midfield before Baker is unbelievable and i believe Yates should be first choice on the right. Of the players i thought Simon Burton was superb, John Stannard done well on his return from the wilderness and Andy Barlow had one of his best games in a Witton shirt. For once i am looking forward to saturday and the visit of Gateshead. UP THE ALBION

Neil - you really must check your spelling!!<br><br>[quote]I remember seeing this lad with back hair crossing a ball from the left, in the opposition penalty area - it was Dave Tickle![/quote]<br><br>LOL - I’d change that if I were you!! As far as I remember Dave was wearing a shirt!!! ;D ;D<br><br>I’m still smiling today like a maniac even though we’re out of the trophy - I feel like we’ve been given a fresh start and that we have an attacking future again.<br><br>The players must surely have enjoyed that game of footie, despite losing.<br><br>I still can’t pick a man of the match. I’ve been thinking it over all weekend and I still haven’t come up with one. Can I have 14 of them??<br><br>Can’t wait for Saturday now. I’m not expecting the earth - I accept that a win is not guaranteed by a long way, but I’m looking forward to being entertained again, and hopefully watching a match as one sided attacking wise as the Utd City game today!!<br><br>Well done once again lads. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Absolutely agree with a great performance, all players gave their all and the commitment and passion was clear to see- could not believe some of the stick Bertie was getting from certain people in the stand!! totally out of order, put in more work and effort than any other player on the park- by a mile!!!<br><br>Bad result- great game- big improvement

??? If only I’d have been as delighted as you lot when I got the result up on Teletext!?! <br><br>I WAS GUTTED TO GO OUT OF THE TROPHY - OUR ONLY CHANCE TO WIN BACK SOME SUPPORTERS AND EVERYONES DELIGHTED!!!<br><br>As somebody once said "Its a Funny old game!"<br><br>Maybe we should ask Teletext to add a line that we played well in defeat!<br><br>I’d have been happy on Saturday nite then-NOT.<br><br>

No-one is happy to go out of the trophy.<br><br>What we are happy with is the performance. It is an improvement on what we’ve seen before and most definitely a more enjoyable game than what we’d have been given if JD and PK were still in charge. Having gone 3-0 down just after half time, we’d have tried to keep the score down rather than dig deep and try to salvage the game.<br><br>But then, having not been to many games this season, by your own admission, you won’t have seen the sort of performances we’ve seen and so perhaps won’t understand how good it was to see more than one attack in a game.<br><br>After all, the draws haven’t been bringing the crowds back, so maybe an entertaining match might, which will help us maintain the higher budget we’ve given the management this season.