Witton player lookalikes

Thought i’d let you all into a little secret… Pritch isn’t really a copper, he works on the donut stall below, honestly i saw him the other day on southport fair<br><br>

Biology Lesson now about Mado’s body<br><br>

Matt, thats class. We need to print that out for the dressing room wall.<br><br>Brabs will love this one, he started the whole budgie shout.

Does ANYONE do any work ever at all??!!<br><br>(LOL at the budgie picture [size=2]but quietly so I don’t get told off for laughing again!)[/size]

FARS ARE YOU NOW LOGGING ON TO DO YOUR OWN CHAT SHOW MATE? Just discovered your chat room tapes (see below). Any names for the show LOG ON or FARS CHOPS WOOD maybe. Just seen the mullet on BRABS!!! Catch you later mate got to go and drop a log on Ken Barlows head!<br><br><br> Debbie: hello guest.<br>21:50:36 System Message: A_FARLEY has joined the Chatroom<br>21:51:13 A_FARLEY: evening debs<br>21:51:30 Debbie: hiya<br>21:51:36 Debbie: see the utd game?<br>21:52:00 A_FARLEY: whats happening?<br>21:52:17 A_FARLEY: exeter done well<br>21:52:32 Debbie: indeed - good game <br>21:52:41 Debbie: you feeling well this week?<br>21:53:30 A_FARLEY: dont you start,thats all pritch goes on about to me as i am always ill, but you know i can’t let the fans down they mean so much to me always<br>21:54:04 Debbie: just checking - it’s a long way to blyth if you don’t feel well<br>21:54:53 A_FARLEY: its not my fault theres meningitis going around witton<br>21:55:34 Debbie: is there - who has it?<br>21:56:21 A_FARLEY: the whole team,only joking,i think weve got maditis.<br>21:56:54 Debbie: i’d agree with that<br>21:57:26 Debbie: well, have fun training tomorrow night - going to watch desperate housewives - see you all saturday if it’s on<br>21:58:09 A_FARLEY: c u l8er kid<br><br>Not a patch on parky is it.<br><br>C u l8er mate!

well done pritch changing all the words,your such a wind up.

A_FARLEY: evening debs<br>21:51:30 Debbie: hiya<br>21:51:36 Debbie: see the utd game?<br>21:52:00 A_FARLEY: whats happening?<br>21:52:17 A_FARLEY: exeter done well<br>21:52:32 Debbie: indeed - good game <br>21:52:41 Debbie: you feeling well this week?<br>21:53:30 A_FARLEY: dont you start,thats all pritch goes on about<br>21:54:04 Debbie: just checking - it’s a long way to blyth if you don’t feel well<br>08:41:56 System Message: John_Stannard has joined the Chatroom<br>08:42:37 System Message: John_Stannard has left the Chatroom<br>09:41:07 System Message: Guest has joined the Chat<br><br><br>HERES THE REAL CONVERSATION.THE 1 WHICH PRITCH HASNT MODIFIED.

Mado has scored some good goals I remember the one against Lincoln at home a great strike with his left tarsometatarsus.

= Andy Lomas

Good game, good game he said to me last Saturday!

He gave me a cuddly toy for christmas! ::slight_smile:

Got quite a stock here Fars, Stanners been helping ??<br>http://www.logcabinuk.com/images/chairs02.jpg&lt;br&gt;Even got a seat for when you get tired

some logs there len,the lads have all played a major part,they have great logability. :wink:

HELP… Pritch is feeling lonely<br><br>

Oh dear God - I’ll be having nightmares now!! [smiley=ohmy.gif] [smiley=yikes2.gif]

If you end up with too many logs, you can follow this step by step picture guide to build your own home!<br><br>http://www.superiorlogs.com/constructionphoto.htm

7 pages of Logs and counting. <br><br>Farley, you must be proud of all these Logs fans. :wink:

Bring back Nolo!!! Barlow has no one else to have a go at since the ginger prince departed!!! Actually thought the pic BORE a striking likeness to an older vision of you Andy one that can only be a couple of years away!<br><br>Fars mate only one line was slightly altered mate! Log on (!) to yer later mate <br><br>

im only joking pritchard old chap,i love the banter.Andy barlow is having a right go at you,have you upset him?I think the whole team has got logitis.

How can you upset someone that ugly Fars? Mate he is always like that, he has to pick on someone all the time, i think Yate’s told me it stems back to his bed wetting as a child and the amount of bullying that happened to him at school. So its difficult to have a go back at him now for those reasons alone. What do you think mate?