Witton v Frickley

I think after Saturday’s win over Guiseley, nothing can stop us winning the league…except one of the following.

  1. A poor referee.
  2. Inclement weather during a game (strong wind or heavy rain.)
  3. A poor pitch, which takes the advantage away from the better team e.g. Prescot Cables away.

We cant do anything about the first 2 points, but except for next Saturday, we can do something about point 3.

We should be very strong and resist any pressure to get the Frickley game played this week, if the ground is not upto the right standard for playing good football on it.

I know it would be arkward for the Unibond fixture secretary, if we couldn’t play Frickley on Tuesday (which must be extremeley doubtful already) or Thursday this week, as Frickley have a mid game next week.

It maybe in our advantage to play them the Tuesday following the end of the season, but I know as an ex-treasurer the pressures this will put on both clubs, as this will mean an extra weeks wages!

It’s not unusual for the unibond to force teams to play 2 games in 2 days to avoid extending the season so with only 3 games left I very much doubt they would entertain that idea.

To be honest I think we can handle the game whatever the conditions - Buxton, Lincoln Guiseley all on poor surfaces.

Get behind the team and lets get the points on the board. Besides the league are not going to extend the season with the play offs scheduled.

I worry about you Knutsfordian, you talk far too much sense for this forum, we like to talk rubbish so could you at least occasionally do the same so we don’t feel inferior?

As was said before the game yesterday, Tuesday now becomes the biggest game of the season so far. We certainly owe Frickley one for their disgraceful antics at the end of last season! Hopefully the lads recover from yesterday sufficiently to turn them over, although to be honest I think adrenaline alone will get them through these last few games! 3 points tomorrow night will probably take the wind out of the cods sails and we’ll be nearly there.

With regards to team selection, I think the stage is set for Rob Lloyd to return to the starting line up

i also think that Tony Evans played well yesterday and i would go for him and warlow up front.

come_on_the_albs wrote:

Have to disagree with you there Ched, we’d really miss Rod’s workrate if he wasn’t playing. Plus he’s due a goal!

you have a point and tony has been more effective when coming on rather than starting…

I too would play Lloyd and Thornley but I do hope Coo or Kearney is fit so that young lad can play in mid-field instead of full back.

Most definately agree. He can cause so many problems from midfield. If kearney or coo arent fit (and i know coo defo wont be)i would try to stick someone else at right back. Because Liam was so ineffective compared to normal on saturday. His normally crisp crosses went nowhere from the right hand side and he just wasnt a threat from the right like he is when he plays left. Need him left back, junior left mid. try one of the midfieldrs currently occupying the subs bench at right back for a couple of games if we are short on defenders. This would be my tuesday team that would do the job.


            Lloyd Barras Pritchard Brownhill
            Peers A.Brown  Macca   J.Brown

                  Warlow   Thornley

Sorry to reinforce this thread, but the main point I’m trying to make is that we should not play any home games on our pitch unless it allows good football to be played on it.
We should not be bullied from any direction to play a game, just because it fits in with other fixtures. If the play offs need to be put back, then so be it.

The referee, not the League, will decide whether the pitch is fit on Tuesday.


albionsince1984 wrote:

[quote]Most definately agree. He can cause so many problems from midfield. If kearney or coo arent fit (and i know coo defo wont be)i would try to stick someone else at right back. Because Liam was so ineffective compared to normal on saturday. His normally crisp crosses went nowhere from the right hand side and he just wasnt a threat from the right like he is when he plays left. Need him left back, junior left mid. try one of the midfieldrs currently occupying the subs bench at right back for a couple of games if we are short on defenders. This would be my tuesday team that would do the job.


            Lloyd Barras Pritchard Brownhill
            Peers A.Brown  Macca   J.Brown

                  Warlow   Thornley[/quote]

Liam set up the goal and we kept a clean sheet on Saturday! Can’t ask for more than that!

Didn`t Liam set-up the goal ? Ineffective ?:wink:

I think we need to forget all about Frickley’s antics from last season, and just make sure we take 3 points. Another 1 nil win will do, with a stoppage time winner if that’s what it takes!!

I’m sure we can cope with the pitch, as mentioned earlier we beat Buxton and lincoln in bad conditions.

yes liam set up the goal, with his left foot, still but sure. But there were 3 crosses he put in that were terrible from the right. Had they been from the left they would of been landing on Warlows head. Nobody can tell me he played aswell there as he does on the left, not by a long way

Maybe not in that game, but it’s one game!!! I remember him playing at right back in the Marine home game and he was awesome.

Suppose it’s all about opinions but Liam is naturally a right back!

I’m sure Liam would rather be crossing the ball with his stronger RIGHt foot if given the choice!! He’s played alot of games at left-back so it’s understandable that he might be a bit ring-rusty when moving back to right-back.

Having looked at Frickley’s website it would appear that they are bringing a supporters coach tomorrow night. Makes it even more important that we get behind the team like we did on Saturday!

Any news on how the pitch is looking? Weather forecast seems ok and the cold overnight weather should hopefully harden the pitch up.