Witton v Worksop

Anyone on the match updates today?

1-0 down already. Could today get any worse?

Long way to go yet.

2-0 worksop

Alright playoffs it is then. Let’s just hope the players can pick themselves up for the semi midweek.

Weird how it works. I support united as well. Witton’s result always follow united. two draws last week. Two losses this week. spooky

Get in !!!

When your teams just avoided relegation and your sitting at home on your computer looking at updates of another team losing thats pretty sad.


Fleetwood 1-0 up. That man Foster the scorer. I hope they win now, because if they drew it would be a real sickener. Our players heads have clearly gone.

1-1 there

Like they say, “You couldn’t make it up”…

A season of such promise, where we’ve been MILES ahead almost from the start, now it looks like it’s all going to crap right at the death.

What ARE we thinking about?

I’m beginning to think that we really ARE cursed…

We’re not cursed, we just keep blowing it under pressure. We are still the best footballing team in this division, and need to get our heads up and concentrate on the task in hand, which is a win midweek and a win on Saturday. We’ve got the ability, now it’s time to find some nerve.

If we were winning now we’d be top at half time. Unbelieveable.

Anyway…at the other end of the table, looks like Stamford are going down, as they are 2-0 down at half time.

word has it witton haven’t been great but worksop have had three chances nd scored three times. The lines man awarded witton a penalty and the ref overruled it!

Laurence_Tonkin wrote:

Thanks, Laurence - that’s a great comfort to me. It will help with the pain of throwing away our chance to become champions this year.


Mate, we’re all feeling it. Don’t have a go.

Sorry mate - I didn’t mean to sound disrepectful.

It’s just that I’m really p*ssed off with the way today has gone - we seem determined to throw it all away. I think they call it “snatching defeat from the jaws of victory…”.

I’m afraid that the thought of some nomark team of kick-and-rushers from the middle of nowhere going down to a lower division doesn’t ease our pain in any way, shape or form. I wasn’t trying to be rude.

I’m sure you understand…:frowning:

Yeah of course. It wasn’t meant to ease the pain. Just seeing as the title race is over thought I’d see what else interesting was going on.

What are the latest scores? I have a horrible feeling that the Cods are going to be held to (what would have been) that all-important draw…