witton v northwich

The team is as follows: kennedy gaghan brownhill pritch barras spearit alex brown connors moseley jones and hockenhull
subs ali brown hendrix frost peers davenport.

also to add to the team lutkie is mr darren hockenhull lol r u goin to be able to do updates tonite??

witton mad scad you are the winner of the obvious mistake competion and you win this weeks prize, which are shares in northwich victoria. I hope you like this but remember they will be worth f*** all when mr connett pulls the plug. I thank you[br][size=1]Posted on: January 30, 2007, 07:37:01 PM[/size][hr]neil did text me the team so i am assuming that i am doing the updates.

im sorry if i caused any feelin of embarresment to u lutkie but i didnt expect to be rewarded with sh** such as shares in the scum i hope this isnt a dig at me as i am a wittoner thru n thru sorry for any hard feelings

it was a joke [br][size=1]Posted on: January 30, 2007, 07:52:22 PM[/size][hr]one nil to them[br][size=1]Posted on: January 30, 2007, 07:53:08 PM[/size][hr]when the ball hits the net you can sure place a bet it was moseley 1-1 [br][size=1]Posted on: January 30, 2007, 08:18:40 PM[/size][hr]half time 1-1 and two good appeals for penaltys turned down

Still in the game dad! Keep watching - no looking away!!


sorry bill but its two one to the squatters. a deflected free kick off barras.[br][size=1]Posted on: January 30, 2007, 09:02:53 PM[/size][hr]text from neil says " the ref is f****** atrocious" but the lads r doing us proud.

Just got home after feeling compelled to walk out after about 15 minutes of second half.

I despise cheating, I despise cheats. I felt I had to leave because of a growing sense of outrage and anger at what I was witnessing. All I shall say further is that the half dozen or so Vics fans that I spoke to could not believe the refereeing display, and could not disguise their glee at his performance. It was astounding.

sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but we lost two one. good night one and all!

Thanks for the updates.


Can anyone answer me this?

How come after watching a game at Wincham Park featuring the footballing team - Witton Albion, do we have to spend the entire 90 minutes stunned at the referees performance???

Once again the Cheshire FA have given us a refereeing performance that leaves a very bitter taste. Countless penalty appeals waved away, okay maybe not all were worthy of a spot kick but I would say atleast 2 were and needless bookings for the players in red and white. The game was not a dirty game and to all intents was played in a good, competitive nature, but our bookings count to theirs just didn’t make sense.

Yes it was only a tinpot cup, and yes the league is far more important, but putting one over the neighbours would have been an excellent achievement in what is an impressive current run.

Can we take positives out of tonight? damn right, if the Vics are conference league, then our future is very bright…in fact its red and white!

Just a great big thank you to the manager, his assistant and the players for one hell of a performance, just cannot legislate for a poor ref and wretched luck.
To show how proud I was of the team I will be giving GE ?5 even though we lost, I was only going to give ?2 if we had won as I felt it was a tin pot cup anyway and not worth worrying about. That makes ?8 I owe you GE. May not be there on Saturday, prior engagement, but after this performance I will be doing my best to get out of it.

Excellent performance, great spirit shown by everyone to keep taking the game to a team 2league higher than us (was never going to be 8-0 was it!)
Lucky, lucky 2nd goal - how many clearances did they make where at other times you’ve seen them sliced into the net?

Great display by the fans as well - full 90minutes worth - and the rest in the club, which was even more impressive given we were never actually winning the game!

Well done lads - everyone I spoke too was very proud of the way we played - the season has the potential to get better and better - lets keep it rolling on Saturday.

Lunch in penny anyone?
Bit of a ritual now isnt it!

UniBond Cheshire F.A. Senior Cup Semi-Final ? Tuesday January 30th 2007


TEAM: Kennedy: Spearritt, Pritchard, Barras, Brownhill (Brown Alistair 82; Hockenhull (Frost 63), Connors, Brown Alex, Gahgan; Moseley (Hendricks 80), Jones G.

Once again this season Albion more than matched a Conference club but not only did they just fail to pull off a result, in this match they had to contend with some of the worst refereeing decisions seen in a long while. At least on four occasions good claims for a penalty kick award were waved aside whilst elsewhere on the field the same response came from the man in black when Albion players? legs were swept from under them. In contrast when the visitors made absolutely meals of some challenges the whistle couldn?t sound quick enough.

Albion hadn?t got out of the starting gate when they went a goal down in the 3rd minute. The ball ricocheted
from an initial shot straight to Kevin Townson who struck his shot home with aplomb. Two minutes later Mike Moseley moved into space in the box and was caught by a defender, no penalty and the Albion marksman got booked for diving! A dipping shot from, my Man of the Match, Steve Connors just cleared the crossbar whilst Alex Brown?s long distance effort went narrowly wide. From a Chris Gahgan corner Brian Pritchard headed wide before the former Vics man hit a shot himself that keeper Phil Senior found too hot to handle at the near post but gathered at the second attempt.

Witton got themselves on level terms in the 28th minute following very good work from Gahgan, he made ground down the left before threading the ball through to MIKE MOSELEY and as Senior advanced the striker calmly placed the ball to the right of him to register his 13th for the season and his first since late November. As Albion continued pressing Tony Barras tried a wayward overhead kick that Darren Hockenhull retrieved before crossing to Moseley who?s own overhead attempt ended wide of the left upright.

On 39 minutes Griff Jones burst through a somewhat square Vics defence, lashed the ball goalwards only for Senior to produce a fingertip save to flick the ball over his crossbar. Three minutes later Liam Brownhill went between two defenders and was brought down, again Mr Mohareb waved play on but curiously this time didn?t caution the Albion player!

