Witton Albion vs AFC Rushden and Diamonds

Please note: Segregation will be in place on Tuesday night for the Play Off Semi Final with Witton allocated the Wincham End. Alcohol will NOT be permitted inside the Stadium.

I am absolutely not fancying this match. I’ve said that I fancy AFC R&D to steal the 2nd promotion place all along.

Come in lads prove me wrong

Let’s do this!!

WHY?according to their web site only one bus coming.

I think it’s probably down to the small hooligan following they sometimes get for the big games, we were handed a sheet of banned supporters before the league game with a number of photos which went on the turnstiles and in the Social Club before the recent game.
They had a following of around 60-80 fans at the midweek game a few weeks ago so we can probably expect to at least double that number this time.

With home games topping 600 at times I expect at least 300 to come for this match. We should win but what do I know, I forecast a Spurs V City Final!!

we’ve beat em twice so nothing makes me think we wont beat em again.UTA.

I just hope all the lads are fully fit and we get a decent ref who lets the game flow and is sensible ! if all are available then for me the team picks itself really :

Gardner, Brown, Wilson, Devine
Owens Heywood, Williams Bauress
Hopley, Tames

Good shouts for Lycett and Jones to be included but just a better balance in the above team IMO, whoever gets selected good luck and lets get behind them UTA

This is a big game and one which i think we will win. The players have performed brilliantly all season and deserve nothing less than to get promotion. If you are a Witton fan and can get to the game, then get down to the netdec stadium on Tuesday evening and cheer the lads on till your lungs are bursting. Wer deserve to be promoted, so we MUST play our part in ending a fantastic season on a high Hope to see a big crowd to see this team take us forward. UTA

Totally agree with the sentiment above.


well one things for certain that Rushden will be up for this one with nothing to lose. We will need to be at our best and that 25 points difference in the standings counts for nothing now ! We need to get behind the lads and then lets see what happens :slight_smile:

I have been sent the following that has already been posted on our official website:

The following arrangements have been made for tomorrow night:-.


Adults £ 9.00

Concessions £ 6.00

Under 15’s /Student (with valid card) £ 4.00

Please Note All Pay - Season Tickets not valid for non League fixtures.

As there will be segregation for the game, Witton supporters can gain access via the Chapel Street End turnstiles and the visitors via the Lostock End (Car Park) turnstiles.

Seats in the stand will be available as normal on a first come first served basis and are accessed through the relevant turnstiles. Our visitors have been allocated 50 reserved seats again at the Lostock End of the ground also on a first come first served basis.

The social club will be open from 6.00pm for both sets of supporters and the bar will close approx 30 minutes before kick-off and will not be open whilst the game is in progress. The bar will open again at half time to those spectators in the seated areas ONLY as numbers are limited and will re-open at full time when it will be available again to both sets of supporters.

Your co-operation is much appreciated.

Go out there and smash it tomorrow night lads. Play like you have all season 110% and they won’t know what hit em GOOD LUCK!! UTA WE ARE GOIN UP!!

Wow. I’ve been working away and come back to find that not only did you not win the title, you cheated and now on the day of your second biggest game of the season you are all fighting over voting slips!!! What a club

That said best of luck tonight. Genuinely hope you get promoted so you can have a year off from looking over your shoulder :wink:

Ignoring the last post may I say that regardless of the result tonight and Saturday I am totally against the playoffs. What are we competing in, a league or a knockout competition? I can understand why they have them in the Football League, the SKY TV money and the possibility of playing at Wembley, but neither apply in non-league football. Playoffs are justified only in the Rugby Union where clubs are denied their top players when International matches are played. I can even condone it in Rugby League where they have been doing it since they had 30 clubs in the league and teams did not play each other twice, but why they still do it is again, the TV money and the “Grand Final”. The playoffs need to stop in non-league football and the sooner the better…

Mr. Walker, both your clubs are now in the “Oblivion League”. where teams go to die.

Good luck to the lads tonight. If anybody deserves success it’s these guys, just go out and do what you have been doing all season and you will be fine. A team to be very proud of whatever the outcome UTA

I will be there tonight, I just hope the lads are not as nervous as me and certainly fitter!!

What a massive game tonight. Like WHS I think its totally ludicrous that we are not up already and that we are in the playoffs with 99 points and a 100 goals scored. That counts for nothing tonight as the mentality of Rushden will be that they’ve got nothing to lose while we might be a bit nervous. I also hope we get a decent referee because if we get an idiot like we’ve seen this season it could go against us. Its up to us to make it Fortress Wincham Park by getting right behind our team vocally. One things for sure there will not be any lack of effort from the players and the football management lets hope we can do it for a 3rd time against what is a good Rushden team. Onward and Upward UTA!!

Referees are only doing their best, look at the decisions in the FA Cup Semi Final on Sunday, even the best get it wrong! Refs get a bad press yet we would have no game without them, sometimes they seem to be totally against your team, sometimes they seem to be for you, something we tend to ignore. We will win or lose by what our team do not because a ref is biased. ONWARD AND UPWARDS is our motto, let’s hope it is true tonight and Saturday.