Witton v Farsley

1-0 Tony Barrass [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Warlow misses pen! :cry:

Farsley captain sent off [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Farsley equalised Worsnop error apparently [smiley=ranting.gif]

Finished 1-1! :-/<br>Im off Tuesday for the replay [smiley=banane.gif]

At least we’re in the draw for the next round, and we all know we play much better away from home!

It seems that all Witton teams have a "death wish". We always manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. How on earth did that game nd 1-1? Still, as a supporter of over 50 years I should be used to it by now.<br>WHS

You just knew as soon as the penalty went over the bar there would be a twist. Good performance I thought, Barras was in a different class and Connors again was a pitbull in midfield, but we looked tired up front.<br>It was also the first time Mrs grazzer10 has been down and she enjoyed it. Great atmosphere and some great banter between the fans, just a shame about the final result. :-/

The fact we’re expecting to beat a team from a higher division yet again must speak volumes for how well we’re doing and what a decent sidde we had.<br><br>Yes should have won it, will Farsley play as badly on Tuesday or will we play better than we did today?<br><br>Good attendance and atmospehe as well - in the draw all the same.

Well done lads, sounds like we were unlucky. Now let’s get Vics or Oxford in the draw to add a bit of incentive!

WHS… I could be wrong as I don’t have a degree like yourself but when I was failing my cse’s at school 1-1 was a draw not a defeat.

May i ask what our captain Chris Stabb got sent off for today… by all accounts you were by far the better team, so im very happy with a point and see you on tuesday.

First caution - dissent.<br>Second caution - deliberate trip.<br><br>GE<br>

Maddies uncle, You are quoite right a draw is not a defeat, but the fact is we threw away a victory and now face a daunting replay. <br>WHS.

Thought it was going to be a case of deja vu all over again, but unlike the Vauxhall game, we didn’t quite have the killer touch in the last 10 minutes or so. I thought we took the penalty miss in our stride, and still looked likely to score again, but for some reason we seemed to go off the boil after their bloke got sent off.<br><br>The same applied to our fans - generated another great atmosphere (well done Corbyn) up to that point, but rather than really getting behind the team after Farsley scored, we concentrated on exchanging banter with their handful of fans, who made a late contribution.<br><br>Ah well, it’s a sign of progress that we’re disappointed with a draw against higher league opposition - but we’re still in with a shout, let’s really give it a go in the replay.<br><br>What price Mourinho v Vinceo in the 3rd round? <br><br>

Found out what the dissent was for…<br><br>After your player dived for the penalty and then you missed it, Ryan Crossley said ‘At least there’s some justice in this world’ and then the reff booked Stabb mistakinging him for Crossley… tut tut tut

How can you possibly comment on events which you haven’t even seen. Stonewall penalty decision. ???

[quote]How can you possibly comment on events which you haven’t even seen. Stonewall penalty decision. ???[/quote]<br><br><br>I spoke to the Keeper today at the club… any better and im sure he knows if he touched the striker better than you lot

Your keeper touched Mike. He touched Mike that much i thought he was trying to switch his shirt. Lets hope we get a good ref on Tuesday as your lot arent the cleanest team we have ever played. <br> [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif] [smiley=nono.gif]

Well thats conclusive then Jack!!! Did the keeper (in his unbiased opinion) also tell you which part of the ball he touched with his challenge-thought not. ;D