Woodley vs Witton

As it seems most people are going to the game on Saturday (great stuff) <br>Is anyone going to be watching on here and able to do updates - let me know and we’ll swop numbers etc,<br>

Still no takers…<br><br>Jonny, Maddiesuncle, Lutkie any of you potentially?<br><br>Anyone who hasn’t already done it, PM me, you don’t have to give your number out or anything.<br>Would be a shame of we can’t do it for this game.

I’m hoping to be there Neil I have something on in the morning that I’m hopeful will be over in good time for me to get there if not I will text you.<br><br>On the team front who do people think will be playing? I believe Hendricks could well run riot on that that pitch would suit him down to the ground.

Sorry lads, would love to help but I’ve got family committments tomorrow that I cant get out of ::slight_smile: and believe me I’ve tried :-/

I’ll be at the Weymouth - Grays tie but if anyone wouldn’t mind texting me updates I’d really appreciate it…my number is 07834367740

For once I won’t need updates, I will be behind the goal with the rest of the JIMVINCEABLE ARMY!!!<br>WHS.

well done Stu, that will keep the diehard armchair fans a lifeline.

Any idea what time the bus will get back to Town?<br>WHS.

Stu, does that mean I’m redundant for future away matches?

WHS - we should be leaving Woodley around 5.30 - no later, please guys make t easy for us and be ready to go! I’d predict around 6.15 at Wincham Park.<br><br>Derek - no way I think its been fantastic the way we’ve been doing updates recently and I want that to keep going. this was just a one off as it was such a bit game I felt we needed to get some updates going through. (judging by your instructions Stu if I manage to actually get 1 update done I’ll label it a success!)

Neil, it is very important that we keep this going yes I agree but as you said, there are probably going to be so many of us there tomorrow it was always going to be difficult.

<br><br> Woodley current league record:-<br><br> Home W8 D2 L1 GF33 GA12<br><br> Away W1 D4 L4 GF14 GA17<br><br> Looks like the synthetic pitch is a reason for their sucess

The JIMVINCEABLES will melt Woodley and their plastic pitch with their "HOT skills!!!<br>WHS.

Thanks in advance to all those who update the score. <br><br>We will wait with baited breath.<br><br>Bill

Didn’t make the game just spoken to Pencil his match report says that we weren’t playing very well until they scored and we stepped up a gear SCORED A PEN!!! and then followed that with two more great goals game was almost over so looks like the last 32 ;D

unable to make match due to health reasons, a very big thanks to STU for his updates.<br><br> FT…Woodley 1 - 3 Witton<br><br> Well done the lads

Well done Lads ;D ;D ;D ;D a very tricky tie overcome onward and upward, a great time to add a donation to boost the fund if you couldn’t make the game today (yes I already have) WAFCADDICT@AOL.COM if you haven’t yet read the donations post.

Great!<br><br>Thanks for all updates. <br><br>Fantastic.<br><br>Bill

A couple more interesting stats from today; Gateshead lost 4-0 meaning Witton are the last remaining unibond team left in the competion a fine achievement in itself and a crowd of just 503 watching the game across the canal! maybe a certain chairman will be well and truly throwing his toys out of his pram now…

It wasn’t the prettiest game I have seen, but the result was the main thing.<br>Through not fault of their own (I think I’ll blame the pitch for that) the lads just didn’t seem to click today.<br>It took the goal they scored to spark us into live and thankfully thats exactly what it did.<br>The ref didn’t have the best game, but probably got the penalty correct, and that did change the game. A great header by Pritch took us into the lead and then the icing on the cake was a great goal (and second) for Griff.<br>Last Unibond team in the trophy? and rightly so, and thankfully we have now laid a couple of our Woodley ghosts.<br>Well done lads!<br> [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]<br>