Witton v Runcorn

1-0 down at ht but playing much better than last couple of matches

got beat 3-1.<br>

Showed some promise in the second half but altoghether not so good performance, to me it seemed that only conners, brownhill and pritch were interested today<br><br>Bad goalkeeping but I overheard someone say he was injured, he looked injured as Ness was taking goalkicks in 2nd half<br><br>We did have a good spell in the second half and should have had at least 2 penalties but again we missed a penalty (when is it going to end!!) but managed to scramble in the rebound.

Said on Sky got beat 4-3! Still win the other 2 cups tho!

Hardly a classic was it - but it was better than the leek and Blyth games imo. Thankfully it was only a league cup game - next Saturday is more important for me.<br><br>The keeper was injured yes and MM got a dead leg in the first half. (do you ever feel like we’re, you know against the wind at times?)<br><br>Thought Connors showed what we’d been missing in mid-field and stood out as at least trying to have an influence on the game. Just one query King in the stand and McNutt starting, again? I’m sure Jim has his reasons.<br><br>Well hopefully Spearitt back next week and Butterworth back in the side…atleast we can pint our recent results down the the loss of many key players rather than just a run of bad results with the same team!

Heard that King was unavialable and had a throat infection. We lost but really should have we, terrible ref and liners, how many pens should we have been given. Keeper injured? Tom and Whit unavailable. I am sure once the best team is availble we will bounce back. Still plenty to play for

Thought it was a poor disjointed performance, the heart of the side has seemed to have gone, thought Connors and Pritch were the only ones out there that could hold their heads up high.<br>Maguire, King and Foy were the ones missing through injury, we miss LLoyd and Maynard, yes but thats always the problem with getting good loan players they always have to go back. JK, Griff Jones having gone on to "better things ?".<br>The replacements do not appear to be made of the right stuff,ie players that could get us back in the play-off race.<br>Must admit thought it might be be the time to put in the likes of Parkinson and Bailey.<br>The next two matches are very tough, definately a make or break time.

IMHO conners MOM looked like he wanted to win every ball, hope we get back on winning ways soon

I only saw the second half, after watching the reserves go out of their qurater final of the mid cheshire challenge cup.<br>I must say that quite a few of the players yesterday were’nt good enough, I can asure you that there are lads in the reserves that will give 100% for a lot less money than some of those yesterday.<br>They may not be the answer because of their experience, at this level, but I for one would rather see players that will give 100% effort for 90 minutes and want to play for witton

If Kingy is injured that’ll be it then. I was wondering why MM went off for a while!<br><br>Yes having our first choice side out will hopefully make a difference, tough game up at Guiseley but we must be due a little luck I’d have thought!<br><br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Agree with much thats said, not a great display, dodgy defensively, midfield connors was on his own, and strikers poor ? some players in the squad need to leave, let a couple of reserves have a chance at least there will be some effort, and hopefully jim can work some magic and bring a good midfield partner to cover maguires injury with connors who was my mom, king should definitely be starting given the current squad, and then we need a bit of luck, a couple of wins , then the confidence returning and well be ok, might still miss the play offs but at least we have a base to work on for next season, we have a good mgr who is right for the club, we just need to back him and keep the faith.

C.J<br>Quite agree, defensively we were poor. Pritch had his worst first half this season, but was like a lion second half. Hughesy never lets us down. Brownhill is class and getting better, not sure about Ness inconsistant?. McNutt is treading water and not happy with Butterworth. Being constructive which players would you get rid of

Weve nothing to lose by throwing some reserves in. From an effort point of view 6-8-10 didnt break sweat on Saturday.<br><br>And when it looked like we may get back in the game an absolutely suicidal powder puff back header from the sub full back just summed the day up.

Salut le jeune Tchad, je didnt pense que vous ?tiez de la barre longtemps assez pour voir la deuxi?me moiti?. obtient sur avec votre repassage :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


That is not nice even though in Franglais!!!

not sure I need to name names, but for sure we need a left sided defender, left side midfdield ( if connors plays in the middle ) a centre midfielder at least while maguire and jones and foy are out, a striker to put pressure on the only 2 proven strikers weve got, you can draw your names from that, im sure jim will get the players for nx season, for now id like to see a couple of reserves tried maybe bailey and parkinson ? reduce the wage bill for the total squad and use the savings to get a proven central midfielder in soon as. <br>team :<br><br>westhead<br><br>brownhill, pritch, spearrit, parkinson<br><br> king mcdonald( new ) connors<br><br>peers<br><br> mossley whittaker<br><br>bailey, ness, new striker<br><br>its great managing here you never get beat ? and the players you pick always play well and do what you want ? i think next season it will be shaken up and we get to see jim work with his team after a preseason with them.

;DBonjour les vieilles Tony 30 minutes elegantes de chaque moitie.<br>etaient plus que proportionnees pour etre temoin des efforts d’une partie de notre equipe. Mai tous vos petits-enfants soient les memes.

Grandchilren, j’ai mis maintenant de que me les gosses me co?tent assez comme c’est. si je le prends que quelques-uns l’un achetait VOUS boit alors ?. les grands d?buts de renaissance ? guisley. vous fait attention loge le mari. [smiley=cheezy.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif] [smiley=cheezy.gif]

whats with all the french, anyone else find it boring?