Witton vs Gateshead

No updates on the game today??

Sky Sports News sais 0v0 just waiting for clarification on that.

Confirmation 0v0 at half time no knowledge yet of team.

Come on Witton!!!

apparently result is late because the referee has been injured!

apparently finished 1-1

Yeah 1v1 and connors scored on 85 minute according to sky sports not bad result still 5th.

just got back. what can i say good football played but the final ball let us down and jon wornsop cost us the points by dropping the ball to the strikers feet( again) to give them the lead. oh and the ref an linesman were a complete joke even the one who came on the end, only joking graham.

conners man of the match though and good goal.

Bit disappointing? Are we failing to kill teams off?<br>Had plenty of the ball (when we weren’t being hacked down) but atleast we came out of it with a point and kept us 5th and still in striking distance of 3rd even.<br><br>Thouht Gateshead were a disgrace - how on earth that tackle on Frost isn’t a red card offence is beyond me. other earlier ones should also have been yellow cards. Same old Tony Lee however and you’d expect better from the officials.<br><br>Lets just hope we can get 11 fit players on the pitch on tuesday - which could be harder than you think and pick up some more prize money next weekend. alsager lost at Colwyn Bay today.

WITTON ALBION 1 GATESHEAD 1 att. 278<br><br>TEAM: Worsnop: Bowler, Pritchard, Spearritt, Brownhill; Lloyd (Gahgan 72), Brown Alex, Connors, Whalley; Moseley , Frost (Jones G. 58).<br><br><br>Entertainment Value 3 MoM Shaun Whalley (Witton) n/best Steve Connors<br><br><br>This match at the Britannia Carpets Stadium saw a 15 minute hold-up when Stoke-on-Trent referee Carl Dunn sustained a calf injury and had to be replaced by one of his assistants, Albion Secretary Graeme Edgeley taking over the flag duties. The official was the busiest man on the park in the opening 20 minutes dishing out cautions to James Curtis and Paul Talbot following crude challenges on Shaun Whalley and Rob Lloyd respectively. Really though several more of the visitors were very fortunate not to be carded as they persistently brought attacking Witton moves to an abrupt halt. Carl Frost, Alex Brown and Steve Connors being the main victims. <br><br>After Mike Bowler had seen his 3rd minute 20 yard shot go over the crossbar the first clear attempt on goal came on 23 minutes when Carl Frost?s shot went narrowly wide and following a good interchange of passes with Liam Brownhill.<br><br> The crowd had to wait then until the 42nd minute for another shot at goal but Whalley?s attempt ended just over the bar. As the first half drew to a close both goalkeepers had to be alert, firstly Simon Bishop saved with his foot from Whalley before Jon Worsnop needed to produce a brave dive as Neil Tarrant strived to get to the ball after the home keeper had parried David Southern?s initial shot.<br><br>Ten minutes after the break Gateshead took the lead, totally against the ruin of play through a bizarre goal. Worsnop had gone up to claim what really was a hopeful long ball pumped upfield, with no-one pressurising him he somehow contrived to spill it and left David Southern the simple task of tapping it into the empty net. Proceedings should have been settled soon after but Tarrant missed the gaping target after Southern?s good work on the left. The came the interruption and it was the Tynesiders who applied pressure on the resumption, Worsnop denying Salvin with his feet.<br><br>The final 25 minutes though saw Albion at last get their game together and it needed a smart bit of defending from Craig Baxter when he cleared Brian Pritchard?s downward header off the goal-line. Whalley?s burst through the defensive line drew Bishop but the, outside of his boot shot, ended in the side netting. Two minutes later Bishop produced the save of the match when he flicked substitute Griff Jones?s downward header over the crossbar.<br><br>Albion?s equaliser eventually came on 83 minutes when Whalley quickly got onto his own partially cleared corner-kick, fired the ball in to the far post for STEVE CONNORS to side volley home despite Bishop getting a hand to the ball. Gateshead tried to get back in front producing two hard driven shots that were scrambled away.<br>

Disgraceful tactics by Gateshead, as Neil alluded to before, so reminiscent of Spennymoor. Common denominator the manager. If they’d ended up with 8 players then it wouldn’t have been an injustice.<br><br>Having said all that I thought we were fortunate to get a draw, can’t really pick one player today and say they had a good game, a couple of them had shockers (no names). We have a great team of ball players, but yesterday I thought we got caught in possesion far too many times, defenders trying to play football and take extra touches when there is attackers lurking is a recipe for disaster.<br>Not like me to be negative, but it just didn’t look right out there yesterday.<br><br>Still 5th though!

