Witton vs Radcliffe

Updates here again today - witton mad scad - I’ll be in touch!

Come on Witton!!!

I’ll be there!!! WHS

Witton team to play Radcliffe:<br>Kennedy; Brownhill, Pritch, Barras, Spearrit; Peers, Alex Brown, Connors, Gaghan; Moseley, Warlow<br>Subs: Lloyd, Ally Brown, Jones

Gud to see Kennedy back looks like a good team that, Come on Witton!!<br>

vics 1 down [smiley=banane.gif]


Come on Witton!

LATEST SCORE: ?WITTON 1 RADCLIFFE 0<br><br>Alex Brown with an Absolute Belter on 93 minutes!!<br><br>Get in!! Well Done!! Come on Witton!!!

FULL TIME: WITTON 1 RADCLIFFE 0<br><br>Good result for the lads 3 points r 3 points just wat we needed i feel lets see what the reaction is from every1 when they get in!! Well done Lads!! [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Accordin to unibond website the attendance was 354! Thats great guns if it was!

Gate wa 354, but a lot of kids there. The game was worth2/10 the goal? 9/10 possibly 10/10 !!!<br> Can you believe that such a poor game could be won with such an amazing goal? Must be in top four now.<br>WHS

We r actually top 5 sorry to hearthatit was a poor game but at least it ended up with a good result for us! Did u hand in your ?3 for the three points WHS?

No one from the fund raising team got it if he did, We will just have to wait and see if he keeps to his word [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Have finally got my internet running and am able to keep up with the results. Thanks Neil and everyone for the updates. The unibond dosn’t travet to Switzerland otherwise.<br>Great to see the lads are continuing on their winning streak.<br>Shane.

Too right a belter of a goal!<br>Thanks for not quoting my actual text madscad!<br><br>It was looking like being one of those afternoon but a proper bit of quality saw us through, I think we were good value for the win though - how many off the line anyone?<br><br>Good gate as well - yes a lot of kids but still very good - no one knocks the rentboys gates when they do it.<br><br>All eyes on Stamford - very much looking forward to it.

You know I am seriously thinking of giving up supporting Witton with morons like you lot amongst its supporters. I gave my money last week and will do so this week to GE. Unfortunately I did not see GE at the game today, which is very unusual. You lot seem intent on insulting me, so carry on and Witton will lose a supporter who has put a lot of money into the club over the last 55years, I can find other causes worthy of my support who might have decent people amongst its members. Now sod off and insult someone else.<br>WHS.

Have to say that WHS has volunteered his ?3 a point so it is a little unfair that some people have chosen to be negative about that, and make comments that are of no help to anyone. He was good enough to have a go on my sweepstake last week too, so lets lay off hey fellas?<br><br>WHS, GE is currently in Egypt, so it might be an idea to hold onto your ?3 until he returns. Len and Andy Chad are doing most of the fund raising for the playing fund, so would be even better if you could pass it to one of them. Its a good idea, so keep it up.<br><br>Now can we all pull in one direction for a week?? Big win today, on the back of an excellent win mid-week. We now have a very big game coming up next saturday. Lets have a united Witton fan-base for a week, all this negative banter reminds me of the other lot over the canal.<br><br>Todays game wasn’t the best, but it is difficult when the opposition turn up week in week out to get a draw. We need to score early in these matches to avoid the nail-biting finishes. HOWEVER, was well worth the wait today. It astounds me that our players never shoot from distance, when recently we’ve seen 2 long range crackers from Alex Brown. Was nice to finally hit a stoppage time winner, as we haven’t managed to do that so yet this season, and i think its a good confidence booster to know we can grab goals as late as the 94th minute.<br><br>Will be nice to get a weeks rest now before the trophy game on saturday. I personally can’t wait.<br><br>WHS, there’s no points on offer on Sat but surely a win is a win?? If we manage it will you still put your ?3 in?<br><br>See you all bright and breezy saturday morning :wink:

As usual thanks for taking the time to update.<br><br>Bill<br>

no problems bill it is a pleasure i will gladly do it as much as is required whilst i am at uni ;D