Witton v Frickley

The start of this thread is the most defeatest.negative and boring I have ever seen.

GE is correct the ref decides if we play or not and we just get on with it.

Liam’s run and pass for Adams goal was outstanding and the finish was as good as u will see in any class of football.

Robbo, Stoppage time winner? are you trying to give me a heart attack? Jim Vince is a great manager, he will get it right, of that I have no doubt. One thing is for sure, we won’t be trying to “steal” the points like we used to under Benny Phillips.

Lets hope that the showers forecast today steer clear of Wincham Park. Having had a look last night, I’m pretty sure the ground staff would be happy for as much help as possible today to prepare for tonight’s huge game.

Lets hope the weatherman has got it wrong again!


It’s miserable out there.
Any news on the pitch ??

The weather certainly isn’t looking promising. If it carries on like this then the game must surely be in doubt???

Pitch must be unfit for the match tonight.
The match should be called off.

I think that we need it on tonight but we’ll only be able to play if the referee deems the pitch to be fit. On the flip side of that, it will only be called off if the referee deems the pitch to be unfit

He He - let there be rain:P

The sun smiles on the Cods!!


9 points gives us the title regardless of when the fixtures are played.

If the game can’t be played tonight, then as disappointing as that is, we’ll just have to take the points another night.

Just spoke to Pete Riley at the club, absolutely nothing decided yet! There are plenty of people working on the pitch as we speak so the game has got every chance of being played. Currently the sun is out, lets hope it stays like this.

the rain has stopped and the sky is blue over Northwich at the moment . My garden is a bit boggy but let’s hope that if we’ve got enough people forking the pitch and the weather stay’s like this we can get the game on and grab the points.

Well if you’re doing nothing but looking at your garden, then i’m sure they would appreciate any assistance you could offer…!!!



At least Wednesday and Thursday are looking nice…


Better not be called off the thought of going the game tonight is the only thing getting me through work today. I am already annoyed to be sporting a red and PINK albion shirt tonight after the red and white on the shirt mixed in the washing machine last night grrrrr

I just hope that Liam has a better game tonight… :lol:

haha! :laugh: well looking at the weather he’s not going to get the chance!

hi has anyone got any news as to wether the match is on tonight::laugh:

At the moment, the latest word from the club is that the game is on. As we speak, no inspection is currently planned. There has been a team of workers on the pitch all day (where would we be without these people?!). I’m sure the club will update with any official news but we’ve only had one shower since about 11:30 so hopefully we’ll be on!

lol nice one robbo:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

come on the albs!!

No more rain is forecast today!!!