Don’t like to single players out but it’s another complete howler from Jon Worsnop that almost resulted in a loss. ?For 89 minutes every week he’s a decent keeper, but you’re just expecting a mistake from him at some point - and the back four must be thinking the same thing every game.<br>Connors said in the bar that every time our players got on the ball they were just getting kicked, which made it difficult to play. ?It is a disgrace that Gateshead set out to play that way, but at this level it’s just something that we unfortunately have to accept. ?We need to learn to deal with it a bit more, because Gateshead were a poor team and these are games we need to win. ?Like Neil says, we’re just not killing teams off.<br><br>In regards to the Ref going off injured, I honestly thought at the time that it wouldn’t be a bad thing if the match had been called off, because we didn’t seem to turn up at all yesterday.

I felt for worsnop. he made 3 good saves one in the first half. and two very good ones in the second half. He’s a decent keeper and I can see he quality.hard to find keepers who come for crosses and he’s not a bad all rounder. who’d be a keeper no room for error. Think will come good. Gateshead were a disgrace and the tackle on carl frost was out of order. Think pears was missed but nice to see gagen get a run and think he should have a start on Tues.<br>rob llyod looks of the pace and still needs match fitness.<br>Still a point is better than none and gateshead are a tricky team.

Some may say Gateshead were hard and uncompromising, I would say cynical and nasty. By far the worst motivated team I have seen in a long time. The video of the game will never be sold as a tribute to the beautiful game. <br><br>

Gateshead were a disgrace, ref was a real bonus for them allowing them to kick us out of the game, from a Witton perspective, 2 things bother me 1 we need a new keeper ? weve been patient but it gets no better he drops howlers every game and has cost us numerous goals and points - there must be better out there ? and just because peers is out doesnt mean we have to abandon 4 4 2 playing 3 central midfielders causes the game to be to compact and allows the opposition to focus on marking whalley, then we lose our thrust, so in my view its a tough decision to leave out one of brown or lloyd and play Ghagan on the right until peers is fit better balance and more options in my view, get this right and a new reliable keeper and think we will get promotion :)<br><br>ps how is frosties injury ?

agree about the winger situation 100%. Think we have a good keeper and I spoke to steve conners and alex brown and both said the best they have played with. maybe try the 3 at the back again when Tony B is back fit again.Think were in a good postion for the time of year and step it up one more gear and we’ll be there at the end of the year

connors played under john kennedy ? u telling me worsnops better than him ! dont see how 3 at the back solves the keeper dropping crosses, spilling shots and charging of his line for balls he cant get ? I do see your point about being good for much of the game, but we cant afford to lose promotion while he learns to play and concentrate for 90 mins.<br><br>

I think a few people are making Jon Worsnop a scapegoat for some of our results.<br>Don’t forget, for the goal to be scored it has to have gone past the 10 outfield players before it gets to him!<br>The keeper making a couple of errors is not our biggest problem, and certainly wasn’t on Saturday.<br>At the moment our problem is scoring goals.<br>We just didn’t look like scoring that many on Sat.<br>Okay, we were being kicked to bits, but when we had the ball in and around the box, all we did was pass it across the pitch. We need to get more crosses in sooner, and to have more shots on goal.<br>Very few keepers in our league would be able to deal with a shot thats on target and is travelling with pace, especially Gateshead.<br><br>Lets stop criticising the team and get behind them!<br>This team can go places and they need the support from the fans to do it!

Well said!<br><br>Name 3 keepers in are league you’d rather have (c.j). I like the guy and think he’s a good keeper and think he’s better than JK! Remember I said that at the end of the season. 3-5-2 would def work for us. we currently have 3 strong central midfield players and the best wingers in the league. also get MM and adam Warlow togeather give them a chance stop playing around with the team at least a 5 game run. Don’t worry about the other teams let them worry about us!<br>Get behind the players and do what we are there for,support. Thats why were called supporters not criticisers/moaners. Sick of being in the stand hearing the same old things. Save are concerns and aire them on this site. <br><br>Come on the WITTON