Witton Supporters v V*cs Supporters

Definitely did not confuse us, there’s no way I can grow a beard like that, I’ve been trying for years! :wink:

Plus, I’m not religious!

Has to be said that The Guardian’s coverage of the event has been first class throughout. On top of that their coverage of first team matches and news (also through their website) is far better than they are credited for at times. This week’s issue is a prime example, plus the match previews online each Friday are very well researched and informative.

We need the backing of the local media and both The Guardian and The Chronicle have in my opinion both provided excellent coverage in recent months, not just on the pitch but also in support of the commercial activities and other news. We have been guilty in the past of moaning that nothing has been printed however they can’t write stories if we give them nothing to talk about!

Anyone who has not bought the Guardian this week should do, it’s a Witton collector’s item!

And an excellent chance today to have a nice bit of exposure in the next edition with Northwich having no game today. One small point though the articles usually get put onto the website too but this weeks excellent piece on Pritch hasn’t been I was hoping to forward it to a few friends who have moved on to pastures new but still keep in touch with results etc

DVDs of the game are now available at £6 each. Please can ANYONE that wants one please let me know asap so I can get these ordered.


I will have one please

Yes please - I need evidence of me making a tackle!

me please


You and Si can watch it as well and give the team feedback on where it all went wrong :wink:

Picking you at the back for starters… :wink: