Your expectations for this season...

On Saturday we play our first game of pre-season. I’m sure we’re all very much looking forward to seeing last season’s heroes and a few new faces on the field.

It may be too early to judge accurately, but what would you like to see this season? Personally, I’d accept a mid-table finish. Rome wasn’t built in a day and as long as progress is made, I don’t see a problem with accepting mediocrity for a season or two.

Hopefully we can have decent runs in the Cup and Trophy again this year.

Looking forward to 2012/13. B)

I don’t think back-2-back promotions is out of reach…why not?? Southampton and Crawley did it so why not the mighty Albs?

Aiming for the play-offs imo is a realistic target.


If we sign a decent forward maybe push for a playoff place. If not would say mid table.



I personally feel that a top 10 finish is realistic but who knows if we get a good start momentum can take us anywhere :slight_smile:

Pritch seems to be confident if the Guardian story is anything to go by

[quote=“jonnyamery” post=44985]I personally feel that a top 10 finish is realistic but who knows if we get a good start momentum can take us anywhere :slight_smile:

Pritch seems to be confident if the Guardian story is anything to go by[/quote]

About time they got a new picture!

I expect we’ll wear red and white, pay our debts, and play within the boundaries of our home town.

Anything else is surely a bonus B)

I expect to be served with a crap pint of ale in the Clubhouse (the only thing thats lets our stadium down)

On the field I’m hoping for top 10. and 1st round of the FA Cup

Like I said, if Pritch is happy with his squad who are we to doubt him?


But true.

[quote=“Robbo_” post=44988]I expect we’ll wear red and white, pay our debts, and play within the boundaries of our home town.

Anything else is surely a bonus B)[/quote]

Well said Robbo. I’d be delighted with a top half finish but as long as we stay in it at our first attempt back i’ll be happy. If we can keep the squad together and fit we’ve seen we can be a match for anyone on our day so who knows a play off place might not work out be too unrealistic :woohoo:

I cannot believe how little faith you all seem to have in Pritch, he says he is delighted with his squad so he must feel we are in with a real shout.

[quote=“WHS” post=44997]I cannot believe how little faith you all seem to have in Pritch, he says he is delighted with his squad so he must feel we are in with a real shout.

I couldn’t have any more faith in Pritch, as we all know he is witton through and through and you wouldn’t find anyone more committed to the cause. But to be delighted with his squad can mean many things, it doesn’t necessarily mean he expects us to win it or go up! The league we are going into is a step up, we have a very young squad and there are many clubs better off in that league than us financially. I would love us to do well as much as any other wittoner but i don’t want to get my hopes up too much, that way I won’t be disappointed if we do find it difficult! I might well be wrong but Pritch seems to be building for the longer term, so what if we don’t go up again next season? I’d rather have a strong foundation long term personally.

being realistic a top ten finish would be great, given the youth of the squad. this is not putting the players down, they performed wonders last season, but they need time to develop. however, i do believe these players will take us farther if we give them time to hone their skills. so let’s just cheer them on to future glory.

I was out and about with Mr Hughes last saturday and he thinks that a top five finish is not out of the question.The average age of the squad,coupled with their ability could see us promoted to the Blue Sq North.

My glass is half empty,whilst i do not doubt and trust the ability of the squad,back to back promotions is a little too much rock-n-roll for my liking.I will be happy to tread water in mid-table,enjoying good football with average attendances of 400.

This is a realistic target that requires a handful of stay-aways to forget the monopoly money of Man City and Sky Sports weekend football.

Exactly my point albion forever, being in the Blue Square a year from now might not be a good thing for the lads. Lets test ourselves next season and see how we go, no expectations no disappointment!

You see that’s the problem with modern society everybody needs to know who is breathing in and breathing out! Oh for the days of finding out the news several days later in the newspaper, half day Wednesday’s and shops shut on a Sunday! The management team are actively searching for players to improve the squad in the short and long term. Talk of promotion is foolish at this stage, nothing wrong with the ambition,but maybe we should just take a leaf out of the teams book and just let the football do the talking.

Well for a start, win the league BY A CANTER, knock Macc out in Round 1 of the FA Cup, Crewe in round 2 (that would give me some pleasure)and lose to a scrappy controversal goal at WHL in round 3 after pushing the mighty Tottenham for 89 mins (needs goal line technology!!!) SBL

You want ME to stop talking!!! Not going to happen!! A tip if you want don’t want to read anything I write, I don’t write on Twitter or Facebook. It is all very well saying let the football do the talking, but we have no football at the moment so speculation is all we have. “ONWARDS AND UPWARDS” is a great motto, plenty of teams have done back to back promotions mainly because they had continuity and that, apart from Titch is exactly what we have. We have some great young players a committed manager and staff, a great board, brilliant unpaid workers, a great little ground so why shouldn’t we be reaching for the stars?
That said I place no pressure on the team or Pritch and I will still be at the games win or lose.

Read through all the posts can’t see any reference asking anybody to stop talking,although maybe a sponsored silence might raise some money for the club :stuck_out_tongue: it’s not speculation you have at the moment but boredom at having no football or rumours to comment on. Continuity is great at any football club at all levels and yes other clubs in the past have carried the momentum on,this team may well as well. Money has also played a great part in the continued success of promoted clubs and nobody knows how ours compares or is it competitive. Our manager does not say he is delighted with his squad but that he is more than happy with what he already has, doesn’t mean he has settled for it or that new signings will not be made. Feel free to pop down Tuesday and Thursday mornings and help the loyal band of volunteers on the ground with their list of never ending jobs as the manager is often about and will happily answer any questions, or you could just wait and see. Come on wiiiiiitttttooooonnnnn