Three minutes into the 2nd half Jones was blatantly pushed by Stuart Elliot, missed altogether this time by the match officials and when Connors needlessly conceded a foul slap bang in the middle of the ?D? it was Elliot who struck the 56th minute free-kick through the wall with the ball striking Tony Barras to leave Jon Kennedy flatfooted.

Albion continued taking the game to the team two divisions higher and when Senior launched himself into Pritchard before claiming the ball again no infringement was spotted. Albion?s veteran in the 72nd minute looked odds-on to equalise but somehow got over the ball hitting it into the ground and thus give the defence time to clear the danger. Kennedy produced two comfortable saves in the final ten minutes but apart from picking the ball out of his net earlier they were the only other real efforts Vics had.

So we?ve relinquished the cup but can hold our heads up high, it was virtually 25 years to the day since we last lost out to Vics in this competition and the rules didn?t help as we were precluded from playing Adam Warlow, Rob Lloyd and Shaun Miller. We are now left with the consolation of the club chosen once more to stage the Final with Chester and Cammell Lairds playing next Tuesday for the right to take on the other Wincham team.

Just want to say one thing, I know that unlike the opposistion tonight most, if not all of our players take pride in playing for Witton Albion and because of obvious restraints we cannot afford to pay the wages that your opponants tonight can pay but you played the better football and you can hold you heads up high and know that you tried despite some or the worst referreeing decisions you will ever see made me and all the Witton Albion fans there tonight very proud. onward and upward guys we are 100% behind you to take us into the conference north as CHAMPIONS

We were excellent and Stevie Connors was the best player on the pitch, with a few other Albion players immediately behind. We may have lost the game, but we outplayed them, outfought them and only some dire refereeing gave them the result.

I wasn’t saddened by the result, just angry. All a team ever asks for is a fair crack - and we never got that last night.

But onwards and upwards. If we keep this level of play we CAN win this league

I think the fact that their supporters were largely silent for most of the game says it all.

I think their fans were enjoying watching some football for a change!

Their long ball tactics (which obviously stand them in reasonable stead for a relegation fight) must get pretty tiresome week in week out.

Thought the Albion played very well in patches. After a slow start we dominated the remainder of the first half, although they had 2 more very good chances. An unbelievable penalty appeal turned down! But at half-time I thought 1-1 was a fair reflection.

Second half, after a very bright 30 mins thought we tired inevitably, but still dominated but without the pace and agression of the earlier stages. Unlucky deflection for their goal - crap free-kick was going nowhere. Another blantant foul this type by their keeper off a corner. Pritch should have equalised.

Yes, the officials were inexperienced and the rabble seemed to take more notice/advantage of that, but that aside, we still had the opportunities to see them off.

Connors was awesome!

Onwards and upwards - lock yer doors Saturday, get yer locking wheelnuts out, mind yer pockets…

Calm down, calm down

Not much to add beyond what has been said - as one of V*** fans posted, "there was only one team playing football" and it was not them!

It was a great effort by the lads, the deflection off Barras would have beaten any keeper and was just unlucky (it was not that the free-kick was hit particularly well). I know I keep harping on about our midfield but I think they were superb again - Connors is at his best at the moment. Also thought that Gahgan looked back to form and whilst he was clearly ‘up for it’ because of the opposition it will be great to take this form into the next few games. Stick Peers back in and we have options to play with width on either side or a condensed midfield. The hardest part for Jim (with a full squad to choose from) will be how we play against different sides - but we will have players on the bench capable of turning games if we need them.

Every game at the moment is a big game! In the next 5 games we have Marine, Guiseley, Hednesford and Whitby. 3 of these 4 are still above us in the table and results against them WILL determine the outcome of our season. Right now the games can’t come quick enough - bring 'em on.

Need to keep the crowd and the atmosphere going as it a real boost to the team. Based upon our performances ths season we can play at a ‘higher’ level, we know need to turn this into a reality.

See ya Saturday

Agree with all thats been said so far. We played really well and if it had n’t been for the referee and Elliott and McCarthy for them plus a couple of good saves from the goalie we would have beaten them 4 1. Why Cheshire FA provide poor referees is a mystery. Its not just one match either it seems to be every time we play in this competition (The Stalybridge game last year an exception!). The linesman looked like he had n’t even passed his 11plus he looked that young. I never been so annoyed in my life and I approached the referee in the club afterwards and politely suggested he’d made some awful decisions that affected the result of the game. He did n’t reply which shows up the type of guy he was. The only comforting thought for me is that at least the half a dozen Vics fans I spoke to recognised that they had been lucky and thought we were worthy to be in the Conference North. Personally I think we could hold are own football wise ,(not financial wise), in the the full Conference with 3 or 4 signings which illustrates to me how far Jim and Benny have taken us this season. What stands out for me looking at the two conference teams we have played is that they just seem to belt it down the field and use strength and sometimes unfair aggression to win games. Rushden beat Oxford at Oxford the other night and lets face it they were lucky we did n’t beat them the other week! What we are talking about here is a team that was top of the conference for a long time managed by a really experienced League manager in Jim Smith. I pretty sure that if we played Oxford it would be a close run affair. What we have to do now is go on a consistent winning run, hope for a bit more luck with injuries, referees and run of the ball. I know speaking to Jim after tuesday’s game he has n’t given up on catching Telford. I’d dearly love to see us go up as champions. I know its a tall order but we have the team to do it and the lads are battling and showing committment. Lets keep it going vocally (but keep it clean), and get behind the team. If we win Saturday I’m pretty sure we will make the play offs at least. As someone else has pointed out though we need to get points from the Guiseley, Hendnesford, and Whitby games and I guess by the end of Feb if we are third then we will never have a better chance of finally getting out of this league in number 1 spot where we would be worthy champions with the football we are playing at the moment. As the Lincoln chairman said "You are the best FOOTBALL team in the league"