Witton Albion v Lincoln United

Team News: Jack Baker replaces Chris Howarth in goal, whilst Brian Pritchard drops to the bench. Paul Henry takes Pritchard’s place with Ollie James dropping into defence.

Starting XI: J. Baker; O. James, C. McAllister, C. Ruffer, D. Warner; B. Maylett, P. Henry, D. Jones, P. Heler; C. Lamb, R. Morgan.

Substitutes: P. Pearson, C. Tai-Hogan, R. Lloyd, B. Pritchard, C. Howarth.


Witton Albion 0-1 LINCOLN UNITED


C. Ruffer off

R. Lloyd on


WITTON ALBION 1-1 Lincoln United

Ronnie Morgan


Witton Albion 1-1 Lincoln United


WITTON ALBION 2-1 Lincoln United

Own Goal


Witton Albion 2-2 LINCOLN UNITED


Witton Albion 2-3 LINCOLN UNITED


Witton Albion 2-4 LINCOLN UNITED


Witton Albion 2-4 Lincoln United

now we cant win anything surely its time for him to go

clueless what a shambles . Poor in defence no midfield and a front line that refuses to shoot. Roll on end of season and put us out of our misery. :frowning:

There is little to be said, we were woeful once we went 2-1 up. Mr. Finley will not resign, why should he? He has a two year contract and if he resigned he would be labelled a failure so who would give him a job? For better or for worse he will be here next season, and maybe, if rumours are true, so will Vics.

Leek lost, Sheffield lost but so did we, chance was there for the taking

We started with a midfielder at right-back, and a right-back on the bench. When Ross Lloyd came on he provided the cross that led to our second goal.

Peter Heler and Brad Maylett are wingers. Yet today they did not play on the wings. The Lincoln no. 11 showed them what wing play involves. Namely, running at the defender with the ball at his feet, and then getting a cross in. When he did that, it led to a number of corners, which then caused us a lot of trouble all day.

More often than not, when Maylett had the ball he took it forward a little way, then cut inside, maybe wait a little, then pass it, or attempt to beat his man. If he just ran at the fullback, he is quite capable of getting past him and then delivering a good cross. When Heler had the ball he would run forwards, cut back onto his right foot, and then fail to get a cross in. If they had run at the fullback and then crossed it, we would have had a chance of scoring, or a chance of a corner.

Poor defending of corners cost us big time today. Their first 3 goals came from corners. Were we employing zonal marking today? 3 goals from 3 free headers, if I remember rightly. That is just not good enough.

I’m afraid that I believe that, as the song goes ‘Our season’s over, and we’ve won **** all’.

If I didn’t live just an hours drive from Stamford then I probably would’t be going next week after today’s dismal and embarrassing performance.

A desperately dissappointing performance and result. As on so many occasions this season we were vulnerable at the back and over elaborate up front. Fair credit to Lincoln; the longer the match went on the better they played. In particular their No 11 caused us no end of problems because he was fast, could beat people and had an end product. If we could have done the same, the points were there for the taking.

Where do we go from here?

WHS if he quits he will make himself look a failure
:s personally i thought he had all ready made himself look like a failure and eve all realised that far to late

Well I think today proved that we are just not good enough - but mathematically we are still in with a chance ? No Pritch and Ruffer going off early did’nt help us defence wise but there is no excuse for lack of shots on goal and guess who scored again for Salford City.

The fat lady is not singing yet !

Our performance today, it has to be said was dire. One good thing i can pick out about today was the weather.

I consider myself as an optimist, but even i find it difficult to see us getting a play off spot now. It would’ve been difficult enough if we won all the games we had left, and now we’ve dropped 3 points it will take serious good fortune to allow us to get a spot. Never the less i shall be hoping this good luck comes our way!

Heart says: We still (technically) have a shout of getting into play offs.
Head says: We’re out of it. Season over.

Well when we went 2-1 up I thought that’d be it against a poor team (well they were 28 points below us!). But comedy defending not helped of course by Pritch not being on (injured I presume) and Ruffer having to go off too and look what happened!!. I just can’t understand what happened really, bloody poor though!

Another point is Paul Henry’s captaincy, he seems to lay into other team members for errors, then have them about it again and again, not for me i’m afraid!

I thouight todays officials were very good, the ref had a calm assurance, took no silly nonsense, and didn’t waft cards about as so many do, very good!